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Key Verse:

Who is he that overcometh the

world, but he that believeth
that Jesus is the Son of God?
1 John 5:5 KJV
 There are certain things that we do as believers of the Lord
Jesus Christ.
Example: we believe that God Created this world. We Believe
Jesus is the Son of God, we practice baptism, and believe in the
forgiveness of sins by the blood of Jesus, etc..
 So as a Christian by default we come into a set of beliefs and
 Similarly the bible says as a Christian and as someone who
believes that Jesus is the Son of God, we have to do this thing
What does it mean to
overcome the world?
 In general the concept of Overcoming the World has many
 Like overcoming the Devil, Overcoming Temptations,
Overcoming Trials of this life etc…
 But today we are going to focus on one specific application of
this verse.
For all that is in the world, the lust
of the flesh, and the lust of the
eyes, and the pride of life, is not of
the Father, but is of the world.
1 John 2:16 KJV
 All that is in the world can be summarized into this three
1.Lust of the flesh
2.Lust of the eyes
3.Prife of Life
Jesus Summarized 10 Commandments to 2 Commandments

Exodus 20:2-17 Mark 12:30-31

 Jesus has this way of summarizing things for us.
 Jesus summarized the 10 commandments of Exodus 20:2-17 to
2 commandments in Mark 12:30-31
 The works of the flesh are listed in Galatians 5:19-24
 All through the bible you can see several things the bible calls
 If we note them all down we will get a very long list of things
that we need to overcome.
 Jesus Summarized the big list of sins in the world into 3 simple
 The lust of the flesh
 The lust of the eyes
 The pride of life
All that is in the world:
1.The lust of the flesh
2.The lust of the eyes
3.The pride of life
1 John 2:16 KJV

But put on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make

no provision for the flesh, to fulfill its lusts.
Romans 13:14
 Now everyone has a level of the works of the flesh in them.
 Some it will be in a greater level.
 Some it will be in a lesser level.
 But all are at different level of the things of the world.
 But we have to overcome the world that’s what the Christian
walk is all about.
And the mixt multitude
that was among them fell LU
a lusting: and the children OF
of Israel also wept again, TH
and said, Who shall give E
us flesh to eat? ES
Numbers 11:4 (KJV) H

Now the mixed multitude

who were among them
yielded to intense craving;
so the children of Israel
also wept again and said:
“Who will give us meat to
Numbers 11:4 (NKJV)
 Now a very simple example of how these three things can manifest in everyday life.
 Take the example of food.
 Some will proudly say “I cannot eat without nonveg”,
 Some will say “I cant do without a cup of tea”, Others will crave for a coke or some
cool drink.
 The food by itself is not sin, but that craving that stirs in our flesh and we yielding to
is what Jesus said “deny yourself” off.
 It may look very simple but this is the basic way we can overcome the flesh.
 Look at Number 11:4 the children of Israel had been blessed with the privilege of
eating manna the food of angels in heaven. But they yielded to the intense craving
for meat in their flesh and murmured against God.
 As a result, while the meat was still between their teeth, before it was chewed, the
anger of the LORD burned against the people, and the LORD struck them with a
severe plague. Numbers 11:33
 It may look like a small craving that looks normal, but in the end it will lead to
 Some people are addicted to the another kind of chicken, its called chicken dinner in
PUBG like games.
 As simple as it looks, its just a game you may say, but that’s how it starts, with a little
desire to play another round, and another one and another one, until one day it
becomes a very deeply desire in you that you will rebel against God and your
parents. We read in the news about children killing their family members for not
being allowed to play the game. How does this happen?
 A person fully yielded to the lust of the flesh is a perfect candidate and a perfect
vessel for Satan's use!
 But on the contrary anyone who has decided to refrain from yielding to the lust of
the flesh and make themselves holy become a purified vessel of Gold, ready for the
Masters use. 2 Timothy 2:21
(the worship of idols)

Neither be ye idolaters, as were some of

them; as it is written, The people sat down to
EAT and DRINK, and rose up to PLAY.
1 Corinthians 10:7
 You may say its just food, or a drink or a game, but the bible calls it idolatry.
 Don’t let a food or a drink or a game become your god!
 The scripture says don’t be like them in 1 Corinthians 10:7, its referring to the
Israelites who worshiped the golden calf and turned away from God, it says that
they ate, drank and rose up to play and sure enough they gone too far away form
 How is your life today? Check up your heart today! Am I feeding the lust of my flesh.
 Remember, every time you are feeding the lust of your flesh, you are walking one
step away from God.
 Repent before God and break the power of the flesh over you, in which ever form of
addiction it may be.
 The best way to easily break any kind of addiction of the flesh is to go on a 24 hour
fast without food, in spending that whole day in repentance before God seeking His
help. I have tested this method, no I dint die without eating for 24 hours, I did drink
plenty of water though, and in the end I began to hear Gods voice more clearly. So
what Jesus said is absolutely true. Man shall not live by bread alone!
Hell and destruction are never full; so the eyes
of man are never satisfied. Proverbs 27:20

