Course Code: 19MBA509A Course Title: Strategic Management: Module Leaders

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Course Code: 19MBA509A

Course Title: Strategic Management

Module Leaders :
Mr. Rajeev Prasad

Faculty of Management and Commerce © Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences
Session Content

• Strategy Formulation
• Concept of Strategy Formulation
• Approaches to Strategic Formulation
• Developing Alternative Strategies

Faculty of Management and Commerce © Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences
Strategy Formulation

Faculty of Management and Commerce © Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences
Strategy Formulation

“Strategy formulation is the process of determining
appropriate courses of action for achieving organizational
objectives and thereby accomplishing organizational

Faculty of Management and Commerce © Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences
Strategy Formulation

• Strategy formulation is the process by which an

organization chooses the most appropriate
courses of action to achieve its defined goals
• This process is essential to an organization's
success, because it provides a framework for the
actions that will lead to the anticipated results

Faculty of Management and Commerce © Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences
What Are The Three Roles Of
• Strategic management is the process of employing
that kind of large-scale, objective-oriented
approach through the use of three
major components:
1. Environmental Scanning
2. Strategy Formulation and
3. Implementation and Strategy Evaluation

Faculty of Management and Commerce © Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences
Concept of Strategy Formulation

• Concept of Strategy is an action that managers take

to attain one or more of the organization's goals
• Concept of Strategy can also be defined as a general
direction set for the company and its various
components to achieve a desired state in the future
• Strategy includes detailed strategic planning process

Faculty of Management and Commerce © Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences
What Are The Steps In Strategy Formulation?

Strategy Formulation in Management: Top 8 Steps

• Step # 1. Setting Basic Objectives
• Step # 2. Identify Opportunities and Risks
• Step # 3. Evaluating Alternative Resource
• Step # 4. Formulating Alternative Strategies
• Step # 5. Evaluating these Alternatives
• Step # 6. Establishing Basic Strategy
• Step # 7. Implementing Strategy
• Step # 8. Evaluating Strategy

Faculty of Management and Commerce © Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences
What Is Strategy Analysis?

• Strategic analysis refers to the process of

conducting research on a company and its
operating environment to formulate a strategy
• Defining the internal and external environments to
be analyzed
• Using several analytic methods such as Porter's
five forces analysis, SWOT analysis

Faculty of Management and Commerce © Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences
Approaches to Strategic Formulation

Faculty of Management and Commerce © Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences
Approaches to Strategic Formulation

The Strategic Approaches includes:

• Collaboration and partnership (Through team work)

• Technology (Using skill /knowledge / expertise)
• Policy change and development (For development)
• Capacity building (To develop capability)
• Systemic change and integration

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What Are The Three Primary Strategies Of A Strategy

There are three levels of strategy formulation used in

an organization:
1. Corporate level strategy: This level outlines what you want
to achieve: growth, stability, acquisition or retrenchment /
Cost cutting (Top level)
2. Business level strategy: This level answers the question of
how you are going to compete (Middle level)
3. Functional level strategy: This is inside organizations
( Production , Marketing , Finance etc.)

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Types of Business Strategies
• Strategic planning takes place on three different and
distinct levels:

1. Corporate

2. Business

3. Functional

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Faculty of Management and Commerce © Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences
1. Corporate Strategy
• Corporate strategy is an organizational strategy that determines what
businesses a company is in, should be in, or wants to be in, and what
it wants to do with those businesses.
• There are three main types of corporate strategies:

 A growth strategy

 A stability strategy

 A renewal strategy

Faculty of Management and Commerce © Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences
1. Corporate Strategy Contd..

 A Growth Strategy:
• Is a corporate strategy that is used when an organization wants to
• It does so by expanding the number of products offered or markets
• Either through its current business(es) or through new business(es)

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1. Corporate Strategy Contd..

 A Stability Strategy:
• Implies continuing the current activities of the firm without
any significant change in direction

 A Renewal Strategy:
• Strategy designed to address organizational weaknesses that are
leading to performance declines

Retrenchment Strategy Turnaround Strategy

Faculty of Management and Commerce © Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences
2. Business Strategy

 A Business Strategy (also known as a competitive strategy)

 It is focused on how the organization will compete in each of its

Role of Quality as a Sustaining

Competitive Competitive
Advantage Competitive Advantage

Faculty of Management and Commerce © Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences
Why Is Strategy Formulation Important?

• The strategic formulation process forces an

organization to establish objectives and enables
the organization to measure success

• The formulation process enables the organization

to determine what is important and critical to the
success of the organization.

Faculty of Management and Commerce © Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences
What Information Is Needed For Proper
Formulation Of Strategy?

In order to properly formulate a strategy, the

corporation must need to know their:

1. Mission statement – the purpose or reason for the

organization's existence

2.Objectives – the end results of corporation's activities and

what they want to achieve

Faculty of Management and Commerce © Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences
What Is Strategy Formulation Tools?

• Special tools they can use to assist them in formulating

strategies include the following:

1. Critical Question Analysis

2. SWOT Analysis

Faculty of Management and Commerce © Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences
What Is Marketing Strategy Formulation?

• Definition: Marketing strategy formulation is the

process of defining an organization's marketing goals
and objectives
• They examine which marketing approaches will be
best at reaching clients and attractive them to seek
out the business' services

Faculty of Management and Commerce © Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences
Developing Alternative Strategies

The four strategic alternatives are:

1. Market Penetration
2. Market Development
3. Product Development and
4. Diversification

Faculty of Management and Commerce © Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences
Market Penetration
• A market penetration strategy whereby an
organization seeks to gain greater dominance in
a market in which it already has an offering
• This strategy often focuses on capturing a larger
share of an existing market
• This focus on current markets in order to
increase market share
• Market penetration requires strong execution in
pricing, promotion, and distribution in order to
grow market share
Faculty of Management and Commerce © Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences
Market Development Strategy

• Market development is a growth strategy that

identifies and develops new market segments for
current products
• A market development strategy targets non-
buying customers in currently targeted segments
• A market development strategy entails expanding
the potential market through new users

Faculty of Management and Commerce © Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences
Product Development Strategy

• Product development strategy is the process of

bringing a new innovation to consumers from
concept to testing through distribution
• New product development strategies look at
improving existing products to strengthen an
existing market or create new products that
the market seeks

Faculty of Management and Commerce © Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences
Diversification Strategy

• A diversification strategy is the strategy that an

organization adopts for the development of its
• This strategy involves widening the scope of the
organization across different products and market
• Diversification strategy is a form of
growth strategy which helps the organizational
business to grow
Faculty of Management and Commerce © Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences
Three Types Of Diversification

Diversification is a method of risk management that

involves the change and implementation
of different investments stated in a specific portfolio
Three Diversification Strategies include
1. The concentric diversification
2. Horizontal diversification and
3. Conglomerate diversification

Faculty of Management and Commerce © Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences
The Concentric Diversification

• In which company acquires or develops new

products or services closely related to its core
business or technology to entre one or new
• Example: A auto company diversify by adding new
car model by expanding into related market like

Faculty of Management and Commerce © Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences
Conglomerate Diversification

• Is a growth strategy involves new products or

services that are significantly differently from the
organizations present products and services
• This occurs when organizations moves into totally
unrelated to the current business
• Example: A computer company decide to
produce pens, the company is pursuing
conglomerate diversification

Faculty of Management and Commerce © Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences
Horizontal Diversification

• Horizontal diversification involves providing new

and unrelated products or services to existing

• Example: A Note book manufacture that enters

the pen market is pursuing a horizontally
diversification strategy

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Faculty of Management and Commerce © Ramaiah University of Applied Sciences

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