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Chapter 4: Force

System Resultants
Prof. Mohammed Al-Odat
Lecture 8
Chapter Objectives
– To explain the Moment of Force (2D-scalar
formulation & 3D-Vector formulation)
– To explain the Principle Moment
– To explain the Moment of a Couple
– To explain the Simplification of a Force
and Couple System
– To explain the Reduction of Simple
Distributed Loading
Chapter Outline
1. Moment of a Force – Scalar Formation
2. Cross Product
3. Moment of Force – Vector Formulation
4. Principle of Moments
5. Moment of a Force about a Specified Axis
6. Moment of a Couple
7. Simplification of a Force and Couple System
8. Further Simplification of a Force and Couple
9. Reduction of a Simple Distributed Loading
4.1 Moment of a Force – Scalar Formation
• Moment of a force about a point or axis – a measure of the
tendency of the force to cause a body to rotate about the point
or axis
• Torque – tendency of rotation caused by Fx or simple moment
(Mo) z
4.1 Moment of a Force
 Moment can be defined as turning
What is Perpendicular distance
 The tendency of a force to rotate a rigid Moment? between the point
body about any defined axis is called about which the
the moment of the force about the axis moment is required
and the line of action
 It is also called a torque or twist of force
moment that tendency of a force to
rotate a body about the axis
 It is a vector, so its has both
magnitude and direction (right
 +ve CCW & -ve CW
 Unit used is N.m Force
acting on
the body
 In a 2-D case, the magnitude of
the moment Mo = F d
Application of Moment (turning effect
Day life activity-
Causes of motion
moment arm

How does wheel

size affect
Application of Moment (turning effect)
Measure the
arm(length) to
produce rotary

Measure the
forces (weight
transfer) and
moment arm

Measure the
to make sure
good swing

Measure the
forces/effort to
make sure good
Application of Moment (turning effect
Measure the
input forces
and level to
make sure
output force

Measure the
effort/ load to
make easy
Moment Factor
MOF is bigger
if the force is

MOF is bigger if
acts further from
the pivot

MOF is bigger if it
acts at 90 to the body
it acts on
Moment of a force in 2-D (Scalar
Magnitude Direction

•MO = Fd • Direction of MO is specified by

using “right hand rule”
•d is the perpendicular • direction of MO either
distance from point O to is clockwise (CW)
the line of action of the clockwise (CCW),
or depending
force on the tendency for rotation

a F

MO d= F d
direction is counter-clockwise.
MRo = ∑Fd
Moment of a force in 2-D (scalar
Moment of a force does not always cause rotation

Force F tends to Force F tends to

rotate the beam rotate the beam
clockwise about A clockwise about B
with moment with moment

MA = F dA M B = F dB

Hence support at A prevents the rotation

Example 4.1
For each case, determine the moment of the force
about point O.
Example 4.1
•This is an example of a 2-D or coplanar force system.
Determine the MOF about point O

Step 3: Assume Step 1: FBD

tendency tp rotate/ (Sketch outline
moment shape Step 2: det. The
line of action/
moment arm (d)

Step 4: use

MO = Fd = (100 N) (2 m) = 200 Nm (CW)

Solution Example 4.1
This is an example of a 2-D or coplanar force system. Determine the
MOF about point O

MO = Fd = (50 N) (0.75 m) = 37.5 Nm

(CW) Step 2: det. The

line of action/
moment arm (d)

MO = Fd = (40 N) (4 m + 2 cos 30° m) = 229 Nm (CW)

Solution Example 4.1
This is an example of a 2-D or coplanar force system. Determine the
MOF about point O Step 2: det. The
Step 3: assume line of action/
tendency to moment arm (d)
rotate/ moment

MO = Fd = (60 N) (1 sin 45° m) = 42.4 Nm (CCW)

Step 2: det. The

line of action/
moment arm (d)

MO = Fd = (7 kN) (4 m -1 m) = 21 kNm (CW)

Example 4.2
• Determine the resultant moment of the four forces
acting on the rod shown in Fig. 4–5 about point O.

Solution Example 4.2
This is an example of a 2-D or coplanar force system. Determine the
moments of the four force acting on the rod about point O

Step 3: assume
moment acts in
Step 4: use + y direction

M Ro   Fd
M Ro  (50N )(2m)  (60N )(0m)  (20N )(3sin 30 ∘
m) Step 2: det. The
line of action/
 (40N )(4m  3cos30 ∘ m) moment arm (d)
for each forces
 334 N.m
 334 N.m(CW )
Example 1-E
This is an example of a 2-D or coplanar force system. Determine the
moments of the 800 N force acting on the frame about points A,B,C
and D Step 2: det. The
line of action/
Step 1: FBD moment arm (d)
(Sketch outline

Step 3: assume
tendency to
rotate/ moment

Step 4: use

MA = Fd = (800 N) (1.5 +1 m) = 2000 Nm (CW)

Solution Example 1-E
This is an example of a 2-D or coplanar force system. Determine the
moments of the 800 N force acting on the frame about points A,B,C
and D Step 2: det. The
line of action/
Step 1: FBD moment arm (d)
(Sketch outline

