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By Sharmistha Mookerjee and Vanshika Saraogi

 Meditation is the delicate art of doing nothing and letting go of all efforts to relax in your true
nature, which is love, joy, and peace. The practice of meditation gives you deep rest which is
essential to reduce stress levels and maintain mental hygiene.
 Meditation is to the mind what physical exercise is to the body.
 It is as easy as inhaling and exhaling and is a dynamic practice that can be easily incorporated
into your daily life.
 Also, meditation has a long history of use for increasing calmness and physical relaxation,
improving psychological balance, coping with illness, and enhancing overall health and well-

Research has documented many health benefits of regular meditation:

 Reduced stress: Meditation may decrease stress. It also can improve symptoms of stress-related conditions, including post-traumatic
stress disorder and fibromyalgia.
 Improved memory: Better focus through regular meditation may increase memory and mental clarity. These benefits can help fight
age-related memory loss and dementia.
 Increased attention: Meditation helps with attention span.
 Better sleep: Meditation can shorten the time it takes to fall asleep and improve sleep quality.
 Less anxiety and depression: Regular meditation helps reduce anxiety and related mental health issues like social anxiety and
obsessive-compulsive behaviors.
 Less pain: Meditation can reduce pain and boost emotion regulation. Together with medical care, this may help treat chronic pain.
 Lower blood pressure: Blood pressure decreases during meditation. This can reduce strain on the heart and blood vessels and help
prevent heart disease.
 Greater compassion: Meditation can help you better understand yourself, find your best self, and increase positive feelings and actions
toward others.

Here are some general guidelines on the practice:

 Posture: You can meditate seated on a cushion or on a chair. The essential thing about posture is that the
spine is absolutely erect, from the lower back to the neck, and ideally not leaning on anything.
 Time: The best time to meditate is first thing in the morning, so you don’t skip it, and the impact on your day
is stronger.
 Place: A spot where you can sit uninterrupted. Ideally a place that is quiet, clean and tidy, in order to create a
better influence on the mind.
 Length: You can start with as little as 5 minutes, and increase 1- 2 minutes per week, until you arrive 20
minutes sessions and beyond.
 Breathing: Deep breaths before the meditation is always a good idea. It helps to steady the rhythm of the
breath and leads the mind into a peaceful meditative state.
“Meditation is not a way of making
your mind quiet. It’s a way of
entering into the quiet that’s already

- Anonymous

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