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ALLERGIES (Reactions) /

ENVENOMATION (Strings, Bites)

Protocol # 02
jawad ahmed
"one man's meat is another man's poison".
An allergic reaction represents the body's adverse reaction to a
foreign substance. In most cases allergic reactions are very
minor. But some individuals have severe allergies to one or
more substances and can have a very severe reaction
(anaphylaxis shock).


Anaphylactic shock is the most critical allergic reaction.

Anaphylactic shock is of sudden onset. Hives, rashes or
itching that have been present for over an hour without
difficulty breathing or swallowing are unlikely to progress
into anaphylaxis.
What are the common causes of Allergies?
Amongst the common causes of allergies are:

Food Allergies: especially nuts, some kinds of fruit, fish and less commonly spices

Drug Allergies: Especially penicillin's, anesthetic drugs, some intravenous infusion liquids, and
things injected during x-rays.

Latex Allergies: mainly in rubber latex gloves, catheters, other medical products, but also in
many things encountered in daily life.

Bee or wasp stings: when these cause faintness, difficulty in breathing, or rash or swelling of a
part of the body which has not been stung.

Dust Allergies: Dust allergy is a hypersensitive reaction to proteins in the excretion of dust
mites. The protein attacks the respiratory passages causing breathing problem and asthma.
Weak pulse
Shallow breathing
Decresed consciousness
Eventual collapse
Post Dispatch Instructions
1) Keep airway clear.
2) Do not give food or drink.
3) Let patient assume a position of comfort.
4) Calm and reassure patient.
5) Keep the patient warm (maintain body temperature).
6) Unconscious patients should be placed on their side and their airway
maintained. The EMD should constantly monitor the patient's airway and
breathing status if the patient becomes unconscious.
7 )Special Pediatric Considerations:
Respiratory symptoms from allergic reactions can progress very rapidly in
children to partial or complete airway obstruction and respiratory
arrest, because their smaller airways can become obstructed with smaller
degrees of swelling. Unsuspected allergic reaction to a sting or food item
can be the cause of sudden unconsciousness in the child.
Elapid snakes
Elapid snakes are extremely poisonous snakes such as cobras, mambas, kraits, tiger
snakes, and coral snakes.

Civil hospital treated 80 victims of snake bite out of which 80% were men and 20% were
women. Out of which 92.5% were vasculotoxic and 7.5 % were neurotoxic.
Post Dispatch Instructions Incase Of Snakebite:
(Elapid snakebite)
1. Keep him/her moving around
2. Keep the bitten limb down
3. Bandage the limb from the area of the bite to the hand/foot, then back up to the
body, snugly enough to allow one finger to slip between the bandage and the skin.
4. Immobilize the limb by splitting if possible
5. Tell him or her to keep calm
6. Donot move her/him all
7. Wait there for the ambulance crew.
(Non-elapid snakebite)
1. Keep him/her moving around.keep the bitten area below heart level if possible.
2. Do not apply ice a tourniquet.
3. Do not give him/her any alcohol to drink.
Gender Wise
Male Female Child
Aman Foundation deals allergy cases from 18th October 2010 till now as follows


Category Wise



6 5 5
Omega Alpha Brovo Charlie Delta Echo

Prepared by:
Lubna Haseeb

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