Step 3: assume
tendency to
rotate/ moment

Step 4: use

MB = Fd = (800 N) (1.5 m) = 1200 Nm (CW)

Example 4.3
This is an example of a 2-D or coplanar force system. Determine the
moments of the 800 N force acting on the frame about points A,B,C and D

Moment is
zero Step 2: line of
action F passes
through C

Step 4: use

MC = Fd = (800 N) ( 0 m) = 0 Nm
Solution Example 1-E
This is an example of a 2-D or coplanar force system. Determine the
moments of the 800 N force acting on the frame about points A,B,C and D
Step 3: assume
tendency to
rotate/ moment

Step 2: det. The

line of action/
moment arm (d)

Step 4: use

MD = Fd = (800 N) (0.5 m) = 400 Nm (CCW)

Example 2-E
Determine the moments of the 100 N force acting on
the frame about point O

moment acts in
+ y direction Resolve forces
into x & y
Solution Example 2-E
Determine the moments of the 100 N force acting on the frame about point
moment acts in
+ y direction Resolve forces
into x & y

+  Fy = – 100 (3/5) N
+  Fx = 100 (4/5) N
+ MO = {– 100 (3/5)N (5 m) – (100)(4/5)N (2 m)} N·m
= – 460 N·m or 460 N·m CW
Moment of a force in 3-D (Vector
 Moments in 3-D can be calculated
using scalar (2-D) approach, but
it can be difficult (finding d when
forces in 3-D) and time
 It it easier to use vector cross
MO = r  F

r is the position vector from point O

any point on the line of action of F
Moment of a force in 3-D
(Vector Formulation)
Moment can be expressed as

By expanding the above equation using 2  2 determinants

MO = (ry Fz - rz Fy) i  (rx Fz - rz Fx ) j + (rx Fy - ry Fx ) k

Cross Product
What is
vector cross It is a
product? vector
0° ≤ θ ≤ 180°

 The cross product of two vectors A and B results in vector

CC = A  B
 The magnitude and direction of the resulting vector can be written as
C = A  B = A B sin  uC
Unit vector uC
Scalar A B sin  defines
the magnitude of vector defines the
C direction of vector C
Cross Product
Laws of Operations
1. Commutative law is not valid
 Shown by the right hand rule
 Cross product A X B yields a
vector opposite in direction to
B X A = -C
Cross Product
Laws of Operations
2. Multiplication by a Scalar
a( A X B ) = (aA) X B = A X (aB) = ( A X B )a

3. Distributive Law
 Proper order of the cross product must be
maintained since they are not commutative
Cross Product
Direction is Cartesian Vector Formulation
determine Use C = AB sinθ on pair of Cartesian
using right unit vectors
hand rule i j = k
For i X j, (i)(j)(sin90°)
= (1)(1)(1) = 1
Use the circle for the results
 Crossing CCW
yield positive
 CW yields vector crossed into itself is zero
negative results

ij= k i i = 0 j j = 0 k k = 0
i  k = -j
jk =i k  j = -i
k i= j j  i = -k
Cross Product Rules
Cross product
can be written
as a

Each component
can be determine
using 2X2
Example 4.3
• Determine the moment produced by the force F about
point O. Express the result as a Cartesian vector.

roA=12 k
Another Solution
Example 4.4
Three forces act on the rod. Determine the resultant moment
they create about the flange at O and determine the coordinate
direction angles of the moment axis
Solution example 4.4
Position vectors are directed from point
O to each force (line of action)
rA = {5j} m and
rB = {4i + 5j - 2k} m
For resultant moment about O,
→ → → →
M→Ro  (rXF )  rA XF 1  B 2 C →3

→ →r XF r → →
j → k i j
i i kXF→ k
→ →
 → 0 5 0 0 5 → 0  4 5 →2  30i  40 j 

60k N.m
j 40 
 60 40 20 0 50 0 8030
Solution example 4.4
For magnitud→e
M Ro  (30)2  (40)2  (60)2 
For unit vector defining the direction of moment axis,
→ →
→ M

Ro 30i→ 40 j 
u  78.10
→ M Ro→ →

 0.3941i  0.512 j  0.768
Solution example 4.4
For the coordinate angles of the moment axis,

cos  0.3841;  67.4∘

cos   0.5121;  
121∘ cos  0.7682; 
Example 3-E
Determine the resultant moment by forces about point O

Given: F1={100 i - 120 j + 75 k}lb

F2={-200 i +250 j + 100 k}lb

Step 4: use F = F1 + F2

MO = rOA  F

rOA ?
Solution Example 3-E
Determine the resultant moment by forces about point O
F = F1 + F2

