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1- Fundamentals of Digital Signal Processing
By: Lonnie C. Ludeman
2- Digital Signal Processing
By: William Stanley
By Paul Lynn
3- The Analysis and Processing of Sinals
By: Paul Lynn
4- Digital Signal Processing
By: Schaffer and Gold
By: J. D. Proakis and D.G. Manolakis
(- Theory and Application of DSP
By: Rabiner and Gold
6- Digital Image Processing
By: Gongalez and Woods
7- Digital Image Processing using Java.
By: Burger and Burge
‡ 1- Fundamentals of Discrete-Time
‡ 2- Digital Images
‡ 3- Histograms
‡ 4-Point Operations
‡ Digital Signal Processing = 3 words
‡ Definition of each word:
‡ The word ³signal´
What is a signal?
* A signal is a pattern of variation that carry
* Signals are represented mathematically as a
function of one or more independent variable
* A picture is brightness as a function of two
spatial variables, x and y.
xamples of signals
‡ lectrical signals like voltages, current and
‡ M field in circuit
‡ Acoustic signals like audio or speech signals
(analog or digital) e.g. sound: air pressure variation
at a point as a function of time V( )
‡ Video signals like intensity variation in an image
‡ Biological signal like sequence of bases in gene
‡ Noise which will be treated as unwanted signal
‡ Signals can be one-dimensional, two-
dimensional or three-dimensional
‡ This course is concerned with one-
dimensional signals as a function of time.
The word ³digital´
‡ Signals are classified as continuous-time
& discrete-time
‡ If the signal is defined on a continuous
time range
Such as:
‡ Speech
‡ Temperature
‡ Seismic wave
Discrete-time Signals
A discrete-time signal x[n] is defined only at
discrete instances
The word ³Processing´
Processing purposes:
‡ Characteristic parameter
‡ Signal conversion
‡ Removing noise or unwanted signals
‡ System Characterization
Noise reduction
Data compression
Representation for recognition/classification«
The purposes of the DSP operations are varied.
Some of the more important ones are

‡ Correct Distortion
‡ (de-blurr)
‡ Signal Decomposition
(separate messages or separate message
and noise)
‡ Feature nhancement
(boost signal components, sharpen images, etc.)
‡ Noise Reduction
(classical smoothing)
‡ Signal Analysis
(transitions, patterns, peaks, frequency distribution, etc.)
‡ Signal Compression
‡ Signal ncryption
‡ Signal Transformation
(Fourier, Walsh, Wavelet)
DSP Applications
‡ Radar
‡ Acoustics
‡ Speech
‡ Nuclear
‡ Biomedical ngineering
‡ Seismic Data Analysis
‡ Oil xploitation
‡ Medical Imaging
Course Description
Generally, DSP consists of two parts:
1- Signal Analysis (characteristics,
information contents, noise or unwanted
2- Processor Design (Noise removal, signal
separation, «)
Digital system- Digital Filter ±Digital

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