ANSWER - 50416 - 24 - PRJ - Implement and Monitor WHS Standards 1

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Diploma of Hospitality

Implement and monitor work
health and safety standards
Module 12
Assessment Task 2 of 2
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Assessment Task 2


Project assessments are the major activities designed to assess your skills, knowledge and performance, as
required to show competency in this unit. These activities should be completed after finishing the Learning
Module. You should complete these as stated below and as instructed by your trainer/assessor.

Skills, knowledge and performance may be termed as:

• Skills – skill requirements, required skills, essential skills, foundation skills

• Knowledge – knowledge requirements, required knowledge, essential knowledge, knowledge evidence
• Performance – evidence requirements, critical aspects of assessment, performance evidence.
Assessment Task 2


Section A: Skills Activity Section B: Knowledge Activity
The Skills Activity is designed to be a series of The Knowledge Activity is designed for you to
demonstrative tasks that should be assessed complete a series of written questions to
by observation (by the trainer/assessor). confirm your competency for all of the
required knowledge in the unit of competency.
It will demonstrate all of the skills required for
this unit of competency – your trainer/assessor
will provide further instructions to you, if
Assessment Task 2


Section C: Performance Activity
The Performance Activity is designed to be a practical activity performed either in the workplace or a simulated
environment. You should demonstrate the required practical tasks for the unit of competency and be observed by
the trainer/assessor and/or third party, as applicable to the situation. If the third party is required to observe you,
you will need to make the required arrangements with them.

If necessary for the activities, you should attach completed written answers, portfolios or any evidence of
competency to this assessment.
Skills Activity

Objective: To provide an opportunity for you to show you have the required skills for this unit.

This activity will enable you to demonstrate the following skills:

• Reading
o interpret unfamiliar and complex materials describing regulatory requirements for WHS management
and organisational policies and procedures
• Writing
o write high level reports about the effectiveness of WHS management practices, making
recommendations for change and complete accurate records for regulatory compliance
• Oral communication
o discipline non-compliant personnel
o conduct sometimes complex WHS consultation activities
o explain all WHS procedures and information on safe work practices
• Problem solving
o incorporate the views of other people consulted in the workplace
o analyse WHS system deficiencies and recommend required change
• Teamwork
o monitor staff members’ daily compliance with WHS management practices and counsel on non-
Skills Activity

Using the following case study, answer the activity in as much detail as possible, considering your
organisational requirements or your chosen organisation or training environment’s requirements.

• You are to perform the tasks and answer all the questions.
• Read each task and question carefully. Ensure you have provided all required information.
• Should you require ‘reasonable adjustment’ to complete this assessment, discuss the options with your
trainer/assessor prior to attempting the task. Reasonable adjustment means modifications or changes that
give you the same opportunities in training as a person without a disability.
• To be deemed satisfactory in this task you must complete each task correctly.
Skills Activity
Case Study

Four Aces is a family-owned restaurant which has operated for over 10 years. Recently, its main dining area
underwent renovations, aimed at updating its look to attract new customers. Aside from the walls and the
lighting, the restaurant’s flooring was also changed to fit the new look.

A few weeks after it re-opened, an accident happened.

During lunch hour, a customer slipped on a wet part of the floor at the main aisle of the dining area. During the
initial investigation, it appeared that another customer accidentally spilled water on the floor. While it had been
attended to earlier, the flooring seemed to not have dried properly, and the signage was not in sight to warn
other customers.

Upon further review, it appeared that there was initial feedback from housekeeping regarding the new
flooring’s slipperiness. According to them, using their previous cleaning methods, the current flooring did not
seem to dry as fast as the previous flooring did.
SECTION A - Skills Activity

1. For the given situation, identify and analyse three WHS management practices and make recommendations for
• Hazard report practices
• Incident report practices
• Risk assessment practices
• Procedures for carrying out different types of work
• Procedures for carrying out workplace inspections
• Emergency evacuation report practices
• Health monitoring report practices
• Equipment maintenance report practices
• WHS induction and training practices
• Practices for completing safety data sheets
• Practices for handling chemicals.
The report should be between two and three pages long. It should include three points of information about
current WHS management practices, and three recommendations for the future

Once you have completed the task, upload the file for the trainer to assess.
SECTION A - Skills
• Hazard report practices

The restaurant is well equiped with first aid resources 

• Incident report practices

The restaurante's file contain everything that is necessarie for a good report.