= { (100 - 200) i + (-120 + 250) j + (75 + 100) k} lb

= {-100 i +130 j + 175 k} lb

rOA = {4 i + 5 j + 3 k} ft
Use vector cross product MO = rOA  F
i j
MO = k = [{5(175) – 3(130)} i – {4(175) –
4 130
-100 5 175
3 3(-100)} j + {4(130) – 5(-100)} k]
= {485 i – 1000 j + 1020 k} ft·lb
Example 4.4
Determine the moment of F about point A
Step 4: use
formula MO = rAC  F

rAC ?
Solution Example 4.4
Determine the moment of F about point A

F ={ (80 cos30) sin 40 i

+ (80 cos30) cos 40 j  80 sin30 k} N
={44.53 i + 53.07 j  40 k } N

rAC ={0.55 i + 0.4 j  0.2 k } m

Det. moment MO = rAC  F

by using cross
product i j k
MA = 0.55 0.4 
44.53 53.07 
40 i + 13.1 j +11.4 k } N·m
= { -5.39
Example 4-E
The pole is subjected to a 60N force that is directed from C to
B. Determine the magnitude of the moment created by this

force about the support at A

Solution example 4-E
 Either one of the two position vectors can be used for
the solution, since MA = rB x F or MA = rC x F
 Position vectors are represented as
rB = {1i + 3j + 2k} m and
rC = {3i + 4j} m
 Force F has magnitude 60N
and is directed from C to B
Solution example 4-E
→ →
F  (60N )u F
 (1 3)i→  (3  4) →j  (2→

 (60 N ) 
 (2)2 
→ (2)→

 →
  40i(1)2 20 j  
40k N
 →
→ →k
→ → i j
M→A  rB XF 
1 3 2

 40 → 20 40
 →
 [3(40)  2(20)]i  [1(40)  2(40)] j  [1(20) 

Solution example 4-E

→ → k
→ → i j
M→A  rC XF 
3 4 0

 40 → 20 40
 →
 [4(40)  0(20)]i [3(40)  0(40)] j [3(20) 

4(40)]k →
M A  160i 120 j 100kN.m
→ → → 

→ 
M A  (160)2  2
 2

(120) (100)
 224
4.2 Principle of Moment
Varignon’s Theorem states that “Moment of
a force about a point is equal to the sum of
the moments of the forces’ components
about the point”

F = F1 + F2,
MO = r X F1 + r X F2
= r X (F1 + F2)
4.2 Principle of Moment
 The guy cable exerts a force F on
the pole and creates a moment
about the base at A
MA = Fd
 If the force is replaced by Fx and Fy
at point B where the cable acts on
the pole, the sum of moment
about point A yields the same
resultant moment
 Fy create zero moment about A
MA = Fxh
 Apply principle of transmissibility
and slide the force where line of
action intersects the ground at C,
Fx create zero moment about A
MA = Fyb
Example 4.5: Determine the moment of the force about
point O.

Solution I
The moment arm d in Fig. can be found
from trigonometry.
Solution II: The x and y components of the force are indicated in Fig. 4–
18b. Considering counterclockwise moments as positive, and applying the
principle of moments, we have

Solution III: The x and y axes can be set

parallel and perpendicular to the rod’s axis as
shown in Fig. 4–18c. Here Fx produces no
moment about point O since its line of action
passes through this point. Therefore,
Example 4.6
The force F acts at the end of the angle bracket. Determine the
moment of the force about point O
SOLUTION I (Scalar Analysis)

SOLUTION II (Vector Analysis)

Using a Cartesian vector approach,
the force and position vectors,
Solution Example 4.6
Method 1: Scalar Analysis
MO = 400sin30°N(0.2m)-400cos30°N(0.4m)
= -98.6N.m
= 98.6N.m (CW)
As a Cartesian vector,
MO = {-98.6k}N.m
Solution Example 4.6
Method 2: Vector Analysis
• Express as Cartesian vector
r = {0.4i – 0.2j}N
F = {400sin30°i – 400cos30°j}N
= {200.0i – 346.4j}N
For moment,
Example 5-E
A 200 N force acts on the bracket. Determine the MOF about point A

Step 1: FBD
(Sketch outline
Step 3: assume shape)
tendency to
rotate/ moment
Step 2: det. The
line of action/
moment arm (d)
Step 4: use

MO = Fd
Solution Example 5-E
A 200 N force acts on the bracket. Determine the MOF about
point A
Method 1:
From trigonometry using triangle
BCD, CB = d = 100cos45° =
= 0.07071m
MA = Fd = 200N(0.07071m)
= 14.1N.m (CCW)
As a Cartesian vector,
MA ={14.1k}N.m
Solution Example 5-E
A 200 N force acts on the bracket. Determine the MOF
about point A
Method 2: Resolve 200N force into x and y components
 Principle of Moments
MA = ∑Fd
MA =
– (200cos45°)(0.10m)
= 14.1 N.m
4.5 Moment of a Force about a Specified Axis
• For moment of a force about a point, the moment and its
axis is always perpendicular to the plane
• Two methods are used to find the component of the moment
along a specified axis that passes through the point
1) scalar analysis 2) vector analysis
4.5 Moment of a Force about a
Specified Axis
What is Moment of a force
about a specified axis  For moment of a force
about a point, the moment
and its axis is always
perpendicular to the plane
containing the force and
the moment arm
 A scalar or vector analysis
is used to find the
component of the
• moment along a specified
axis that passes through the
4.5 Moment of a Force about a Specified Axis
Method I: Scalar Analysis
• According to the right-hand rule, My is directed
along the positive y axis
• For any axis, the moment is

• Force will not contribute a moment

if force line of action is parallel or
passes through the axis
4.5 Moment of a Force about a Specified Axis

