Apex Institute of Technology (Cse) : Subject Name & Subject Code:Introduction To Iot (Csd-231)

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Apex Institute of Technology(CSE)

Subject Name & Subject Code :Introduction to IoT(CSD-231)

Prepared by Ms. Rana Gill

Introduction to IoT(CSD-231) DISCOVER . LEARN . EMPOWER

Introduction to IoT

Course Objective Course Outcome

CO Title CO Title Level
Number Number

I To acquire the knowledge of Internet of Things (IoT) and also Remember

I To understand the concepts of Internet of Things and IoT devices. recognize various IoT  
II To explore Internet of things connectivity and networking protocols.

II To develop the ability to evaluate a variety of existing and Understand

developing architecture technologies for IoT.  
III To design and implement IoT based systems on emerging platforms.

III To explore the design space of this emerging technology and Implement
analyze real world IoT design constraints.


• Chapter 1 Introduction to IoT: Definitions of the Internet
of Things (IoT), Trends in Adoption of IoT, The importance
of Internet of Things (IoT) in society, Characteristics of IoT,
Physical and logical design of IoT, Design challenges in
IoT, Risks, Privacy and Security, IoT applications.
• Chapter 2 IoT Devices and embedded systems: IoT
Sensors-definition, types of sensors, factors driving the
adoption of sensor, Challenges and solutions, Applications,
Actuators, Embedded systems- features, key components,
Analog/Digital Conversion, Integrated Circuits, Operating

Chapter 1: Introduction to IoT
Lecture 6

IoT Applications

Logical Design of IoT

the system the

for identification,

communication and management.


Logical Design of IoT
• Device : Devices such as sensing, actuation, monitoring and control functions.
• Communication : IoT Protocols
• Services like device monitoring, device control services, data publishing services and
device discovery
• Management : Functions to govern the system
• Security : Functions as authentication, authorization, message and content integrity,
and data security
• Applications

Request–Response Communication Model
• Request–Response is
a communication model in
which the client sends requests to
the server and the server
responds to the requests.

• When the server receives a

request, it decides how to
respond, fetches the data,
resource representations,
prepares the response and then
sends the response to the client.

• Stateless communication model

Publish–Subscribe Communication Model

• Publish–Subscribe is
a communication model that
involves publishers, brokers and
• Publishers are the source of data.
Publishers send the data to the
topics which are managed by the
broker. Publishers are not aware of
the consumers.
• Consumers subscribe to the topics
which are managed by the broker.
• When the broker receives data for
a topic from the publisher, it sends
the data to all the subscribed

Push–Pull Communication Model

• Push–Pull is a communication
model in which the data
producers push the data to
queues and the consumers pull
the data from the queues.
Producers do not need to be
aware of the consumers.
• Queues help in decoupling the
messaging between the producers
and consumers.
• Queues also act as a buffer which
helps in situations when there is a
mismatch between the rate at
which the producers push data
and the rate at which the
consumers pull data.

Exclusive Pair Communication Model

• Exclusive Pair is a
bidirectional, fully duplex
communication model
that a persistent connection
between the client and the
• Once the connection is set
up it, remains open until the
client sends a request to
close the connection.
• Client and server can send
messages to each other after
connection setup.

IOT Communication API’s
• The application program (or programming) interface, or API, is arguably what really
ties together the connected “things” of the “internet of things.”
• IoT APIs are the points of interaction between an IoT device and the internet and/or other
elements within the network.
• APIs are tightly linked with IoT because they allow you to securely expose connected
devices to customers, go-to-market channels and other applications in your IT
• Two APIs For IoT Communication:
REST-based Communication APIs
WebSocket-based Communication APIs

REST-based Communication APIs
• Representational State Transfer
(REST) is a set of architectural
principles by which you can
design web services and web
APIs that focus on a system’s
resources and how resource
states are addressed and
• REST APIs follow the request–
communication model.
• REST architectural constraints
apply to the components,
connectors and data elements
within a
hypermedia system.
distributed 11
REST-based Communication APIs Constraints
• Client – Server
• Stateless Server

• Cacheable Request
• Layered System
• Uniform Interface Response
• Code on demand


WebSocket-based Communication APIs

• WebSocket APIs allow bi-

directional, full duplex
communication between
clients and servers.
• WebSocket APIs follow the
exclusive pair
communication model.

Difference between REST and WebSocket-based
Communication APIs
Comparison Based on REST Websocket
State Stateless Stateful
Directional Unidirectional Bidirectional
Req-Res/Full Duplex Follow Request Response Model Exclusive Pair Model
TCP Connections Each HTTP request involves setting Involves a single TCP
up a new TCP Connection Connection for all requests
Header Overhead Each request carries HTTP Headers, Does not involve overhead of
hence not suitable for real-time headers.
Scalability Both horizontal and vertical are Only Vertical is easier

Design Challenges in IoT

 Integration: Not only sensors but need integration across all the system components
 Connectivity: Demand for the resources will vary with time.
 Standards: Many ways to communicate sensor data to central point.
 Variety and Volume: Variety of data together from audio, video, temperature, pressure and
many more.
 Location: Devices can be anywhere and generally mobile. Need of data aggregation and
analytics with intelligence.
 Security: Maintaining the security of set of devices using different standards.

Design Challenges in IoT

Applications of IoT

IoT Applications
•IoT applications for smart homes:
•Smart Lighting
•Smart Appliances
•Intrusion Detection
•Smoke / Gas Detectors

•IoT applications for smart cities:

•Smart Parking
•Smart Lighting for Road
•Smart Road
•Structural Health Monitoring
•Emergency Response

IoT Applications
•IoT applications for smart environments:
•Weather Monitoring
•Air Pollution Monitoring
•Noise Pollution Monitoring
•Forest Fire Detection
•River Flood Detection

•IoT applications for smart energy systems:

•Smart Grid
•Renewable Energy Systems

•IoT applications in smart retail systems:

•Inventory Management
•Smart Payments
•Smart Vending Machines
IoT Applications
• IoT applications in smart health & lifestyle:
• Health & Fitness Monitoring
• Wearable Electronics

• IoT applications in smart industry:

• Machine Diagnosis
• Indoor Air Quality Monitoring

• IoT applications for smart agriculture:

• Smart Irrigation
• Green House Control

 How to infer information and knowledge from data?

 Which layer constitutes for sensors and systems
administration outfit?
 Why do IoT systems have to be self
adapting and self configuring?
 What is the role of things and internet in IoT?


Internet of Things (IoT) Communications models are discussed under

logical design of IoT. Web socket is most suitable IoT Communication APIs
for IoT System.

1.Jan Holler, Vlasios Tsiatsis, Catherine Mulligan, Stefan Avesand, Stamatis Karnouskos,
David Boyle, “From Machine-to-Machine to the Internet of Things: Introduction to a New
Age of Intelligence”, 1st Edition, Academic Press, 2014.
2. Vijay Madisetti and Arshdeep Bahga, “Internet of Things (A Hands-onApproach)”, 1st
VPT, 2014
Reference Books:
1. Francis daCosta, “Rethinking the Internet of Things: A Scalable Approach to Connecting
Everything”, 1st Edition, Apress Publications, 2013
2. Cuno Pfister, Getting Started with the Internet of Things, O‟Reilly Media, 2011, ISBN:


For queries
Email: rana.cse@cumail.in

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