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Chapter 4

Attitudes, Emotions, and Ethics

1. Explain the ABC model of an attitude.
Learning Outcomes

2. Describe how attitudes are formed.

3. Identify sources of job satisfaction and commitment.

4. Distinguish between organizational citizenship and workplace deviance


5. Identify the characteristics of the source, target, and message that affect

6. Discuss the definition and importance of emotions at work.

7. Contrast the effects of individual and organizational influences on ethical

8. Identify the factors that affect ethical behavior .
1 Learning Outcome

Explain the ABC model of an


a psychological tendency expressed by

evaluating an entity with some degree

of favor or disfavor
Should poor
be blamed
on “bad
Beyond the Book:
Bad Attitude
Larry Johnson is a highly accomplished football player for the
Kansas City Chiefs – a former number one pick, a two-time Pro
Bowl participant, and one of the most accomplished running backs
in 2005 and 2006.

In 2007 and 2008, Johnson had two relatively unproductive, injury-

marred seasons. And yet, it was his attitude, not his productivity,
that led to his release the Chiefs. Constant complaints about salary,
personal attacks on the coach, slurs against homosexuals, mocking
fans, charges of abusing women – all of these actions insured that
Johnson would no longer be welcome in the Kansas City
Model of an Attitude

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Cognitive Dissonance

a state of tension that is produced

when an individual experiences

conflict between attitudes and

2 Learning Outcome

Describe how attitudes are

Two Influences on Attitude Formation

Direct Experience Social Learning

Learning by
Observing a Model

The learner must:

• Focus on the model
• Retain what was
• Reproduce the
behavior through
• Be motivated
Attitude–Behavior Correspondence
• Attitude Specificity

• Attitude Relevance

• Measurement Timing

• Personality Factors

• Social Constraints
3&4 Learning Outcomes

Identify sources of job satisfaction

and commitment.

Distinguish between
organizational citizenship and
workplace deviance behaviors.
Job Satisfaction
a pleasurable or positive emotional

state resulting from the appraisal of

one’s job or job experience


Most believe that happy or satisfied

employees are more productive at

…but the relationship between job

satisfaction and performance is
more complex.
Work Attitudes
Job satisfaction Citizenship

Job Workplace
dissatisfaction deviance
The Indian Work Attitude : Karma
• A major facet of karma is the work one does, and the attitude
with which one goes about his duty
• It is the basic philosophy of “The Srimad Bhagwad Gita”which is
part of the great Indian epic Mahabharata.
• The word “karma” comes from the Sanskrit root kri, which
means, 'to do'. It includes all our actions, through body,
speech or thought . The word “yoga” means union. Thus
Karma yoga literally means the path of union through action.
• Two dimensions of Karma Yoga : sense of obligation or duty
towards others and absence for a desire for rewards.
• It is based on the universal law of cause and effect.
Two KarmaYogis of India

• Mahatma Gandhi was a karma yogi par


• In Modern Times Mr.E.Sreedharan, MD

of Delhi Metro Rail Corporation(DMRC)
- a highly respected karma Yogi
5 Learning Outcome

Identify the characteristics of the

source, target, and message that
affect persuasion.
Process of Persuasion

Source New Attitude

rs u


Source: expertise, trustworthiness,attractiveness

Target: high or low self-esteem?

Message: biased or balance?

6 Learning Outcome

Discuss the definition and

importance of emotions at work.

[Positive Emotions] [Negative Emotions]

• Improve cognitive • Lead to workplace

functioning deviance.
• Improve health and
coping mechanisms
• Enhance creativity

Emotional contagion is
the dynamic process
through which emotions are transferred
from one person to another. It occurs
primarily through nonverbal cues and
tendency for mimicry.
7 Learning Outcome

Contrast the effects of individual

and organizational influences on
ethical behavior.
Ethical Behavior

acting in ways consistent with one’s

personal values and the commonly held

values of the organization and society

8 Learning Outcome

Identify the factors that affect

ethical behavior.
enduring beliefs that a specific mode of

conduct or end state of existence is

personally or socially preferable to an

opposite or converse mode of conduct

or end state of existence.

Ethics and the Individual
Ethical decision making
requires three qualities of
Competence to identify ethical issues and
evaluate the consequences of alternate actions.

Self-confidence to seek out different

opinions and decide what is right.

Willingness to make decisions when there

is no unambiguous solution.
Instrumental – values that represent the acceptable behaviors to be used in achieving
some end state.

Terminal – values that represent the goals to be achieved, or the end states of existence
Work Values

Influence individual’s perceptions of

right and wrong in the workplace.

• Achievement
• Concern for others
• Honesty
• Fairness
Cultural Differences in Values

Doing business in a
global marketplace often
Means encountering a
clash of values among
different cultures.
Salient Indian Social values

• Chakraborty a strong advocate of the vedic values has listed the

following values as salient to the Indian cultural ethos:
• Respect for individuals
• cooperation & trust
• purification of the mind
• top quality products& services
• work as worship
• containment of greed
• ethical moral boundaries
• self discipline & restrain
• need to give and
• renunciation and detachment
• It is assumed that organizational values are derived from individual values
Other salient values
• Other salient values include , a hierarchical
• placing high value on power source
• need to be close to power source
• preference for personalized relationship,
• Social networking through own (apne)-
other( paraye) dichotomy
• collectivistic orientation
(Source:Sinha, D)
Locus of Control

[Internal] [External ]
belief in belief in control
personal control by outside
and personal forces (fate,
responsibility chance, other

Generally, internals make more ethical

decisions than externals.

a personality characteristic indicating

one’s willingness to do whatever it

takes to get one’s own way


[High-Machs] [Low-Machs ]
better to be value loyalty and
feared than relationships;
loved; the ends concerned with
justify the other opinions.
Cognitive Moral Development
The process of moving through stages of maturity in terms of
making ethical decisions

Level I – Premoral Level

Stage 1 – avoid punishment Stage 2 – serve immediate interest

Level Il – Conventional Level

Stage 3 – live up to Stage 4 – observe
friends’ expectations societal laws

Level llI – Principled Level

Stage 5 – principles of Stage 6 – self-selected
justice/right ethical principles
Beyond the Book:
Where Does Kiva Money Go?

• Kiva is an organization that promises individuals that

they will be able to make micro-loans directly to
entrepreneurs in emerging economies.
• As discovered by David Roodman, a fellow at the
Center for Global Development, people in fact cannot
make direct loans through Kiva; there is no person-to-
person connection.
• Money “lent” through Kiva’s website goes to
microlending organizations, and not individual

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