Invitation PP

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Hello students! Today I am going to take up the topic

INVITATIONS which is one of the topics included in the
Writing Section for 4 marks. This is the only new topic
that is included for Std XII. The other topics have
already been completed in Std XI.

What is an invitation?
⚫Invitation is a part of social etiquette.
Invitations are sent to near and dear ones
on the occasion of marriage, birthdays,
public functions etc. These can be drafted
in the form of letters and can be printed
on cards. Invitations are of two types –
formal and informal. A complete
invitation answers five ‘W’s --- who,
whom, what, when and where.

Types of invitations
Invitations (Formal)
a) Printed cards meant for a lot of invitees (one to many)
◦ Name of the host / hostess/ school/ organization / company etc.
◦ Event
◦ Name(s) of invitees
◦ Programme (Day, Date, Time etc.)
◦ Presentation (Details of Programme) (optional)
◦ R.S.V.P (répondez, s'il vous plait) which means ‘reply if you
please’ (with best compliments for wedding invitation)
b) Meant for an individual (one to one)
◦ Name of the invitee
◦ Written in run-on lines
◦ May be handwritten, typed or printed

Formal Invitation

  Who is inviting whom?

(3rd Person) (2nd Person)
For What?
When (Day, Date, Time)
Where (Complete Address)

(mention dress code for very formal functions like convocations , seminars etc.)
 R.S.V.P. (for wedding invitation: with best compliments)
(répondez, s'il vous plait)
(reply please” or "please respond)
Phone number / Address / e-mail id


Sample formal invitation: Your school is organizing the
annual day in September . Draft an invitation in about 50
words giving all essential details.

The Management, Staff and Students

Bloomday Public School , New Delhi
cordially invite you to attend the
On 7th September, 2020
the National Auditorium
Sh. Pramod Kumar
Secretary, Higher Education, Ministry of HRD, Govt. of India
has kindly consented to be the chief guest

Program overleaf

Formal Invitation: You are Dharma Raj , son of Ramesh Patnaik, Bangalore.
Your father wants to draft a formal invitation to be sent on the occasion of your
sister Sheela’s marriage. Prepare the invitation. Invent necessary details.

Mrs and Mr Patnaik

cordially invite you
attend the wedding of their daughter
on Monday, 24th August,2020
Shivaji Park,Banerghatta,Bangalore

With best compliments

friends& relatives

Formal Invitation : letter format------Your school is organising a debate competition for
over 10 schools on 30th July, 2020. The topic is Women Empowerment. You wish to invite
Mrs Sita, educationist and a noted activist in this field. Draft an invitation in about 50
words inviting her to judge. You are Deepti, Secretary, Cultural Club, R K Public School,
Deepti Sinha
Cultural Club
R K Public School
Mrs Sita
Educationist and Activist
17th June, 2020
Dear Madam,
Sub: Invitation to judge debate competition
Our school is organising a debate competition on the topic ‘Women Empowerment’ on 30 th July
,2020 at 10am in our school auditorium. Over 10 schools will be participating in the event.
I would like to invite you as the judge for the competition.I would be glad if you
could come. Please let us know if you will be able to attend.
Yours Sincerely

Invitations (Informal)

The style is informal, It is in the format of a

It includes address, date, salutation, content
(what, where, when) and complimentary

Informal Invitation : sample: Write an invitation in not more than 50
words to your friend Rama to attend your brother’s birthday party. You
are Madhu, Malaviya Nagar, Kanpur. Invent details.

Malviya Nagar,
May 16, 2020
Dear Rama
I am pleased to invite you to attend the birthday party of my brother Sarvesh
on 20th May,2020 at 6pm at Ritz hotel. Do let me know if you can attend.
Yours sincerely

( if the function is held at the person’s residence write ‘at my residence or at

the above mentioned address)

Replies to Invitations
A reply to an invitation is as much formal as the
invitation itself. It is essential to let the host know
whether or not you are attending the function to help the
host to make necessary arrangements.
Points to Remember
Acknowledge the invitation
Express thanks
Specify acceptance or refusal
Specify reason
Express best wishes

Invitation Reply (Formal) a very formal reply like reply to wedding invite,
official functions etc.

Mr. XYZ thanks Mr. ABC for his kind invitation to

attend (what / when / where).He will be pleased to attend
the same.
He regrets his inability to attend the same due to a
prior commitment. (He offers his best wishes
on the occasion.)

Formal Reply: You are Dr. Amit Gupta., an eminent educationist.You have been
invited to preside over an Inter Zonal Speech Competition by Ms Nalini,President
of English Literary Club of Government Model Sr. Sec. School, Sector-
20,Chandigarh. Write a reply accepting the invitation.

Dr. Amit Gupta
Ms Nalini
English Literary Club
Govt. Model Sr. Sec. School,
Sector 20,Chandigarh
August 7,2020
Dear Madam,
Sub: acceptance of invitation
I thank you for inviting me to preside over the Inter Zonal Speech Competition organised
by your club on 20th August, 2020 at 9 am in your school auditorium.
I shall be pleased to attend the same.
Yours Sincerely
Amit Gupta

Formal Reply: You are Dr. Amit Gupta., an eminent educationist.You have been invited to
preside over an Inter Zonal Speech Competition by Ms Nalini,President of English
Literary Club of Government Model Sr. Sec. School, Sector-20,Chandigarh. Write a reply
declining the invitation.
Dr. Amit Gupta
Ms Nalini
English Literary Club
Govt. Model Sr. Sec. School,
Sector 20,Chandigarh
August 7,2020
Dear Madam,
Sub: inability to attend the Competition
I thank you for inviting me to preside over the Inter Zonal Speech Competition organised by
your club on 20th August , 2020 at 9 am in your school auditorium.
However I regret to inform you that I will not be able to attend the event due to a prior
commitment. I convey my best wishes for the smooth conduct of the event.
Yours Sincerely
Amit Gupta

Informal Invitation ( Reply) Acceptance and Refusal/ non acceptance

Format same as informal invitation like place, date, salutation

Content ----
 Thank you for inviting me to attend (what /when /where). I will be pleased to
attend the same. (acceptance)
However, I will not be able to attend due to a prior commitment. Do accept
my best wishes on the occasion.( non acceptance )
Yours Sincerely,

Though the topic ‘Invitations’ has been comprehensively explained in

these slides , I will also send an audio explanation to make you

understand better. Make sure that all these are neatly copied in your

notebook in the same order. Thank You!


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