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Biological Membranes

By Hajar Saihi
Phospholipid Bilayer
The biological membrane consists of the phospholipid bilayer as shown below:

lipid bilayer
glycerol head

fatty acid tail

The bi layer is formed due to the hydrophobic and hydrophilic properties of the
phospholipid. The Hydrophobic end is the tail which consists of two fatty acids formed by
hydrocarbons, hydrophobic refers the idea that this part repels water. The hydrophilic end
is the glycerol and this is 2 x CH2O and one Phosphate group (hence phospholipids), these
are attracted to water. When immersed in water this whole structure moves so that the
hydrophilic heads are in the water outside the bilayer and the hydrophobic ends clump
together in the middle to repel water molecules. This central bit is known as the
phospholipid bi layer in which no water molecules can enter (generally).
In or Out?
Steroid hormones such as oestrogen and vitamin d are made form cholesterol and because
of its lipid nature it means they can easily pass through the bilayer in order to reach their
target receptor.

Other molecules such as glucose however cannot pass through the bilayer because it is too
big to fit through and therefore it would have to use channel or carrier proteins to get in or
Membrane bound organelles
Organelle Membrane Roles of membranes
Nucleus Nuclear envelope. The nucleus is surrounded by a nuclear envelope, this allows the entry and
exit of small molecules through the nuclear pores. i.e. To regulate the
transport of materials into and out of the cell.
Endoplasmic Reticulum Series of membranes shaped To separate the contents of the smooth and rough endoplasmic reticulum
like pancakes. from the outside environment.

Golgi Apparatus Series of membranes shaped The membrane surrounds an area of fluid where the complex molecules
like pancakes. (proteins, sugars, enzymes) are stored and changed it Prevents the protein
from being diffused out into the intracellular environment- if this happens
there will be no protein production.
Mitochondria Outer membrane which covers The membrane allows this to be a certain area for metabolic reactions to
the organelle and the inner occur (production of ATP for aerobic respiration).i.e. To hold the
membrane which is folded components of metabolic pathways in place. The folding of the cristae
over many times (cristae). increases the surface area inside the organelle. The increased surface area
allows the small organelle to do as much work as possible. 
Lysosome Single membrane. Allows this to be a site of cell digestion in which microbes or material inside
the cell are indigested. i.e. To hold the components of metabolic pathways in

Chloroplast Contains two membranes. To regulate the transport of materials into and out of the cell and To hold the
components of metabolic pathways in place.

Vesicle Single membrane. Act as a protective layer to allow materials to enter or leave the vesicle.

Cell surface membrane Single phospholipid bilayer To regulate the transport of materials into and out of the cell. To act as a
membrane. protective layer and to separate cell contents from the extracellular
Fluid Mosaic Model 1
 The Fluid Mosaic Model is generally accepted as describing how membranes are arranged.
 The Fluid Mosaic Model states that membranes are composed of a Phospholipid
Bilayer with various protein molecules floating around within it.
 The 'Fluid' part represents how some parts of the membrane can move around freely, if they
are not attached to other parts of the cell.
 The 'mosaic' part illustrates the 'patchwork' of proteins that is found in the Phospholipid Bilayer.
 Some proteins in the membrane are called 'Intrinsic'. This means that they completely span the
 Others are called 'Extrinsic' - they are partly embedded in the Bilayer.
Fluid Mosaic Model 2
 Carbohydrate Polymers may attach to parts of the membrane, forming Glycolipids when they
attach to Phospholipid Molecules and Glycoproteins when they attach to proteins.
 Both Glycolipids and Glycoproteins can act as Cell Receptor Sites. Hormones may bind to them,
as may drugs, to instigate a response within the cell. They may also be involved in Cell Signalling
in the Immune System.
 Some Intrinsic Proteins are Channel Proteins. These are transport proteins that allow the
movement of molecules that are normally too large or too Hydrophilic to pass through the
membrane by forming a tube-like structure that goes through the whole membrane.
 Other Transport Proteins are Carrier Proteins. These use energy in the form
of ATP to actively move substances across the membrane. For example, ions in the soil are
actively transported in the root hair cells of plants.
 Enzymes and Coenzymes may be attached to part of the membrane in order to carry
out Metabolic Reactions.
 Cell membranes also
contain cholesterol in the
phospholipid bilayer. In some
membranes there are only a few
cholesterol molecules, but in
others there are as many
 Cholesterol makes the bilayer
stronger, more flexible but less
fluid, and less permeable to
water-soluble substances such as
ions and monosaccharide's.
Increasing temperature
Increasing temperature increases molecular kinetic energy. This means that the Phospholipid
Molecules in the Bilayer vibrate more and so are more unstable. This makes the membrane more
'leaky', as it will allow more molecules through that wouldn't normally be able to because The fatty acid
tails of the phospholipid bilayer can "melt" at high temperature. This affects the permeability of the cell
which may allow molecules into the cells that should not get in, thereby damaging the membrane
High temperatures can also cause proteins to denature, or break down. Increased temperatures also

increase the reactions that happen within the cells, which may be acceptable to a point, until the
temperature becomes too high which will destroy the protein, the reactions and the cells
Some organisms however have adapted to live in environment with extreme temperatures, and so

have membranes that are more resistant to heat. One way of increasing resistance to heat is by
increasing the amount of Cholesterol in the membrane.

Decreasing temperatures
 A decrease in temperature also has an effect on cell membranes. The structure of the fatty acid tails
of the phospholipids changes to become more rigid at cold temperatures. This affects the fluidity, the
permeability and the cells ability to live. When the cells are less fluid, they cannot move or grow. The
decrease in permeability means that vital molecules cannot get into the cell. Also, colder
temperatures can cause cellular reactions to slow down or even stop.
Thin basement membrane disease
 (Also known as TBMD) This is the thinning
of the basement membrane of
the glomeruli (filters) in the kidneys.
What are the symptoms?
 TBM disease usually does not have any

symptoms a person can feel. Usually the

disease is diagnosed when a small
amount of blood  is found looking at a
urine sample under a microscope. Most
patients with TBM disease are discovered
to have blood in the urine when they get
their urine tested for other reasons.
Patients with TBM usually have normal
blood pressure and normal kidney
function. Mild protein in the urine (less
than 1.5g/day) and high blood pressure
are seen in a small group of patients.
 Golgi Apparatus was named after Camillo Golgi, an Italian biologist. It is
pronounced GOL-JI in the same way you would say squee-gie, as soft a "G" sound.
 Haha. Who knew. 

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