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Following the Giving

Here are some steps you need to observed to better
comprehend and follow instructions:

Take Down Notes

-Do not always rely on memory because
you might miss a crucial step or detail in
the process. Take down notes with a pen
and paper or with your handheld device.
This way, you can review them later when
you perform the procedure on your own.
Keep your eyes open for
gestures/demonstrations/visual aids.
- If the instructions are given visually and
verbally, make sure that you watch carefully
what is being done and what is(are) being used.
Take note of details such as positions,
dimensions, perspectives/ directions, and if
necessary, color, size, and shape, among other
things. If allowed, you might want to consider
taking pictures with your camera phone.
Clarify instructions
-Ask questions or
request that the instructions
be repeated if you think you
have missed anything.
Here are some pointers to remember when giving

Make sure that the instructions you give are complete.

- Incomplete instructions waste time and energy, so be
sure that you include all the necessary steps and tools.
Write down your instructions so you will not miss
anything crucial.
Practice your delivery
Make sure that you deliver your instructions
at just the right pace. Speak loudly and
clearly. Emphasize any important details in
your instructions
Use words that your audience will easily
Keep your instructions clear and simple.
Clarify technical terms or jargons especially
if the audience is not familiar with those
Use visual aids
Enhance your instructions with appropriate
gestures and visual aids such as charts,
graphs, and photographs. These will help
the audience understand the instructions
Writing a Personal Essay
Personal Essay
- is a kind of creative
nonfiction writing on a
personal experience of the
writer. It can also be an
opinion of the writer about a
topic or issue.
- such as a famous quotation, a
thought-provoking question, or an
interesting anecdote, used to pique
the readers’ interest and motivate
them to read further. Make sure
that your hook will allow you to
have a good transition throughout
your discussion of the topic.
The body contains the meat of your essay.
Recall your purpose for writing the essay.
What are your thoughts, opinions, and
experiences on the topic being discussed?
Include these details in the body of your
essay, but be sure to observe a
chronological order of your ideas so that
your readers can clearly understand what
you are trying to tell them.
- End your essay by providing a
closure for your readers.

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