Environmental LAW: Unit 1

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• Origin of the Bishnois The sect Bishnoism was founded by Guru Jambheshwar. He had
laid down 29 principles to be followed by the sect. Bish means 20 and noi means 9. Thus,
Bishnoi translates as Twenty-nine. Those who follow from their heart of 29 principles
will be called ‘BISHNOI’. The Bishnoi is a non-violent community of nature worshippers
of in western India especially in Rajasthan.
• Of 29 tenets, OF Guru Jambheshwar six-seven tenets have been prescribed to preserve
bio-diversity and encourage good animal husbandry. Of the 6 tenets that focus on
protecting nature, the two most profound ones are: Jeev Daya Palani – Be compassionate
to all living beings. Runkh Lila Nahi Ghave – Do not cut green trees. The principles were
not only tailored to conserve bio-diversity of the area but also ensured eco-friendly social

1.Use filtered water, milk, and cleaned firewood.

2.Be merciful to all living beings and love them.
3.Do not cut green trees, save the environment.
4.Provide shelters for abandoned animals to avoid them from being slaughtered in
5.Do not sterilize bulls.
6.Do not eat meat, always remain purely vegetarian.
7.Do not use violet-blue color extracted from the indigo plant.

• In the words of Gandhiji "man has no power to create life, therefore, he has no right to destroy
life." Man has been endowed with higher faculties so that he can be compassionate to lower beings.
• “The Earth has enough resources for our need but not for our greed.”
• His seminal work, Hind Swaraj, written a hundred years ago in 1909 warned of the dangers the
world is facing today in the form of environmental destruction and the threat to the planet.
• Regarding urbanization, Gandhi expressed his views as follows: “It is a process of double drain
from the villages. Urbanisation in India is a slow but sure death for her villages and villagers. It can
never support 90 per cent of India's population, which is living in her 7,00,000 villages”

• “I need no inspiration other than Nature's. She has never failed me as yet. She mystifies me,
bewilders me, sends me to ecstasies.”
• Gandhi was influenced by Jainism, which looks at nature as a living entity and exhorts human
beings to continually purify themselves by respecting diverse life forms. The Gandhian idea of
Satya and ahimsa can be useful to reduce the greed of the individual and society. His concept of
non-violence thus encompassed all living beings and embodied the eternal values of life in his
thought and actions.
• The concept of Sarvodaya is also similar to that of a sustainable development and forms a part of
environmental ethics. Gandhi's vision of Sarvodaya, implies a healthy development and
environment that can be evolved by man to ensure his harmonious existence with nature and
other living beings.

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