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The United Nations Educational,

Scientific and Cultural Organization
(UNESCO) is a United Nations
Organization to promote international
corporation and implementation of
international agreement.
Four Pillars of Education

 Learning to know
 Learning to do
 Learning to live together
 Learning to be
Education for All

The Philippines was a signatory

in the World Conference on
Education for All (EFA) on a
global plan to give every child in
the world quality basic education.
EFA Plan priority areas
 Early Childhood Education
 Formal Basic Education
 Alternative Learning
Four major interventions from the
UNESCO’s Framework
 Institutionalize early childhood care and
 Provide universal quality primary
 Eradicate illiteracy
 Launch continuing education programs
for adults and out-of-school youth.
The Millennium Development Goals
(MDGs) set within 2015

 Reducing by half the number of people,

who live in extreme poverty, with little
access to food and safe drinking water,
 Reducing death in mother and children
below five;
 Making primary education accessible to
 Reducing gender disparities;
 Providing access to reproductive health
 Pursuing national strategies for sustainable
 Reversing environmental resources losses;
 Developing a global partnership for
The characteristics of a Child
Friendly School
 Gender sensitive and not-discriminating.
Specifically the CFS treats all the children
equally regardless of gender, social status,
cultural origin or religious belief.
 Child centered , imparts quality learning and
encourages children to participate in school
and community activities.
 Promotes good health practices and
behaviors and guarantees the school
premises being safe and clean.
 Has the best interest of children in mind and
seeks to provide an environment that is safe,
secure, and a home away from home;
 Works close with children’s families and
engages the support and interaction of
community institutions and other individual.

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