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• What time does the Pagagnini concert start?

• Could you tell me what time the Pagagnini concert starts?
• Wh+S+conjugated verb ?

• 1 I’d be interested to know when Rhythm of the Dance

started performing.
• When did Rythm of the dance start?
• 2 Would you mind telling me why you call the show iD?
• __why do you call the show id?_____________
• 3 I’d like to know if the Tap Dogs are planning to come
• _are the Tap Dogs planning to come here?__
• a Why are you called ‘Pagagnini’?
• Could you tell me why you are called Pagagnini ?__
• b When did you start performing together?
• I would be interested to know when you started performing…?
• c Have you ever toured outside of Europe?
• Could you explain to me if you have ever toured ..?
• d What type of music do you prefer playing?
• We’d like to know what type of music you prefer playing
• e How many hours do you practise your instrument each day?
• Could you explain (to me) how many hours you practise …?
• f Do you clown around when you’re off stage as well?
• Would you mind telling us if you clown around …..?
Letter of application
• Formal writing informal writing
• Don’t use contractions use contr.
• Use formal expressions use informal
• No phrasal verbs use phrasal verbs
• Passivesno passives

• Formal writing: Essays- letters of application, of complaint

• Informal writings: letters emails to friends family
• Sometimes articles
Dear Mr Beacon,
I have seen
• Either……or (o…o) (ni ni)
• Neither……nor (ni ni)
• I don’t play either football or rugby
• I play neither football nor rugby
• We need to look/looking at how to deal with
these obstacles
Some verbs can be followed by a gerund and
some others
can be followed by an infinitive with to.
Can’t stand
Don’t like
Don’t mind
Quite like
Be interested in
Really enjoy
Be fond of
Be good/bad at
Absolutely adore
Get/be bored with
Get/be excited about
a. Kick- posts
b. Score
c. Passed
d. Pieces
e. pitch

1. Tennis
2. Football
3. Golf
4. Skiing
5. Athletics
6. cycling
• Do athletics, judo, gym, etc (indoor sports)
• Play football, basketball, etc (team sports)
• Go swimming, sailing, skiing, etc (outdoot

• Practise , do, play sports

• Do/play sports
• Practise speed agility ( a certain skill)
1. Figure skating, ice hockey, curling
2. Spain
3. Silver
4. Racket
5. Five
6. none

Beat-another player or team

win- a competition a game
Draw get the same score as the oponent
wrestling Arm wrestle
• Listen- listener play-player
• Win- winner run-runner
• Box- boxer spectate- spectator
• Organize- organizerride- rider
• Compete- competitor contest- contestant
• Participate- participant
• Employee- trainee
• Electrician- politician
• Novelist- scientist
• Engineer- mountaneer
Illegal- illogical- illegible
Impractical- impatient- imperfect
Irregular- irresponsible-irrelevant

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