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Module 4

Prepared by: Izabelle Joy A. Algar, LPT.

Learning Outcomes:

At the end of the learning sessions, the student is able to:

1. Identify the factors leading to a greater integration of

the Asian region; and
2. Synthesize knowledge concerning globalization
The entire world is moving towards
integration. But a regional partnership is the first
step, we can see this in the EUROPEAN UNION,

In Asia, the southeast Asian countries have

already formed ASEAN (ASSOCIATION OF
power block appears to work fine
The European Examples
The European examples show that such an intensification
of trade within the region also has important spillover
effects into fields other than trade. Doing business with
each other ultimately is the best instrument with which to
build what most of Asia seems to strive for-better
neighbor relations. Trade ultimately is the best
confidence-building measure.
Investment in productivity-
enhancing research and

Open regionalism
European Governance Principles:
1. Deciding some issues by qualified majority voting and
others by census.
2. Giving additional weight to small countries and minorities
in decision-making, so as to make regionalism more
3. The subsidiarity principle, whereby decisions are taken at
the lowest sensible level of government.
4. The open method of coordination, which allows member
countries to agree on initiatives for intergovernmental
cooperation without legal constraints.
5. Mutual surveillance through peer review and peer pressure,
to ensure that members respects commitment before
resorting to sanctions.
The European is often presented as the
integration model for other regional groupings, in
Asia and elsewhere. But while regions can learn
from other’s experiences, their needs and
circumstances vary. Asia must find its own path
to greater cooperation and integration.
In Asia, the southeast Asian countries have already formed ASEAN
power block appears to work fine, the member states fit very well
together because of the following factors:

1) Mutual benefit - when it comes to trade, these nations can

readily supply each other’s needs.

2) Mutual goals

3) Similar culture - the people of this region are generally alike

in appearance, temperament which is seemingly peaceful.
They tend to get along quite well even on an individual level.

4) Similar security needs - aside from small localized rebels,

this association needs only to contend with foreign-supported
terrorist groups which are usually handled well.
Asian and European representatives attending
the G20 London Summit.
APEC – Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation.
ASEAN – Association of Southeast Asia Nations
ASEM – Asia-Europe Meeting
ASEAN+13 includes the 10 ASEAN members plus the
People’s Republic of China, Japan, and the Republic of
EAS- East Asia Summit
EU – European Union
Prime Minister of Thailand – Abhisit Vejjajiva
Prime Minister of the Czech Republic – Mirek Topolanek
1. Brunei
2. Myanmar
3. Cambodia
4. Timor-Leste
5. Indonesia
6. Laos
7. Malaysia
8. Philippines
9. Singapore
10. Thailand
11. Vietnam
Facing Future

Europe and Asia both face the huge challenge of

articulating a response to the ongoing economic crisis.
Although its ultimate impact on regional cooperation and
integration is still unclear, it could give a new impetus to
Asian regionalism.
Asia’s Boom: Diversity
1. Market-led regionalism has proven its value and is
now progressively becoming more institutionalized.
2. The evidence to date suggests the Asia’s experience in
regionalism has been very successful.
3. Asia’s regionalism is most certainly a work-in—
progress, but it is progressing step-by-step
4. Asia can now take a decisive step forward by
emulating Europe’s past focus on governments
working with each other to overcome the specters of
the past.
Thank you and
Stay Safe

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