Risk assessment practices

• WHS induction and training practices

SECTION A - Skills Activity

2. Using your recommendations, create a training plan for employees which will address the WHS changes you wish
to introduce. In your presentation, identify the following:
• Objectives of the Training
• Target participants
• Who will conduct the training
• How training will be conducted
• How will you monitor and review the effectiveness of the training
• Identify specific needs of the workforce (i.e. language, literacy), and methods which can be used to address
these needs
SECTION A - Skills Activity

3. Organise a half hour one-to-one meeting with another “employee” and record the discussion. Specifically, you

• Discuss the reasons for the employee’s failure to comply with WHS practices
• Remind the employee of the importance of adhering to WHS practices
• Remind the employee of the WHS practices they need to follow
• Discipline the employee appropriately (remember, these actions should be corrective rather than
• Develop a compliance plan with the employee.

Throughout the discussion, make sure that you maintain a professional and helpful tone that is firm as well as fair.
Your primary goal should be to encourage the employee to act correctly and adhere to all WHS practices, rather
than embarrass or belittle them.

Once you have completed the task, upload the video for the trainer to assess.
Knowledge Activity

Objective: To provide you with an opportunity to show you have the required knowledge for this unit.
The answers to the following questions will enable you to demonstrate your knowledge of:

 Primary components of relevant state or territory OHS or WHS legislation:

o actions that must be taken for legal compliance
o employer responsibilities to provide a safe workplace
o requirement to consult, and acceptable consultation mechanisms
o requirements for the use of WHS representatives and committees, and their roles and responsibilities
o requirements for hazard identification, risk assessment, risk control and acceptable mechanisms
o requirements for record keeping and acceptable record keeping mechanisms
o requirement to provide information and training
o employee responsibilities to ensure safety of self, other workers and other people in the workplace
o employee responsibility to participate in WHS practices
o ramifications of failure to observe OHS or WHS legislation and organisational policies and procedures
Knowledge Activity
 Specific organisation:
o full content of WHS policies and procedures; and consultation, hazard identification, risk assessment and reporting
o methods used for WHS consultation, hazard identification and risk assessment
o options for the provision of training:
• coaching or mentoring in safe work practices
• formal training programs in safe work practices
o hazard identification, risk assessment and control
o WHS policy and procedure induction
o WHS representative or committee
o provision of information, fact sheets and signage to ensure safe work practices
 WHS information:
o consultative arrangements for WHS
o employee roles and responsibilities in WHS management practices
o legal obligations and ramifications of failure to comply
o location of first aid kit and emergency evacuation plan
o WHS training information and updates
o policies:
• overall approach of organisation to WHS
• participation of personnel in WHS management practices
• responsibilities of employees to ensure safety
o procedures
o specific risk control measures relevant to the workplace
o specific regulations and codes of practice
o use of:
• hazard identification reporting documents
• risk assessment template documents
Knowledge Activity
 Consultative processes:
o a diary, whiteboard or suggestion box used by staff to report issues of concern
o fact sheets to fully inform personnel about WHS rights and responsibilities
o formal WHS representatives and committees
o formal meetings with agendas, minutes and action plans
o informal meetings with notes
o WHS discussions with employees during the course of each business day
o recording issues in a management diary
o regular staff meetings that involve WHS discussions
o seeking staff suggestions for content of WHS policies and procedures
o special staff meetings or workshops to specifically address WHS issues
o staff handbook containing WHS information
o surveys or questionnaires that invite staff feedback on WHS issues
 Time requirements for hazard identification:
o when changes to the workplace are implemented:
• before the premises are used for the first time
• before and during the installation or alteration of any plant
• before changes to work practices are introduced
o when any new information relating to health and safety risks becomes available
Knowledge Activity

 Required WHS records and reports:
o consultation
o hazard identification
o incident and accident notifications to WHS regulatory authorities
o incident or accident, near miss reports and related statistics
o monitoring reports and recommendations for change:
• agendas for and minutes of meetings
• committee members
• consultation decisions and follow-up actions
• consultation processes
• diaries of meetings
• WHS information provided to personnel
• risk controls
• safe work practices
o risk assessments
o risk control actions
o training action plans
o training undertaken.