Method II: Vector Analysis

• For magnitude of MA,
MA = MOcosθ = MO·ua
where ua = unit vector along the
specified axis
• In determinant form,
Method II: Vector Analysis
 Consider body subjected to force F
acting at point A
 To determine moment, Ma,
-For moment of F about any
arbitrary point O that lies on the aa’
MO = rXF
where r is directed from O to A
-MO acts along the moment axis
bb’, so projected MO on the aa’ axis is
 For magnitude of MA,
MA = MOcosθ = MO·ua
 where ua is a unit vector that defines
the direction of aa’ axis
MA = ua·(r X F)
Method II: Vector Analysis

Ma can also be obtained as

ua represents the unit vector along the a-axis,

r is the position vector from any point on the a-
axis to any point A on the line of action of the
force, and
F is the force vector.
Moment of a Force About Specified Axis
Scalar Vector
• MOF about any point O is • MOF about any arbitrary point O is
• MO= F dO • MO = r  F
• Now finding moment about • Now find the moment along
the a-axis using the dot
an axis using product
• Ma = Fda • Ma = ua • MO
• da is the perpendicular or • Ma = ua • (r x F) (triple product)
shortest distance from • ua Defines the direction of the
the force line of action to axis
the axis (any specified axis • r is directed from any point on
aa) the axis to any point on the line
• No moment about a of action of the force
specified axis if the force • Sign of scalar indicates the
line of action is parallel or direction of Ma (if +ve, Ma has
passes through the axis same sense as ua , if -ve, Ma act
opposite to u
Example: Consider the pipe assembly that lies in the
horizontal plane and is subjected to the vertical force
of F = 20N applied at point A.
Method 1: Scalar analysis
 For magnitude of moment,
MO = (20N)(0.5m) = 10N.m
 For direction of moment, apply right
hand rule

 Determine the component of MO about

the y axis, My since this component tend
to unscrew the pipe from the flange at O
 For magnitude of My,
My = 3/5(10N.m) = 6N.m
 For direction of My, apply right hand rule
Example : Determine the component of MO
about the y axis, My since this component tend
to unscrew the pipe from the flange at O

Method II: Vector Analysis

MO = rA X F
= (0.3i +0.4j) X (-20k)
= {-8i + 6j}N.m
Since unit vector for
this axis is ua = j,
My =
= (-8i + 6j)·j =
Application (Scalar analysis)
 The moment about the y-axis
would be
 My= Fz (dx) = F (r cos θ)
 If force can easily be broken into
components and the “dx” found
 Such calculations are not always
trivial and vector analysis may
be much easier (and less likely to
produce errors)
With the force P, a person is creating a
moment MA using this flex-handle socket
wrench. Does all of MA act to turn the
socket? How would you calculate an answer
to this question?
Sleeve A of this bracket can provide a
maximum resisting moment of 125 N·m
about the x-axis. How would you determine
the maximum magnitude of F before turning
about the x-axis occurs?
Example E-6
The force F = {-40i + 20j + 10k} N acts on the point A. Determine the moments
of this force about the x and a axes
Solution Example E-6
Method 1

→ → →
r  {3i 4 j

x 

→ 1 0
i → → → →
M x  i  (rA XF ) 0
 3 4
 80N.m
 40 20 that
Negative sign indicates 10 sense of Mx is opposite to i
Solution Example E-6
We can also compute Ma using rA as rA extends
from a point on the a axis to the force
Solution Example E-6
Method 2
 Only 10N and 20N forces contribute
moments about the x axis
 Line of action of the 40N is parallel to
this axis and thus, moment = 0
 Using right hand rule
Mx = (10N)(4m) – (20N)(6m) = -80N.m
My = (10N)(3m) – (40N)(6m) = -210N.m
Mz = (40N)(4m) – (20N)(3m) = 100N.m
Example 4.8: Determine the moment produced by the
force F which tends to rotate the rod about the AB axis.
SOLUTION: A vector analysis

Vector r is directed from any point on the AB axis to

any point on the line of action of the force. For
example, position vectors rC and rD are suitable
rD = {0.6i} m and The force is F = {-300k} N
to r
Example Prob. F4–15
A force is applied to the tool as shown. Determine the magnitude of
the moment of the 200-N force about the x axis. Solve the problem using
both a scalar and a vector analysis.

1) Use Mx = u • (r  F )
2) First, write F in Cartesian
vector form
3) Note that u = 1 i in
this case
4) The vector r is the
position vector from O to
Solution Example Prob. F4–15
rOA = {0 i + 0.3 j + 0.25 k} m
F = 200 (cos 120 i + cos 60 j
+ cos 45 k) N
= {-100 i + 100 j + 141.4 k} N
Now find Mz = u • (rOA  F )

1 0 0
Mz = 0 0.3 0.25 = 1{0.3 (141.4) – 0.25 (100) } N·m
-100 100 141.4

Mz = 17.4 N·m CCW

Problem: 4–66.
The force of F = 30 N acts on the bracket.
 = 60,  = 60,  = 45
Determine the moment of F about the a-a
A 

