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Moving Ahead with

High-Level Digital Strategy
Digital as part of the UNICEF's Future Strategic Plan 2022 2023 2024 2025
• Digital safety/protection​
• Access and equity​
Normative and Policy​
• New Technology and children: AI, BioMetrics, new learning etc​.
• Social Media/Digital Voice of Children

DIGITAL AS • Staff digital skills and adoption​

CHANGE Management Efficiency and

• Business Process and Supply Chain; Resilience and Simplification

STRATEGY IN Effectiveness​ • Digitalization of records. KM and Information management​

• Cyber security, global connectivity and humanitarian response​
• Internal Communication and staff engagement​

• Digital in Health​
• Digital in Education​
Digital Programmes
• Digital in Social and Child Protection​
• Digital in Environment and Wash

• Digital Fundraising
• Marketing campaign effectiveness​
Digital Partnership,
• External digital collaborations and online supporters ​
Communication and Resource
Mobilization​ • Funding predictability (goes to internal planning ability)
• CRM effectiveness (partnership database management)​
Operational ICT Overview
• PCO move to CloudOne
• Maximizing hardware and carbon footprint savings over 5 years.
• Mobility
• Increased dependency on cloud and internet services

• PCO move to NetOne

• Stable cloud managed services.
• Centralized Unified Communication system
• Accessible on smart phone
• Increased dependency on internet services
Roll out complete
• Enterprise Content Management system and Digital Workplace Project
• The project will deliver a revitalized intranet, document and records management
system, enhanced search and online collaboration tools, as well as an archives
• Project will fundamentally change the way we, as UNICEF staff, create, share, find
information and collaborate

• MS Groups, Teams and Planner

• Microsoft Groups allows teammates when writing documents, creating spreadsheets,
working on project plans, scheduling meetings, or sending emails. It is the foundation
of Teams and Planner
• Microsoft Teams allows team members to create channels. Channels are topics of
conversation that allow team members to communicate without the use of email.
• Microsoft Planner is a planning application which enables users and teams to use
plans, assemble and assign tasks and receive progress updates via various means.
ICT4D (T4D) Overview
• Supported 16+ T4D projects for programs
• Hosting, administering and maintaining datacenter for UNICEF
Pakistan owned software systems for several programs
• Digital Birth Registration, EMIS Balochistan, WASH Info system Sind are
currently moving forward.
• Simple Database Systems are not considered innovation
• Rapidpro supported for ureport and other monitoring/advocacy and
communication applications
• Limited resources, giant steps 
T4D Projects – Health - Polio - Nutrition
COVID-19 Data Management DHIS-2, Government of Sindh
• Setup the automated 1166 Call Centre Operations with MIS • Supporting Government of Sindh in converting to existing
DHIS platform to DHIS-2 Platform - ongoing
• Supporting NCOC & NEOC in digitizing COVID-19 cases.
• National COVID-19 Situation Reporting System. DHIS-2, Government of Punjab
• 360 Complaint Management system for receiving/resolving Polio & • Supporting Government of Sindh in converting to existing
DHIS platform to DHIS-2 Platform - completed
EPI related complaints

National Polio Eradication Initiative (Dashboard) Sindh Accelerated Action plan MIS/MNE sys (AAP)
• IT and Technical support to PND Sindh, Task force
• Database is managing 37 Sources of data • Database is managing 09 Department data related to
• Data collection from 7,500 Union Councils
• Data collection on 260+ Indicator
• 3,000+ Active Users • 50+ Active Users

Largest RTM campaign Nutrition MIS (NMIS)

• National Nutrition Management Information System
• Reaching 3.4 million before/during/after the campaign was developed and currently an enhanced version of
system is in development.
through rapid pro and partner who is now a global LTA holder
T4D Projects – Education – CP - WASH
Sindh School Monitoring System WASH Info System Sindh
• Infrastructure, IT and Technical support to Sindh Education and • Detailed project plan development, approval and finance system.
Literacy Department • Water quality and technical data hostind MIS
• Database & Mobile Application is maintained
• Data collection from 48,000 Schools of Sindh on monthly basic WASH PHED MIS KPK
• 500 Active Monitors across Sindh are using the system

WASH KPK Decision support system through

efficiency mapping.
CP Protection MIS & Welfare Bureau 1121 Helpline

CP Incident Management System – Primero 2.0

Digital Birth Registration

• Partnership with Telenor group and Telenor Pakistan
• Registration of more than 1 million children
• Transforming into CRVS
T4D - future
• Build partnerships with private and public sector institutions on emerging
technologies and tools that can be applied in UNICEF
• Focus on BIG DATA.  Building data driven services for
the most vulnerable children
• Several global data apps under innovation in the works e.g. primero
(cpims, gbvims), Project connect, Innovations/magicbox etc
• Rapidpro scale up for RTM
T4D - Support
• Local ICT governance body
• All ICT4D projects to be vetted by the ICT Governance body
• Support code reuse
• Relationships with academia
• UNICEF’s representation at tech events
• Social app development contests
• MoU with relevant ministries
• Discussions with donors, other UN Agencies, regional office.
you • Improved
• Children • UNICEF Services
Thank • DATA Thank
you you

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