Answer each question in as much detail as possible, considering your organisational requirements for each
SECTION B - Knowledge Activity
1. List seven primary components of state or territory WHS legislation.

•actions that must be taken for legal compliance

•employer responsibilities to provide a safe workplace
•requirement to consult, and acceptable consultation mechanisms
•requirements for the use of WHS representatives and committees, and their roles and responsibilities
•requirements for hazard identification, risk assessment, risk control and acceptable mechanisms
•requirements for record keeping and acceptable record keeping mechanisms
•requirement to provide information and training
SECTION B - Knowledge Activity
2. Identify and read your organisation’s work health and safety policies and procedures.
Write a two-three page report detailing:
• Three methods used for work health and safety consultation
• Three methods used for identifying hazards
• Three methods used for conducting risk assessments.
Your report should be clear, informative and free from spelling and grammar errors.
Safety Consultation:
Consultation means giving employees the chance to shape health and safety decisions and actions taken by their employer. Telling people
about them afterwards isn’t consultation. 
Give employees, and HSRs where you have them, the opportunity to express their views about health and safety matters. Encourage them
to ask questions, raise concerns, propose options and make recommendations. They should be part of the problem-solving process.
Face-to-face meetings are often best, but they are not always possible. You may need a teleconference – for example, if the OHS Manager
is in Melbourne and the manager and members of an affected designated work group (DWG) are at a regional site.
Staff survey to colect their opnion about workplace safety issues. 

Assessing the work environment for health and safety hazards is important to prevent injuries and illnesses from happening. While there
are various methods to identify hazards in the workplace, the following three will help you begin the process of creating an effective IIPP:
•Conduct regular worksite inspections. Walk through the worksite and visually assess the types of equipment, work practices, and any
potential hazards that could be harmful to workers.
•Interview workers and managers. This allows workers to express concerns that may not be as obvious when conducting only worksite
inspections. Involving workers in the process of identifying hazards also increases staff morale and compliance with safety practices.
•Create a hazard map. Draw a large outline of the worksite(s) and mark existing and potential hazards. Involve workers in this activity to
solicit feedback and to increase awareness of the importance of safety in the workplace.
SECTION B - Knowledge Activity

Conducting risk assessments:

• Use a checklist of known threats and hazards to identify  your threats and hazards. The value of this type of analysis
depends upon the quality of the checklist and the experience of the user.

• Use a hazard and operability study (HAZOP) to identify your threats and hazards. If you need to do a thorough analysis,
this method is for you. However, it requires strong leadership and is costly and time consuming. It also assumes that you have a very
knowledgeable interdisciplinary team available toyou, one with detailed knowledge about the areas, operations, and processes that may
be exposed to hazardous events and conditions.

• Interview staff in all the operational sections areas to identify and analyse potential risks.

SECTION B - Knowledge Activity
3. Identify and read your organisation’s work health and safety policies and procedures. 
Write a two-three page report detailing:
• The location of the first aid kid
• The emergency evacuation plan
• Three responsibilities every employee has when it comes to ensuring safety.
Your report should be clear, informative and free from spelling and grammar errors.

Mr Pp`s
Location First Aid Kit:

Located on the wall at  the dishewasher area, on top of the sink . 

The emergency evacuation plan:

At the same place as the First Aid Kit is the emergency evacuation plan sheet showing us where to go in case of evacuation and where
should we meet but there`s no more than that so I came up with an step by step plan: 
Step 1 - 
• Form the team
• Establish authority
• Issue a mission statement
Step 2 -
• Review internal plans and policies. 
• Meet with outside groups. (Follow instructions on the evacuation sheet)
• Identify codes and regulations.
Step 3 - 
• Outline plan components. (Who should be priority and how not to cause panic)
• Identify challenges and prioritize activities.

Three responsibilities every employee has when it comes to ensuring safety

SECTION B - Knowledge Activity
4. List five consultative processes you could use to discuss work health and safety issues in the workplace.

