The Human Brain

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The Human Brain

Brain nuclei is cluster of neuron in the central nervous system located deep within
the cerebral hemispheres and brain stem


Consists of two parts:

The superior portion of the diencephalon Processes sensory information according to
importance ;Major relay station for sensory impulses to the cerebrum

The inferior portion of the diencephalon Makes hormones which maintains the homeostasis of
the body, It maintains homeostasis by controlling the autonomic nervous reflexes, glucose and
hormone levels. It is also the main visceral (organ) control center, so it controls body
.temperature, hunger and thirst, and blood pressure by using hormones
Functionally, the hypothalamus is part of the limbic system (which is involved in memories
and emotions), so that’s why a painful memory can increase blood pressure, and a good
.memory can lower blood pressure

Mammillary Bodies :A pair of small round bodies at the anterior end of the fornix;They relay
information (recognition memory) from the hippocampus. They also add the element of smell
to memories. Damage to the mammillary bodies due to thiamine deficiency (vit B1) or alcohol
causes Wernicke-Korsakoff syndrome (anterograde amnesia)
The Substantia nigra located in the midbrain its a pigmented area
involved in addictions and in initiating body movement.
The substantia nigra secretes the neurotransmitter dopamine.
When the neurons in the substantia nigra become damaged, dopamine
levels decrease, causing Parkinson's Disease.

The pineal gland secretes melatonin Melatonin is a hormone found in

animals, plants, and microbes In animals, circulating levels of melatonin
vary in a daily or seasonal cycles, thereby allowing the circadian
rhythms of several biological functions Another timekeeping function
of melatonin is its role in orchestrating seasonal changes. For example,
it plays a major part in signaling the body of animals to hibernate,.The
amount of melatonin secreted and circulating in the blood then
determines the circadian rhythm, or the 24-hour biological clock
(cycles influenced by light).
Therefore, the pineal body detects the number of hours of light and dark,
and sets the body’s 24-hour clock.
Pineal body
Amygdala- mediates and controls major affective
mood states such as friendship , love, affection, fear,
rage and aggression

Hippocampus- Memory, particularly the ability to

turn short term memory into long term memory.
Alzheimer's disease


The Limbic System

Is complex set of structures that lies on both sides of the

thalamus just under the cerebrum ,its include the
hypothalamus,the hippocampus,the amygdala and near by
structures.its responsible for our emotional life,motivation
,learning,sexual arousal and formation of memories

The reticular formation is a group of cells scattered throughout

the brainstem.
They play a role in rousing and maintaining consciousness
Thank u

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