1) Find ua and rOA
2) Write F in Cartesian vector form
ua 
3) Use Ma = ua • (rOA  F) O
Solution Problem: 4–66

ua = j
A 
= {– 0.1 i + 0.15 k} m
F = 30 {cos 60 i + cos 60 j
+ cos 45 k} N

F = { 15 i + 15 j + 21.21 k} N ua
Solution Problem: 4–66
Now find the triple product, Ma = ua • (rOA  F)
0 1
Ma = 0.15
- 0.1 0
15 15 21.21

Ma = -1 {-0.1 (21.21) – 0.15 (15)} A 

= 4.37 N·m

ua 
Ma O
Example E-7
The rod is supported by two brackets at A and B.
Determine the moment MAB produced by
F = {-600i + 200j – 300k}N, which tends to rotate the
rod about the AB axis.
Solution Example E-7
Vector analysis chosen as moment arm from line of action of F
to the AB axis is hard to determine
• For unit vector defining direction of AB axis of the rod,

• For simplicity, choose rD

Solution Example E-7
• For force,

• In determinant form,

Negative sign indicates MAB is opposite to uB

Solution Example E-7
In Cartesian form,
4.3 Moment of a Couple
 Resultant force = 0
A couple is defined as two parallel  Tendency to rotate in specified direction
forces with the same magnitude but  Couple moment is a free vector
opposite in direction separated by a  It can be computed by any point
perpendicular distance “d.”  Choose the line action of one of the
force in the couple
 A resultant couple moment = sum of the couple
moments of the system
 The moment of a couple is defined as  MR = M1 + M2

MO = r  F (using a vector analysis)

r is any position vector from the line

of action of F (first force) to the
MO = F d (using a scalar analysis) line of action of F (second force)
4.3 Moment of a Couple
 The net external effect of a couple is that
the net force equals zero and the
magnitude of the net moment equals F *d.

 Since the moment of a couple depends

only on the distance between the forces,
the moment of a couple is a free
 It can be moved anywhere on the body
and have the same external effect on
the body.
Application (Moment of a Couple )

A torque or moment of 12 N·m is required to rotate the wheel.

Why does one of the two grips of the wheel above require less
force to rotate the wheel?
Application (Moment of a Couple )

 When you grip a

vehicle’s steering wheel
with both hands and
turn, a couple moment
is applied to the wheel

Would older vehicles without power steering

have needed larger or smaller steering wheels?
Example 4.10
Determine the resultant
couple moment of the
three couples acting on
the plate.
Example 4.12
Determine the couple moment acting on the pipe.
Segment AB is directed 30° below the x–y plane.

B(8 cos30, 8, -6sin30)

Solution I (Vector Analysis)
The moment of the two couple forces can be
found about any point. If point O is
considered, Fig. 4–32b, we have

It is easier to take moments of the couple forces about a

point lying on the line of action of one of the forces, e.g.,
point A, Fig. 4–32c. In this case the moment of the force at
A is zero, so that
Example F4–21.
Two couples act on the beam with the geometry shown. Determine the
magnitude of F so that the resultant couple moment is 1.5 kN.m clockwise

Step 1: FBD
(Sketch outline
shape) Step 2: det d

use formula:
scalar analysis

Det F?
MO = Fd
Solution Example F4–21.
Net moment =
1.5 kN.m
MO = Fd

 The net moment is equal to:

+  M = – F (0.9) + (2) (0.3)
= – 0.9 F + 0.6
– 1.5 kNm = – 0.9 F + 0.6

 Solving for force

F, F = 2.33 kN
Example F4–24.
A 450 N force couple acting on the pipe as shown. Determine the couple
moment in cartesian vector notation.

use formula:
vector analysis
1) Use M = r  F to
find the couple
FB 2) Set r = rAB and F =
3) Write in the cross
product to find
A(0,0,0.3), B(0.4,0,0.3)
Solution Example F4–24.
rAB = { 0.4 i } m
FB = {0 i + 450(4/5) j  450(3/5) k} N
= {0 i + 360 j  270 k} N
M = rAB  FB
i j k
= 0.4 0 0 N·m
0 360
= [{0(-270) – 0(360)} i – {4(-270) – 0(0)} j + {0.4(360) – 0(0)} k] N·m

M= {0 i + 108 j + 144 k} N·m

Example Problem 4–81.
Two couples act on the beam with the geometry shown and d = 4
ft. Determine the resultant couple.

First , Resolve 50 lb into


1) Resolve the forces in x and

y-directions so they can be
treated as couples.
2) Add these two couples to
find the resultant couple.

2nd , Resolve 80 lb into x y

Solution Example Problem 4–81.
• The x and y components of the upper-
left 50 lb force are:
• 50 lb (cos 30) = 43.30 lb vertically up 50
lb (sin 30) = 25 lb to the right

Do both of these components

form couples with their
matching components of the
other 50 force?