•Focus groups - These allow detailed exploration of issues, usually with five to ten
•Individual interviews - These can be conducted between two or more people;
interviews can be focused around specific questions.
•Brainstorming sessions -They are used to generate new ideas and solutions.
Useful ones can be explored further, while others can be discarded.
•Meetings - They could be formal or informal and are likely to be conducted in the
•Surveys (offline or online) - These can be customised to focus on specific issues
relating to the operational plans.
SECTION B - Knowledge Activity
5. Identify and read your organisation’s work health and safety policies and procedures. 
Write a two page report detailing your organisation’s time requirements for hazard inspection when changes to the
workplace are implemented:
• Before the premises are used for the first time
• Before and during the installation or alteration of any plant
• Before changes to work practices are introduced
• When any new information relating to health and safety risks becomes available.
If this information is unavailable, you should speak to your manager/supervisor and solicit their ideas and
recommendations. Then write your report accordingly.
Your report should be clear, informative and free from spelling and grammar errors.

1. Before the premises are used for the first time:   

    We have to check all the commun areas such as:
• Front of the house
• Walls 
• Floors
• Power points
• Setting tables
• Cooking equipaments 
• Ventilations system
• Fire Safety systems and equipaments
SECTION B - Knowledge Activity

2.    Before and during the installation or alteration of any plant:

• Check if the renovations workerd
• Alteration of the layout is not over crowded
• If equipment cables are in good condition

3. Before changes to work practices are introduced:

• Physical work environment 

• Equipment, materials and substances used 
• Work tasks and how they are performed 
• Work design and management

4. When any new information relating to health and safety risks becomes available:

• Check if there are suficient PPE for staff

• Make the place Covid free doing the basic, such as cleaning and sanitaing  tables and cutlery after every seeting
• Check on the staff health situation beforer they work
• Provide QR code and ask people to sign in.

SECTION B - Knowledge Activity
6. Explain why it is important to maintain work health and safety records and list five different types of WHS records
you may complete.

Record keeping is not just ‘paperwork’, but has many purposes and benefits, including:

•demonstrating (to your workers, the regulator, investors, shareholders, customers and so on) that
you’re effectively managing work health and safety and complying with the laws
•demonstrating how you made your decisions about safety issues
•providing a starting point for future decision making or risk assessments
•helping you target training for your workers, managers and supervisors for the key hazards in your
•helping you review risks following any changes to legislation or your business activities.
WHS records you may complete:

•Organisational code of conduct.

•Training and induction records.
•Register of Injuries.
•Workplace health and safety committee meeting minutes.
•Equipment records including inspections, maintenance and repair
Performance Activity

Objective: To provide you with an opportunity to demonstrate the required performance elements for this
This activity will enable you to demonstrate the following performance evidence:
 Implement and monitor adherence to workplace health and safety procedures in three of the
following real or simulated situations:
o evacuation of staff and customers
o security management of cash, documents, equipment, keys or people
o handling chemicals and hazardous substances
o hazard identification and reporting
o incident and accident reporting
o risk assessment and reporting
 Coordinate consultative processes for managing the above workplace health, safety and security
 Coordinate risk assessments, WHS training, and the maintenance of records relating to above
 Monitor the effectiveness of the WHS system and identify:
o required adjustments
o staff training needs
 Demonstrate management practices that must be implemented for compliance with state or territory
occupational health and safety (OHS) or WHS legislation during above situations.
Performance Activity

Answer the activity in as much detail as possible, considering your organisational requirements.

Over the course of six weeks, implement and monitor adherence to workplace health and safety procedures in
three of the following real or simulated situations.

 Evacuation of staff and customers

 Security management of cash, documents, equipment, keys or people
 Handling chemicals and hazardous substances
 Hazard identification and reporting
 Incident and accident reporting
 Risk assessment and reporting.
Performance Activity

For each situation, be sure to provide staff with all work health and safety information they need.

During the task, make a record of things that went well and things that could be improved. Then, coordinate a
consultative process (e.g. a formal meeting with agendas, minutes and action plans) during which you and your
colleagues can discuss the issues that have arisen. You should also take this opportunity to provide staff
members with feedback on their performance.

Write a three-four page report outlining the conclusions you have come to and three recommendations on how
to improve WHS management in the future through training in line with state or territory WHS legislation.

Submit your report using this format: 50416_24_PRJ_Activity_2C_YourLastName.

Upload your document for your trainer to assess.
Trainers will provide you with overall feedback on your assessment. The table below is final comments
or further instructions, where required.

Attempts Date Comment Name of Trainer

1st Attempt DD/MM/YYYY

2nd Attempt

3rd Attempt

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