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Nature and Concept

of Management

Grade: 11
Track: ABM
Semester: 1st
Learning Competencies

At the end of the lesson the

learner will be able to;

 Explain the functions , roles and

skills of a manager.
Open – Ended

What words describe a good manager?

Manager is responsible for planning and
directing the work of a group of
individuals , monitoring their performance
and taking corrective action when
necessary for the accomplishment of
organizational goals and objectives.
Functions of a Manager

Planning , this is Organizing , the manager Staffing ,this is Directing/Leading , It Controlling , means
mapping out exactly needs to synchronize and grouping of people is a manager’s needs to continuously
how to achieve a have to make sure into different teams responsibility to guide check the results
particular goal. everything is going and allotting the employees in all against goals and take
according to the plan. different tasks to situations in order to any corrective actions
them. avoid conflicts and necessary to make sure
delay in the task. that his area’s plans
remain on track.
Role of a Manager by Henry Mintzberg

These are ones that involve people

Interpersonal (subordinates and persons outside the
Role organization) and other duties that are
ceremonial and symbolic in nature 01
Informational Involve collecting, receiving, and
Role disseminating information.

Entail making decisions or choices.
Skills of a Manager

Technical Skills - are the job-specific

knowledge and techniques needed to
proficiently perform work tasks.

Human Skills - involve the ability to

work well with other people both
individually and in a group.
Let’s Figure It Out!
A _____________ is responsible for planning and directing the work of a group of individuals,
monitoring their performance and taking corrective action when necessary for the accomplishment of
organizational goals and objectives. It has a five functions: _____________ is mapping out exactly
how to achieve a particular goal. ______________, the manger needs to synchronize and have to make
sure everything is going according to plan. ______________, is a grouping of people into different
teams and allotting task to them. ________________, is a responsibility to guide the employees in
order to avoid conflict. _____________, means needs to continuously check results and take actions
necessary to make sure that plans remain on track. A manger has three roles by ______________, this
are the Interpersonal Role, Informational Role and Decisional Role. And a manager should have this
skills: ______________ are the job-specific knowledge and techniques needed to perform tasks, and
_____________ involve the ability to work well with other people.

Technical Skills Directing/ Leading Manager Human Skills

Planning Henry Mintzberg Staffing Organizing Controlling

Nature and Concept of

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