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Sa isang barkong galing sa Japan, nawalan ng alahas

ang kapitan kaya agad-agad niyang ipinatawag ang

kayang mga kasama. Itinanong niya kung saan galing
ang mga ito. Una ay si Hydn na drayber ng barko, ayon
dito, nasa 'control room' lamang siya sa lahat ng oras.
Sumunod ay ang mekanikong si Hiro, ayon sa kanya,
inaayos niya ang makina sa ibabang bahagi ng barko.
Huli ay si Reiji, ang taga-linis, ayon sa kanya, nakita
niyang baligtad ang watawat na nakasabit sa poste
kaya't inayos niya ito. Kinumpronta agad ng kapitan ng
barko ang magnanakaw. Sino ang magnanakaw?
I and Aileen will
report about the
Weaknesses of
Filipino Character

A Moral Recovery Program:
Building a People--Building
a Nation.

April 27, 1988
Headed by Dr. Patricia Licuanan

Moving spirit behind the program

Senator Leticia Shahani

1. Extreme Family Centeredness
 Exessive concern for family.
 The use of one's office and power as a means of
promoting the interests of the family.

• Factionalism patronage
• Political Dynasty
• Detriment of concern for the larger community or the
common good.
2. Extreme Personalism
 Takes things personally.
 Cannot separate objective task from emotional involvement.
(utang ng loob or indebtedness)

• Favoritism or Nepotism
• Cronyism
• Graft and Corruption
• Uncomfortable with rules and regulations and standard
procedures. 6
3. Lack of Discipline
 Casual attitude towards time and space manifested in lack of
precision .(“bahala na si batman” or “pwede na yan”)
 Very compulsive
 These negative traits often lead to wasteful work system,
violation of rules, inefficiency and lack of commitment.
• Ningas cogon
• Palusot syndrome
• Poor time management and procrastination.
4. Passivity and Lack of Initiative
 Waiting to be told what to do.
 We tend to show strong reliance on others . (pala-asa)
 Lack of a sense of urgency (mañana habit). Complacence.
 Allowing others to do things to you without complaining or
pushing back. (matiisin or due to pakikisama)

• Violation of one’s right. Oppressed and exploited.
• Poor service and inefficiency of work
• Too easily resigned to his fate.
5. Colonial Mentality
 Lack of patriotism or of an active awareness.
 Lack of appreciation and love of country .
 Thinking that foreign talents and products are always better.
(allergic sa produckto ng pinoy)
• Cultural inferiority
• Denigration of oneself.
• Discrimination against those who are less acculturated.

6. Kanya-Kanya Syndrome,
Talangka Mentality
 Lack of sense of service among people in the government
 Done by tsismis, intriga, unconstructive criticism for personal
 Feeling of envy and competitiveness towards others.
• Selfishness
• Couldn’t care less about others in drive for power and personal
• Dampening of cooperative and community spirits and in the
trampling upon the rights of others.
7. Lack of Self-analysis and Self-
 Filipino tend to be superficial and even somewhat flighty.
 Satisfied with superficial explanations and superficial solutions
to problems.

• We joke about the most serious matters and this prevents
looking deeply into the problem.
• Trying to keep up with things even if things aren't going
• Too easily resigned to his fate.
8. Emphasis on Porma Rather
than Substance
 This is lack of analysis
 Emphasis on norms is reinforced by an educational system that
is often more form than substance.
 Too often image and character count more than truth.

• Focuses more on the outside appearance of the report
rather than the content.

Change is Possible
1. Sense of patriotism and national pride.
2. Sense of the common goods.
3. Sense of integrity and accountability
4. Values and habits of discipline.
5. Values and habits of self-reflection and analysis.


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