No! Only the 43.30 lb components

create a couple. Why?
Solution Example Problem 4–81.
Do both of these components Now resolve the lower 80 lb force:
create a couple with
components of the other 80 (80 lb) (3/5), acting up
(80 lb) (4/5), acting to the right

The net moment is equal to:

+ M = – (43.3 lb)(3 ft) + (64 lb)(4
= – 129.9 + 256
= 126 ft·lb CCW
Example 4–92.
If F = 80 N, determine the magnitude and coordinate
direction angles of the couple moment. The pipe
assembly lies in the x–y plane.
1) Use M = r  F to find the
couple moment.
2) Set r = rAB and F = {80
3) Write the cross product
to determine M.
Solution Example 4–92.
rAB = { (0.3 – 0.2 ) i + (0.8 – 0.3) j + (0 – 0) k }
= { 0.1 i + 0.5 j } m
F = {80 k} N
i j
M = rAB  F = k N·m
0.1 0.5 0
0 0
= {(40 – 0) i – (8 – 800) j + (0) k} N · m
= { 40 i – 8 j } N · m
4.4 Simplification of force and
couple systems
 A force has the effect of both
translating and rotating a body
 The extent of the effect depends
What is Equivalent on how and where the force is
system? applied
 It is possible to simplify a
system of forces and moments
into a single resultant and
moment acting at a specified
point O
 A system of forces and moments
is then equivalent to the single
resultant force and moment
acting at a specified point O
Equivalent System
Point O is Not on the Line of Action
 F is to be moved to point 0 without altering the external
effects on the body
 Apply equal and opposite forces at point O
 The two forces indicated by a slash across them, form a
couple that has a moment perpendicular to F
 The moment is defined by cross product
 Couple moment is free vector and can be applied to any point
P on the body
Equivalent System
Point O is on the Line of Action
 Consider body subjected to force F applied to point A
 Apply force to point O without altering external effects on body
- Apply equal but opposite forces F and –F at O
- Two forces indicated by the slash across them can be cancelled,
leaving force at point O
-An equivalent system has be maintained between each of the
diagrams, shown by the equal signs
-Force has been simply transmitted along its line of action from
point A to point O
-External effects remain unchanged after force is moved
- Internal effects depend on location of F
Moving a force on its line of action

Moving a force from A to O, when both points are on the

vectors’ line of action, does not change the external
effect. Hence, a force vector is called a sliding vector.
(But the internal effect of the force on the body does
depend on where the force is applied).
Moving a force off of its line of action

Moving a force from point A to O (as shown above) requires

creating an additional couple moment. Since this new
couple moment is a “free” vector, it can be applied at any
point P on the body.

 Determine the effect of moving a force

 Determine an equivalent force-couple system for
a system of forces and couples
What are the resultant
effects on the person’s
hand when the force is
applied in these four
different ways?

Why is understanding these differences important when

designing various load-bearing structures?

Several forces and a couple moment

are acting on this vertical section of
an I-beam.

| | ?? For the process of designing the I-

beam, it would be very helpful if
you could replace the various forces
and moment just one force and one
couple moment at point O with the
same external effect? How will
you do that?
Simplification force and couple system
 When a number of forces and couple
moments are acting on a body,
it is to understand their overall
effect on the body if they are
combined into a single force
couple moment having and
external effect. the same
 The two force and couple systems are
called equivalent systems since they
have the same external effect on the
Moving a force on its line of action

Moving a force from A to B, when both points are on the

vector’s line of action, does not change the external effect.
Hence, a force vector is called a sliding vector. (But the
internal effect of the force on the body does depend on where
the force is applied).
Moving a force on its line of action

When a force is moved, but not along its line of action, there is
a change in its external effect!
Essentially, moving a force from point A to B (as shown above)
requires creating an additional couple moment. So moving a
force means you have to “add” a new couple.
Since this new couple moment is a “free” vector, it can be
applied at any point on the body.
Simplification force and couple
 To simplify any force and couple
moment system to a resultant force
acting at point O and a resultant couple
moment, can use the following

FR = ∑F
MR = ∑MC + ∑MO

The resultant couple moment is

equivalent to the sum of all the couple
moments plus the moments about point O
of all the forces
Simplification force and couple system
WR = W1 + W2
(MR)o = W1 d1 + W2 d2

If the force system lies in the x-y plane (a 2-D case), then the
reduced equivalent system can be obtained using the
following three scalar equations.
FRx = ∑Fx
FRy = ∑Fy
MRo = ∑MC + ∑MO
Further Simplification force and
couple system

If FR and MRO are perpendicular to each other, then the system

can be further reduced to a single force, FR , by simply moving FR
from O to P.

In three special cases, concurrent, coplanar, and parallel

systems of forces, the system can always be reduced to a single
Procedure to use the following
FR = ∑F  Establish the coordinate axes with the
origin located at the point O and the axes
MR = ∑MC + ∑MO having a selected orientation
FRx = ∑Fx  Force Summation
 For coplanar force system, resolve each
FRy = ∑Fy force into x and y components
MRo = ∑MC + ∑MO  If the component is directed along the
positive x or y axis, it represent a positive
 Moment Summation  If the component is directed along the
 For moment of coplanar force negative x or y axis, it represent a negative
system about point O, use Principle of
Moment scalar
 Determine the moments of  In 3D problems, represent forces as
each Cartesian vector before force summation
components rather than of the force itself
 In 3D problems, use vector cross product
to determine moment of each force
 Position vectors extend from point O to
any point on the line of action of each
F4–32.A 2-D force system with the geometry
shown. Determine the equivalent resultant force and
couple moment acting at A and then the equivalent
single force location measured from A

