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Wear Your Own

Key Text:
“I can do all things through
Christ who strengthens me.”
(Phil. 4: 13)
I can do all things for which
 I was born—Jer. 1: 5
 I am what I am—1 Cor. 15: 10
 I am where I am—Esther 4: 14
 I have what I have—Acts 3: 6
 I have been empowered—Phil. 4: 13
 I am being preserved—Lam. 3: 22-23
What do I need to be
able to do all things:

The critical question:
How much do I need,
or how great do I need
to be in order to do all
things ?
How much of

F. J. Crosby vs. Samson

Who could have
imagined that a
“born-blind girl”
would offer to
the world the
largest number
of the most
Paradoxically, a
“mighty man of
God” fixed his
eyes on

Judges 16
beauty and
died as a
miserable blind!
a Great life is not just
about how healthy but
how holy we are!
How much of

Solomon vs. the maid at

Naaman’s house
A poor, captive,
probably illiterate girl
remembered her being
of a chosen race and
promoted God by saving
the life of a heathen
foreigner—an fierce
enemy of her country
— 2 Kings 5; Matt. 5
wisest king of the
chosen people
disgraced God by
worshiping the
idols of the
enemies of God’s
people!1 Kings 11
Great life is not just
about how much we
b know about the world
but about God!
How much of

Pharmacist vs. Farmer

Highly respected
for providing
chemicals that
are meant to
cure diseases,
but which
sometimes bring
about diseases
a profession
providing food
that prevents
and cures
c Great life is not just
about how the world
regards us but how
useful we are!
How much of Wealth:
Simon vs. the Lad
Who could have
imagined that a
“poor lad” would
be carrying on
his head enough
food for over
5000 hungry
people? Matt. 14
a home of the
rich Simon
afforded to
invite only a
handful of
Luke 7
Great life is not just
about how much we
d have but how much of
it we surrender to God.
So, How Much
Do I Really Need
to do all things
for which I came
into this world?
Do I need to be or
have what somebody
else is or has before I
can do all things
Learn to
Wear Your
Own Coat!
A Case in Point:
1 Samuel 16-18
I can do all things for which
 I was born—Jer. 1: 5
 I am what I am—1 Cor. 15: 10
 I am where I am—Esther 4: 14
 I have what I have—Acts 3: 6
 I have been empowered—Phil. 4: 13
 I am being preserved—Lam. 3: 22-23
—What was he?
 Son of Jesse of
Bethlehem—16: 4
 The youngest son
—16: 11
—Where was he?
 In the bush,
shepherding—16: 11
—What did he have?
 Hands, a staff, stones,
bag—17: 34-37
—How had he been
 Rescuing sheep
from lions & bears
 Defending himself
against lions and
bears—17: 34-35
—Why was he being
 To kill Goliath and save
Israel—17: 36-37, 51
 To be the king—16: 13
Humanly speaking,
David needed
a)to be stronger than Goliath in
order to overpower him;
b)formal military experience,
c)the latest military armor.
for the strength, nothing could
be done for him!
The urgency of the matter
could not allow formal training!
But at least the latest military
armor was available.
 So, how did he
rejoice over,
rush for, and put
his confidence in
the latest military
So your servant slew the
lion and the bear, and so
shall the Philistine, of this
v. 36 uncircumcised, be of one of
them, for he has insulted
the armies of the living God.
And David said, Jehovah who
delivered me out of the paw of
the lion and the paw of the
v. 37bear, he will deliver me also
of the hand of this Philistine.

And Saul said to David, Go,

and the LORD be with you.
And Saul set David his
garments, and put on his
v. 38 head a helmet of brass,
and put on his armor.
And David girded Saul's
sword over his garments, and
would walk, for he had not
v. 39 yet tried. But he said to Saul,
"I can not walk with this
armor, I am not accustomed
to it. And he got rid of it.
And he took his staff in his
hand, and chose in the valley
five polished stones, and put
v. 40 them in his shepherd's bag
and in his pocket. Then, with
his sling in his hand, he
advanced against the Philistine.
Our Daily Dilemma:
The Cherished King’s
Coat vs. The Befitting
Shepherd’s Coat
David opted for his
Own Coat:
o Shepherd’s staff
o Shepherd’s
o Shepherd’s bag
o Shepherd’s sling
See the
Fearlessness of
wearing one’s own
See the Efficiency of
wearing one’s own
See the magic of
wearing one’s own
See the Results of
wearing One’s own coat
See the
n of
One’s own
“I can do all things 
through Christ who
strengthens me.” But I can do so
only by wearing
my own coat
One’s own God-given
coat is ALWAYS the
best to wear
Humanly speaking,
Moses needed a greater
army than Pharaoh’s to
deliver his people from
Egypt; but he had only a
staff —his own coat!
(Gen. 14: 15-31)
Humanly speaking,
Moses needed hundreds of
supersonic boats for his
people to cross the red sea,
but he only had a staff
—his own coat!
(Gen. 4: 2; 7: 10-12)
Humanly speaking,
Ellen White needed a lot of
academic qualification to put
together the over 100,000-
page prophetic instructions
for the Remnant Church, but
she had only basic education
—her own coat!
Humanly speaking,
Nick Fujicic, needed
hands and legs to be an
Internationally acclaimed
motivational speaker,
efficient husband, and
able father; but he has
neither—his own coat!
See, Nick
now, having
learned to
wear his own
Crying over who you
Listen, are not will prevent
you from becoming
who you were made to
2 Complainingte
over what you
do not have
will prevent
you from using
the best you
you are what
you are, by
God’s grace.
Remember, Therefore, wear
your won coat.
Have you
God about
the coat He
has given
Have you
refusing to
wear your
own won
Have you
else’s ‘coat’?
Have you
been feeling
unworthy of
the coat God
is offering
Say today:

I will wear my
God-given coat
Wear Your
Own Coat
Your own God-given
coat is ALWAYS the
best to wear

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