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Business Communication



The (9) C’s of Communication
After planning steps in communication the
message have been completed we have to consider
specific writing principles to help us choose right
words syntax (grammar), and sentences for our
letters, reports and memorandum.
The (9) C’s of Effective communication
(Principles of communication)
1. Completeness
2. Conciseness
3. Consideration
4. Concreteness
5. Clarity
6. Courtesy
7. Correctness

8. Confidence
9. Conversational tone
1. Completeness

Your business message is complete when you have given

everything that is required to induce a reaction from the
audience (reader). Your message should be complete in all
terms of data and facts. To accomplish this you need to follow
this guideline:

 Provide all necessary information

 Answer all questions asked
 Give something additional, if preferred
2. Conciseness

Conciseness means to communicate your message in the

least possible words, meaning in a nut shell. While following

conciseness do not in any case sacrifice the other principles

of communication. To make your message concise follow this


 (remove) lengthy expressions
Only add relevant facts

Avoid unnecessary repetition

3. Consideration
Consideration means to prepare messages considering the receivers

of the communication, not yourself. Consideration means while

preparing your message try to imagine yourself in place of the

audience. Consider what there situation, problem or circumstances

might be, then prepare the message. For consideration in

communication the following guideline should be followed:

Focus on “You” instead of “I” or “We”

Show audience benefits

Focus on positive and pleasant information

4. Concreteness
Concrete basically means the mixture of cement and gravel used for

construction purposes, concrete here means that your message

should be strong and the ideas in that message should be well

established. It means you should be precise and sure of what you are

communicating not unsure or indefinite. In order to be concrete

while communicating follow this guideline:

 specific facts and figures
Put action in your verbs

Choose vivid (glowing) and image-building words

5. Clarity
It does not mean anything but that the message should be

conveyed in a clear manner. The reader should not get

confused after reading your message. You should be

accurate in what you want to say. To achieve clarity use

this guideline:

Choose real, easy and familiar words

Structure effective and easy paragraphs

6. Courtesy
Courtesy is basically being aware of other people’s values and feelings

and respecting them, it does not only mean mere(simple) politeness

such as words thank you or please but it means much more. Remember

that a more courteous message will leave a good and lasting impression

on your receiver. Courtesy means to have respect and concern for

others. For courtesy in your messages the guideline is:

 sincerely thoughtful and appreciative
Use sentences which show respect

Do not use discriminatory remarks

7. Correctness
As the word suggests correctness is all about being correct in all

terms in language as well as in facts and information. You should

use proper grammar, punctuation, spelling and tone. Not only

this, you have to check whether the information you are giving in

your message is accurate or not. Guideline for correctness:

Use correct level of language

Verify accuracy of facts, figures and information

Use acceptable medium of messages

In Additions
8. Confidence
Remember when you communicate you should show confidence in yourself because

this will impact the receiver’s mind.

As the case is when someone tells a truth weakly and without much

self-confidence people tend not to believe, but if the same person tells a lie with full

confidence people usually believe what is being said. So the sender should always

show confidence in one’s self.

Do not use words which reflect that you do not have much

confidence such as I hope, I believe, maybe, I think.

9. Conversational Tone
This means that you should prepare your message in such a

way that the receiver is right in front of you.

The reader should be reading as if talking to you face to face

instead of just reading a piece of paper.

This means that your message should be formal to a limit not

over the edge formal, if this happens the reader will lose interest

in the message and you might fail to get a desired response.

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