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B A U T I S TA , B E G I L , B E LT R A N , C A S T R O , D I V I N A G R A C I A , M ATA ,

The Precursors of
• Rizal and his generations were the precursors of the
present-day mendicants
• It presents the division between the educated people
and the society
• It states the people's stand on indepency but do not
want to hurt the pride and feelings of the Americans
• The elitists were under estimating people who were not able
to attain the basic education. Since they were under control,
they were shocked that these type of people were able to
articulate what they wanted because they think that they
were only the ones who were able to speak up their demands.
• It does not necessarily mean that you are not that well
educated, you do not have a voice of your own.
• We should not underestimate those individuals who
are not privileged to get a good education because
they are still humans who are rational being.
• Ilustrados
• Hispanized sector of the population
• No different from modern-day mendicants
• (First propaganda movement)
utilized same techniques and adopted same general
attitude as the modern-day mendicants and pseudo-
and Indios
• Kataas-taasang, Kagalang-galangang Katipunan ng mga
Anak ng Bayan(KKK) or Katipunan of Bonifacio (1892)
• Revolutionary consciousness and revolutionary
• Vehemently fought against the Spanish colony

• Ilustrados (late 19th century)

• Consciousness without a movement
• Awaited the dispensation of justice and reforms
• The indio had a more legitimate claim to the
title of Filipino.
• The revolutionary masses proclaimed their
separatist goal through the Katipunan.
• Ilustrados joined the bandwagon
• The role of the ilustrados were purveyors of ideas
became real weapons to the masses.
• The role and the contribution of Rizal became like
ilustrado class, and was only necessary for a moment
in our evolution.
• We must see Rizal Historically
• Rizal has no Monopoly of patriotism
• He is not the zenith of our greatness
• Just a given social system inevitably yields to new and
higher forms of social organization
(gives way to new and higher forms of heroism).

• Every nation is always discovering or rediscovering heroes in

past or its present

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