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Diagnostic & Therapeutic Tools

Diagnostic &
Therapeutic tools 
- Tools used to diagnose symptoms and
therefore illness(es) of the patient.
- Effective but can also be misleading and
lead to serious consequences
- System to simulate suggestions and
warnings based on the patient's treatment and
medical history
- Has a huge impact on the society, especially during
this pandemic situation 
- Provides help in rural areas
- Might be misleading => not really concise

•- Advantages:
• Improved accessibility
• Better Assurance
• Saves money
• Reduce hospital's intensity

•- Disadvantages:
• Unproved accuracy of devices
• Has error margins
• Data must be re-directed using a
third-party applications
Electronic Medical Records
Advantages: Disadvantages:​
• Financial opportunities • Cyber-crimes​
• Time-saving • Failed to provide timely updates​
• Improved accessibility  • Not following the procedure​
• Increased productivity
• Cost savings
• Greater medication adherence in
• Improved workflow
• Clarifications of inaccuracies
• Software design issues
• Cost disadvantages
Medical Expert System
•Advantages: • Disadvantages:
• Providing consistent solutions with • High cost 
• Difficulty in creating inference
• Overcome human limitations rules
• Easy to adapt to new conditions • May provide wrong solutions
• Have control over a missing limb
• Appearance
• Better quality of life
• More productive
• Disadvantages:
• Cost
• Complications
• Potential health issues
Technology in
• Advantages:
• Reducing pain and discomfort
• Accelerating recovery time
• Lowering blood loss and transfusions
• Minimizing infection risk
• Disadvantages:
• Cost
• Latency in movement
• Steep learning curve
• Potential errors
• Advantages:
• Avoid damage and loss of life
• Various conditions and outcomes can
be illustrated
• Critical situation can be investigated
without risk
• Disadvantages:
• Cost
• Complications in producing a
• Might be inaccurate
Rehabitation Technology
• Advantages: • Disadvantages:
• Improved efficiency • Cost
• Accessibility • Cannot replace actual experience
• Increased interactions • Requires constant interaction
• Built-in system

Individualized IT
Solutions for Disabled

• Advantages:
• Improved effectiveness
• Increased length of treatment
• Personalized devices
• Disadvantages:
• Less flexible
• Cost and time
• Usually requires a supervisor

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