1) Sum all the x and y

components of the forces to
find FRA.
2) Find and sum all the
moments resulting from
moving each force
component to A.
3) Shift FRA to a distance d such
that d = MRA/FRy
Solution F4–32.
+ FRx= 50(sin 30) + 100(3/5) FR
= 85 lb
+  FRy= 200 + 50(cos 30) – 100(4/5)
= 163.3 lb
+ = 200 (3) + 50 (cos 30) (9)
– 100 (4/5) 6 = 509.7 lb·ft CCW
FR = ( 852 + 163.32 )1/2 = 184 lb
 = = 62.5°
tan -1 ( 163.3/85)
The equivalent single force FR can be located at a distance d
measured from A.
d = MRA/FRy = 509.7 / 163.3 = 3.12 ft
The slab is subjected to three parallel forces. Determine the equivalent
resultant force and couple moment at the origin O. Also find the location (x,
y) of the single equivalent resultant force

1) Find FRO = Fi = FRzo k

2) Find MRO =  (ri  Fi) =
MRxO i + MRyO j

3) The location of the single

equivalent resultant force is
given as x = – MRyO / FRzO
and y = MRxO / FRzO
Solution F4–35.
FRO = {100 k – 500 k – 400 k} = – 800 k N
MRO = (3 i)  (100 k) + (4 i + 4 j)  (-500 k)
• + (4 j)  (-400 k)
• = {–300 j + 2000 j – 2000 i – 1600 i}
• = { – 3600 i + 1700 j }N·m

• The location of the single equivalent resultant force is

given as,
• x = – MRyo / FRzo = (–1700) / (–800) = 2.13 m
y = MRxo / FRzo = (–3600) / (–800) = 4.5 m
Problem 4–117.
A 2-D force and couple system as shown. Determine the equivalent
resultant force and couple moment acting at A.

1) Sum all the x and y components of the two forces to find FRA.
2) Find and sum all the moments resulting from moving each
force to A and add them to the 1500 Nm free moment to
find the resultant MRA .
Solution Problem 4–117.
Summing the force components:

+ Fx = 450 (cos 60) – 700 (sin 30)

= – 125 N
+  Fy = – 450 (sin 60) – 300 – 700 (cos 30)
= – 1296 N

Now find the magnitude and direction of the resultant.

FRA = (1252 + 12962)1/2 = 1302 N and
 = tan-1 (1296 /125)
= 84.5°

+ MRA = 450 (sin 60) (2) +

300 (6) + 700 (cos 30) (9) + 1500
= 9535 Nm
Problem 4–134.
Forces and couple moments are applied to the pipe.Determine the
equivalent resultant force and couple moment at point O

a) Find FRO =  Fi = F1 + F2+ F3

b) Find MRO =  MC +  ( ri  Fi )

MC are any free couple moments.
ri are the position vectors from the
point O to any point on the line of
action of Fi .
Solution Problem 4–134.
F1 = {300 k} N
F1 F2 = 200{cos45 i – sin 45 k} N
= {141.4 i – 141.4 k} N
F2 F3 = {100 j} N
MC2 r1 = {0.5 j} m, r2 = {1.1 j } m,
r3 = {1.9 j } m
Free couple moments are:
MC1 = {100 k} Nm
MC2 = 180{cos45 i – sin 45k}Nm
= {127.3 i – 127.3k}Nm
Solution Problem 4–134.
Resultant force and couple moment at point O:
FRO =  Fi = F1 + F2+ F3 MC1

= {300 k}+{141.4 i – 141.4 k} F1

+ {100 j} F3
FRO = {141 i + 100 j + 159 k} N
MRO =  MC +  ( ri  Fi )
MRO = {100 k} + {127.3 i – 127.3k}
i j k i j k i j k
+ 0 0.5 0 + 0 1.1 0 + 0 1.9 0
0 0 141.4 0 -141.4 0 100 0
MRO = {122 i – 183 k} Nm
4.5 Reduction of a simple distributed
Types of Forces (Loads)

Point loads - concentrated forces

exerted at point or location.

Distributed loads - a force applied

along a length or over an area.
The distribution can be uniform
or non-uniform.
Equivalent system
Distributed loading:
Wind, fluids, and the weight of a material supported over a body’s
surface are examples of distributed loadings.
Pressure p (force/unit area) is the intensity of these loadings.

The sandbags on the beam create a distributed load.

How can we determine a single equivalent resultant

force and its location?
4.5 Reduction of a simple distributed
What is loading
loading? In many situations, a surface area of a body is subjected
to a distributed load
 Such forces are caused by winds, fluids, or the weight
of items on the body’s surface
Distributed loadings are defined by using a loading
function w = w (x) that indicates the intensity of the
loading along the length of the member
 Intensity is measured in N/m
The external effects caused by a coplanar distributed
load acting on a body can be represented by a single
resultant force
The magnitude of the resultant force is equal to the
total area under the distributed loading diagram w = w
The location of the resultant force is given by the fact
that its line of action passes through the centroid or
geometric center of this area
Magnitude of resultant force

Consider an element of length dx.

