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Light Emitting Diode: LED

What is an LED?
 Light-emitting
 Semiconductor
 Has polarity
 When operated in a forward
biased direction Light
Emitting Diodes are
semiconductor devices that
convert electrical energy into
light energy. -
LED: How It Works
 When current
flows across a

 Negative electrons move one

way and positive holes move
the other way
LED: How It Works
 The holes exist at
a lower energy
level than the
free electrons

 Therefore when a free

electrons falls it losses energy
LED: How It Works
 This energy is
emitted in a form
of a photon,
which causes light

 The color of the light is

determined by the fall of the
electron and hence energy
level of the photon
LED: How It Works
 Each time an electron recombines with a
positive charge, a quantum of energy is
emitted in the form of a photon of light
 The energy of the light emitted by an LED
is related to the electric charge (q)of an
electron and the voltage (V) required to
light the LED by the expression: E = qV
Inside a Light Emitting Diode
1. Transparent

Plastic Case
2. Terminal Pins
3. Diode


Kinds of LEDs
 Sensor Applications
 Mobile Applications
 Automotive Uses
 LED signals
 Illuminations
 Indicators
Colours of LEDs
Light Emitting Diodes I-V
LED Series Resistor Circuit

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