No matter how much we see, we are never

satisfied…. Ecclesiastes 1:8
 This is the first and most commonest lust that is plaguing the whole world today.
 The eyes are never satisfied with seeing, it just wants to see more and more. The
technological advancement of our day had been well equipped to feed this lust of
the eyes.
 Every minute 300 hours of video are uploaded to YouTube everyAlmost 5 billion
videos are watched on YouTube every single day
 They are feeding the lust of your eyes with the trash of the world.
 In the end it will give birth to sin and take you down the path to destruction.
 Social media is good, but you can easily identify this lust of the eyes working in you
when you were watching the video for learning something, before you even finished
watching that video another link pops up to another video and you go on to watch
that, by the time you are on the 4th or 5th video you will feel, ok I have finished
watching what I wanted, you may even think of closing it. But then your eyes will
race through the videos scrolling down and suddenly some thumbnail will catch the
attention of your eyes and then you go on to watching it for another 30 minutes.
 This is how the lust of the eyes work. Don’t feed it!
The wicked, through the pride of his countenance,
will not seek after God: God is not in all his thoughts.
Psalm 10:4
The LORD shall cut off all flattering lips, and the
tongue that speaketh proud things.
Proverbs 27:20
 Pride will manifest in your thoughts, and then through your words.
 Pride will take your thoughts away form God.
 Pride can come in all ages in different forms.
 You can be proud about your looks, your talents, your things, your position etc.
 The bible says God resists the proud. 1 Peter 5:5-6,James 4:6-7
 The opposite of this is humility.
 This was the sin that satan fell into and ended up in his fate.
 We have to quit being self reliant and rely on God all the time.
 Only if we overcome this pride, will the Spirit of God be able to lead us.
 Those who overcome pride are ready to yield themselves to the spirit of God.
 Romans 8:14 says For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of
God. Only when we over come pride will we be able to live like this.
Genesis 3:6


Jesus said, I have overcome the world – John 16:33

Whoever is born of God overcomes the world – 1 John 5:4

 This is what the Christian life is all about.
 Its about dying to the world or in other words dying to the lust of the flesh, the lust
of the eyes and the pride of life.
 Just like we believe in salvation and baptism and the anointing of the Holy Spirit, and
we know how important these thing are for the Christian faith, so also we must
realize that overcoming the world is an important part of being a Christian.
 We are commanded to nail the affections of our flesh to the cross.
 And it is not an impossible task, the bible says “Whoever is born of God overcomes
the world – 1 John 5:4”
 So we are built for this!
 But the rest of the world can not over come these things, because they are of this
world. But unto us is given the inbuilt ability to overcome the world by default,
because we are born again and are not of the world any more.
How to Overcome?
Don't be controlled by your body. Kill every sinful desire lurking within you. Colossians 3:5
Put to death the deeds of the body. Romans 8:13
 The next time you are eating your favorite snack and you had a few bites and your
satisfied, but then you will sense a craving come upon you. You will get a thought,
“let me get one more piece.” That is the voice of the lust of your flesh!
 The moment you get that thought you shouldn’t yield to it, instead say to your self I
am an overcomer and walk away, this will kill that desire of your flesh, little by little
until one fine day you don’t hear that thought anymore, because now it has become
crucified to the cross.
 Same thing applies to the eyes, have a limit on how much time you spend of social
media. The moment you know your daily limit is reached just walk away, you will
easily kill the lust of your flesh.
 Same applies to pride, when prideful thoughts pop up in your mind, just do the
opposite do a humbling act, soon enough you will kill the pride in you.
 So this is the simple principle you can apply to overcome anything of the world still
in you.
Those who are dominated by the sinful nature (or flesh) think about sinful things,
but those who are controlled by the Holy Spirit think about things that please the Spirit.
 This battle between your flesh and the spirit is an ongoing one.
 There is no fruit of the spirit called “the fruit of sinlessness” or “the fruit of no lust”
but the scripture talks about the fruit of “selfcontrol” Galatians 5:22-23
 Again the scripture says “For the grace of God has appeared that offers salvation to
all people. It teaches us to say “No” to ungodliness and worldly passions, and to live
self-controlled, upright and godly lives in this present age. Titus 2:11-12 NIV
 So the Christian life is one that is lived with self control and godliness.
 Now these two nature will always be at war and always working in us until the day
of our leaving the flesh.
 But who wins the battle the flesh or the spirit is based of what you feed or what you
yield to.
Rewards of the
God gave knowledge
and understanding in
every kind of literature
and wisdom.
Daniel 1:7
An excellent spirit,
knowledge, and
understanding to
interpret dreams,
explain riddles, and
solve problems were
found in Daniel.
You have an anointing from the Holy One, ye know all things– 1 John 2:20 Daniel 5:12
 The Bible say “the righteous will be rewarded in the earth” Proverbs 11:31
 So there is a reward for overcoming that we will recieve in this life itself.
 Daniel and his friends chose to overcome the flesh. They were rewarded with
wisdom, 10 times more than all the people of the kingdom.
 They were given an excellent spirit from the Lord.
 Yes the Spirit of wisdom will rest continually on such holy vessels who have made
themselves pure from the lusts of the world.
 You will start to manifest divine wisdom.
 You will be able to hear the voice of God.
 You can then walk with God in constant fellowship and relationship with Him.
Hidden manna, a white stone, and a new name

Rev 2:17

I will make him a pillar in the temple of My God

I will give to eat from the tree of life Revelation 2:7
Rev 3:12

white garments, name in Book of Sit with Me on My Throne

not be hurt by the second power over the nations Life; confess his name before My Rev 3:21
death Rev 2:11 Rev 2:26-28 Father Rev 3:5
 There is reward for the overcomers in the afterlife also in eternity.
 There are 7 rewards mentioned that will be given to the overcomers in the book of
 I will give to eat from the tree of life Rev 2:7
 Hidden manna, a white stone, and a new name Rev 2:17
 Not be hurt by the second death Rev 2:11
 Power over the nations Rev 2:26-28
 White garments, name in Book of Life; confess his name before My Father Rev 3:5
 Sit with Me on My Throne Rev 3:21
Anybody can
wear a
cross, but
can you
carry one?

"Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and

take up their cross daily and follow me. Luke 9:23

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