The force magnitude dF acting on it is
given as
dF = w(x) dx

The net force on the beam is given by

+  FR = L dF = L w(x) dx = A
Here A is the area under the
loading curve w(x).
Location of the resultant force

The force dF will produce a moment of

(x)(dF) about point O.

Assuming that FR acts at , it will produce
the moment about point O as
+ MRO = ( ) (FR) = 𝑥̅ L w(x) dx
Location of the resultant force
Comparing the last two equations,
we get

You will learn more detail later, but

FR acts through a point “C,” which is
called the geometric center or
centroid of the area under the
loading curve w(x).
Example 4.21: Determine the
magnitude and location of the
equivalent resultant force acting on the

SOLUTION: Since w = w(x) is given, this problem

will be solved by integration. The differential
element has an area dA = w dx = 60x2 dx.
Example 8-E: Determine the concentrated loads
(which is a common name for the resultant of
the distributed load)

The rectangular load: find the area of rectangular

FR = 400  10 = 4,000 lb

= 10 = 5 ft location is the centroid of rectangular
Example 9-E-Determine the concentrated
loads (which is a common name for the
resultant of the distributed load)

The triangular loading: find the area of triangular

FR = 21 (600) (6) = 1,800 N and 𝑥 ̅ = 6 – (1/3) 6 = 4
Please note that the centroid of a right triangle is at a
distance one third the width of the triangle as measured
from its base
F4–38. The loading on the beam as shown.
Determine equivalent force and its location
from point A.

1) The distributed loading can be divided into two parts.

(one rectangular loading and one triangular loading).
2) Find FR and its location for each of the distributed loads.
3) Determine the overall FR of the point loadings and its
Solution F4–38.

For the triangular loading of height 150 lb/ft and width 6 ft,

= (0.5) (150) (6) = 450 lb

and its line of action is at 𝑥̅1 = (2/3)(6) = 4 ft from A

For the rectangular loading of height 150 lb/ft and width 8 ft,
= (150) (8) = 1200 lb
and its line of action is at 𝑥̅2= 6 + (1/2)(8) = 10 ft from A
Solution F4–38. 𝑥
10 ft 8.36 ft
4 ft FR1

The equivalent force and couple moment at A will be

FR = 450 + 1200 = 1650 lb
+ MRA= 4 (450) +10(1200) = 13800 lbft
Since (FR 𝑥̅) has to equal MRA : 1650 𝑥̅ =13800
Solve for 𝑥̅ to find the equivalent force’s location.
𝑥̅ = 8.36 ft from A.
F4–38. Determine the resultant force and
specify where it acts on the beam measured
from A.
F4–39. Determine the resultant force
and specify where it acts on the beam
measured from A. F
F1 2

F1 =(3/2)*6=9 kN

F2=(6/2)*6=18 kN

FR=9+18=27 kN

CW is +ev
MA=-F1*1+F2*2=-9+18*2=27 kN.m
FR*d=27*d =27
d=27/27=1 m
F4–41. Determine the resultant force and
specify where it acts on the beam
measured from A.
Solution :
Small triangle
• M = F₁ × 1.5 + F₂ × 3
• F₁ =3× 4.5 / 2 =
• M = 6.75 × 1.5 + 18 × 3
• M = 64.125kNm
• F₂ = 3 × 6 = 18kN
• Mₐ = Fr × d
• Fr = F₁ + F₂
• 64.125 = 24.75 × d
• Fr = 6.75kN + 18kN
• d = 2.59m
• Fr = 24.75kN
Problem 4–150. The loading on the beam as
shown. Determine equivalent force and couple
moment acting at point O
Replace the loading by an equivalent force and couple moment acting at
point O.

1) The distributed loading can be divided into two parts-two triangular loads
2) Find FR and its location for each of these distributed loads
3) Determine the overall FR of the point loadings and couple moment at point O
Solution Problem 4–150.
9m FR1
5m FR2

Acting 1/3 from
1/3 from the
the base
For= (0.5) (6) (7.5) = 22.5 kN
and its line of action is at 𝑥̅1 = (2/3)(7.5) = 5 m from O
For the triangular loading (left) of height 6 kN/m and width 4.5
m, = (0.5) (6) (4.5) = 13.5 kN
ght)its line of action is at 𝑥̅2 = 7.5 + (1/3)(4.5) = 9 m from O
Solution Problem 4–150.
9m FR1

5m FR2

For the combined loading of the three forces, add them.

FR = 22.5 + 13.5 + 15 = 51 kN

The couple moment at point O will be

+ MRO= 500 + 5 (22.5) +9 (13.5) + 12 (15) = 914 kNm
Example 10-E
Replace the loading by an equivalent resultant
force and specify its location on the beam,
measured from point B.
Solution Example 10-E
F1  (800)(12)  4800 lb
F2  (300)(9)  1350 lb
F3  (500)(9)  4500 lb
  FR   Fy
 FR  4800  1350  4500  10650 lb
 FR  10.7 kip 
 M R B
 MB
 10650d  4800( 4)  1350(3)  4500( 4.5)
 d  0.479 ft

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