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Presented by-
Ankipol hazarika
 Globalization represents the global integration of
international trade, investment, information
technology and cultures.
 Some scholars say it’s a new concept while some say it
dates back to 3rd millennium BC.
 Globalization allows developing countries to catch up to
industrialized nations through increased manufacturing,
diversification, economic expansion and improvements
in standards of living.
 China is a good example of a national economy that has
benefited immensely from globalization.

 Advancement of Technologies

 Reduction in Cross-trade Barriers

 Increase in Consumer Demand

 High Competition
 Economic- free movement of people, technology,
capital, goods and services internationally
 Political- political co-operation which exists between
different nations
 Cultural- movement of ideas, attitudes, meanings,
Values and cultural products beyond national borders
 Ecological- population growth, access to food,
worldwide reduction in bio-diversity, gap between rich
and poor, global environment degradation etc.

 Stage 1(Domestic)- focus on their domestic markets

 Stage 2(International)- the companies start to look at

international markets more seriously

 Stage 3(Multinational)- commitment of companies

towards international market increases

 Stage 4(Global)- the transnational corporations start to

 Started in early 1990s
 Globalization of the Indian Industry took place in various
sectors such as steel, pharmaceuticals, chemicals, textiles,
petroleum, cement, retail etc.
 Foreign investments into the country especially in the
sectors of Business Process Outsourcing, Pharmaceuticals,
petroleum and manufacturing industries.
 Many foreign companies have set up industries in India
and this led to increase in employment opportunities and
hence helped in reducing the level of unemployment and
poverty in the country.
 The foreign companies also brought in with them highly
advanced technology and this has facilitated to make the
Indian Industry more technologically advanced. 
 Globalization also increased competition in the Indian
market between the foreign companies and domestic
 Globalization also led to the arrival of modern
technology and with this the number of labor required
also decreased and this has resulted in many people being
removed from their jobs.
 The government of India must try to develop and
implement such economic policies with regard to
Globalization that are beneficial and less harmful.
 In 1981, seven engineers started Infosys Limited with
just $250. It is now India’s one of the biggest IT
Companies. Now it is India’s biggest IT Company and
also third largest software firm n the global market. It
has 67 offices and 69 development centers in the United
States, India, China, Australia, Japan, Middle East, and
 Total assets: Rs 38,600 crores (Rs 386 billion)
 Assets abroad: Rs 10,100 crores (Rs 101 billion)
Tata Steel
 It is among the top ten global steel companies in the
world with an annual steel capacity of 28 million tons
per annum. It now has project over 50 countries around
the world. Its acquisition of Anglo-Dutch steelmaker
Corus in 2006 with $12.9 billion was one of the biggest
acquisitions abroad by an Indian company.
 Total assets: Rs 125,800 crores (Rs 1,258 billion)
 Assets abroad: Rs 75,700 crores (Rs 757 billion)



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Globalization has transformed the world into a single
market where each and every country can sell and purchase
different goods and services. It has led to the integration of
world economies and strengthened the relationship among
different countries.
Globalization is of utmost importance for the under
developed and developing nations.
Although globalization started in India only in the early
1990s but it had a significant effect on the Indian economy
by increasing trade and foreign investments and also by
creating employment opportunities and raising the standard
of living of the people.

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