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Omary Salehe MD,MMED (UDSM)

Why is consent important?

1. All persons have the right to preserve their

body integrity, if consent is not obtained a
doctor could be sued for battery or assault
or be seen as medically negligent

2. Promotes good patient relationship,

Increases trust in the medical patient
 In order for the patient to provide valid
consent they must be fully informed on:
1. Nature of treatment, investigation being
2. Why it is needed
3. How the procedure will be performed
4. Risks and benefit of procedure/treatment
5. Alternative treatment available
6. Likely Success of the treatment/procedure
 Factors that determine a patient capacity
for consent are
1. Understand relevant information provided
2. Retain the information
3. Weigh up Pro and Cons to make an
informed decision
4. Communicate their decision to the doctor
VIA any means (writing,talking,signing)
 For a consent to be valid the following
criteria must be reached
1. Patient must be fully informed of the
benefits or risks
2. Patient must be competent to provide
3. Consent must be provided voluntarily not
by doctors coercive
 Consent from a patient can be provided
either on
1. Written consent; Most legally substantiated
2. Oral consent; This is a less legally
substantiable (Ensure verbal is documented
in notes)
3. Implied consent; This is least legally
substantiated(Best avoided when possible)
Refusal of a Consent

 Law permits competent adults the right to

refuse life saving treatment, even when a
Doctor determines this not to be in the patients’
interests. Patient views should be respected
 Patients even after providing consent have the
right to withdraw it at anytime e.g patient can
withdraw consent seconds before anaesthetised
Special circumstances of consent

 Doctors can provide treatment without

patient consent in emergency situation with
an incompetent adult
 In patients who are mentally ill
 Children less than 16yrs
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