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Name – O Varshitha

Class – 9
Section - C

I like English because it allows me to express myself to a larger number of

people not only through words but also through writing. Learning this
language helps you not only in the future but it also helps us to converse in
foreign lands. It is not only a subject for me but also a medium which
enhances my knowledge and prepares me to face the outside world. Also
english is a common base for other subjects and helps us to understand and
explore things. It enhances a person’s lifestyle and thus benefits them in
many ways.

• I like math because it is all based on logic and practical

thinking. It can be used in our day to day life and is very
useful. It helps me to improve my calculation skills and my
problem solving abilities. It enhances and improves my
concentration levels and my observation skills. It is a mind
utilizing subject and thus I find it very interesting and useful.

• It helps me to understand the developments that are taking place in the

society and the nation. It also helps me in understanding the
government and their role in shaping India. It gives us knowledge
about our history and rich culture and also helps us learn from our
mistakes. It provides us with information about our past and the kind
of adversities faced by our ancestors. It gives us a detailed learning
about our economy, geographical features, parliament, past rulers etc.
It opens our minds towards real life problems and its causes.

• I like Telugu because it teaches me many important morals and helps me

become a better person. It has many interesting stories which teach me
important life lessons. It helps me to understand my past and culture. With
every lesson I read and with every poem I recite, I become more aware of my
culture and traditions. It enhances my Telugu speaking skills and improves
my vocabulary. The interesting lessons and activities create the desire in me
to learn more and more of my mother tongue. It is a beautiful language with
much grammar to learn and that is what I like the most about this subject.

• I like physics because it gives reason to everyday activities and makes the
day to day actions more interesting. It is not an easy subject to learn but this
is what challenges me to learn more about the various mechanics and forces
around us. It not only gives a better understanding of the world but also
helps me improve my mathematical skills. It also explores the mathematical
side of science which I find immensely interesting. Also no other subject
can give me more satisfaction than solving a difficult physics problem.

• Chemistry is one of my favourite subjects because I find it relatable to

my daily life. It is based on the basic reactions occurring around us , thus
I find it very interesting and easily understandable. Also this subjects
helps me in many ways which include cooking, making solutions,
performing experiments, etc. It fascinates me that everything around is
matter and that all matter has a chemical base in one way or the other. It
gives me a detailed understanding of the various substances around us
and connects other sciences such as biology, physics, geology, etc.

• I like biology because it is an interesting and extensive study about all

life forms. It gives meaning to life and its existence itself. It teaches me
important things like knowing the human body better, its resources and
the dangerous threats to the environment. It teaches us the
transformations, changes and evolution of the living world. It gives me
a deep understanding of all life stages down to the molecular or
microscopic level. Thus I find this study of life absolutely fascinating
and interesting.

• IT is a vast subject which covers diverse areas such as artificial

intelligence, various software, the IT industry, evolution of computers,
etc. This is what makes it so riveting. I believe that IT is an important
component of the future which will be the base of all industrial
developments, businesses and technology. It enhances the quality of
our everyday lives and improves the accessibility to our needs and
requirements. These are some of the main reasons I like this subject so

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