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• today topic of my team is.....

, so , vy,
what do you think about this idea
• I think it's impossible, because unity is strength
Vietnam has a sentence One tree should not be
young, three trees together make a high mountain

• that's all my opinion Do you want

to add any comments?
• If the team members are good members, do
they need it?
• What does adaptability need and what should
be done?
What makes teamwork effective?
Good leadership
• A good team needs a strong leader.
• Some managers believe that being a leader means being a
dictator, but the best leaders provide only as much oversight as
is necessary and allow people to develop their own strengths.
• Model the behavior you want to see in your team, and offer
helpful and constructive feedback.
• Mentor members of your team who are struggling.
• Help people within the team find new projects and
opportunities that build upon their strengths.
A common goal
• Group work, such as meetings and planning sessions,
can be highly tedious ( tí đi ợt) or highly productive.
• Make group work more effective by only scheduling (
ske ju ồ ling) meetings when necessary, and sticking
to a schedule.( ske ju ồ)
• When your team members work together to achieve a
goal, they can become more closely bonded, but when
they're artificially ( a ti fi sồ li) forced together
through endless meetings, they may begin to feel
stressed and resentful.
One more opinion is that
Effective communication
• In the most effective teams, communication happens regularly.
• Interactions across team members as well as to and from team
leaders are all necessary.
• Regular team meetings are a good way to discuss on going
activities and new assignments, but if a crisis or brainstorm
arise, discussion shouldn’t wait until a team meeting takes
• Email, impromptu meetings, and conference calls are quick
ways to communicate and make decisions.
• These are also good methods for quick, periodic (pía ri o địc)
updates on tasks or to ask questions that don’t require team
consensus(còn sen sợt)
• While it's important to have a clearly defined set of
roles and responsibilities for each member, on the
most effective teams tasks and roles are not rigid.
• Team members are willing to cross lines of
responsibility and do something that may not be in
their job description if that is what’s required to get
the job done.
• They do so collaboratively, though, not stepping on
toes, but working with the one who usually has that
• I think that's a good idea
conflict management
(cón flict - mé nịtj mần)
• In the process of teamwork, working in an organization, it is inevitable that conflicts
and disagreements between one person and another, even conflicts occur. If these
tensions and conflicts are not resolved, they can cause many bad consequences for
the group or organization such as: unresolved problems, bad relationships between
people, disrespect for each other, etc. when it was the direct cause of the group's
• So , Conflict management is the process of limiting the negative aspects of conflict
while increasing the positive aspects of the conflict. The purpose( pớ pợts) of conflict
management is to enhance(ín hens) group learning and outcomes, including
efficiency(ì fit sần xì) or performance in organizational settings. Proper(pró per)
conflict management can improve team outcomes.
• Some conflict resolution(roẹt giơ lú sần) measures(mé rờ) such as verbal conflict
prevention(prờ ven sần) or Collective education: If the organization has a
consensus(cấn sen sịt) and reaches a high level of development, education can be
used collective. Conflicts between members (groups) can be brought(brầu t) to the
collective for other members to analyze and contribute, making the parties more
aware of their responsibilities to the organization, improving relationships, from give
up your ambitions.
What are the key responsibilities of
leadership? Why?
setting and communicating the goals

• It is the obligation of the managers to set goals for

the company or organization.
• Managers set long-term goals and short-term
• This is crucial( crú sồ) as it gives the various
employees target to meet in order to propel the
organization forward.
• Managers need to monitor these goals to ensure
that the set targets are achieved at the end of a
particular period.
Making plans
• Looking to the long-term success of a team or company
requires that Managers are capable of creating and
implementing plans that will drive the future growth and
direction of their team/the organization.

• This often involves having an intimate understanding of

the current capabilities of the organization, identifying
areas where there is growth potential (i.e. in new
markets, adjacent product lines, etc), and detailing how
and where the company/team can operate in these
Motivating the people
• Another daily responsibility of
management is to motivate staff.
• Staff does not respond to being simply told
what to do.
• They need to believe in the reasons for
undertaking a particular staff and feel a
sense of ownership over the process.
Direct & Lead
• A good manager needs to lead by example. If a Manager
is not able to instill a sense of trust in their team it will be
an uphill(úp hiu) challenge to grow a team that is happy
and motivated to follow you.
• Good managers know how the balance the sometimes
two competing prioritizes of directing and leading people.
• Directing involves providing guidance and allowing your
team to go off and implement the solution themselves.
• In some people's minds leading involves a more hands-
on approach where you are actively involved but
delegate tasks as and when appropriate.
Performance evaluation
• Performance evaluation is the process of evaluating (ì vá lu ây đing)
how effectively employees are fulfilling(fool fiu ling) their job
responsibilities and contributing to the accomplishment of organizational
• To appraise(ạp roayzz) performance effectively, a manager must be
aware(ờ que) of the specific expectation for a job, monitor the
employee’s behavior and results, compare the observed behavior and
results to expectations and measure the match between them.
• Performance evaluations(ì vá lu ấy sần), after all, are the basis on which
managers make decisions about compensation, promotion, and
dismissal(địt mít sồ)
• They also use feedback about people’s performance to recognize them
for a job well done and motivate them.
• In short, without a good judgment of the employee’s performance,
managers find it very difficult to identify and encourage organizational
effectiveness.(ì fect tịp nịt)
• It is because formal Performance evaluations are so important that most
organizations systematically(sít tơm má đì kồ lly) carry them out.
What makes a good leader? Why?
• All great leaders have to exhibit an air of confidence if
they’re going to succeed.
• Please don’t confuse this with self-satisfaction and
arrogance. You want people to look up to you for
inspiration, not so they can punch you in the face.
• Confidence is important because people will be looking to
you on how to behave, particularly if things aren’t going
100% right.
• If you remain calm and poised, team members are far more
likely to as well.
• As a result, morale and productivity(pró đặc tí vi đỳ) will
remain high, and the problem will be solved more quickly.
• If you panic and give up, they will know immediately(ìm mí
đi ợt ly )and things will simply go downhill from there.
• Treating people with respect on a daily basis is
one of the most important things a leader can
• It will ease tensions and conflict, create trust,
and improve effectiveness(ì fect tịp nịt)
• Respect is more than the absence of
disrespect, and it can be shown in many
different ways.
• Explore how you can cultivate(cớ ti vate) a
climate(clai mẹt) of respect at work or learn
more about becoming an ally(á lai) to others.
leadership characteristics
• I think a good leader must have leadership
traits such as Decision-Making
Capabilities(kei ờ bí li đy)
• Apart from having a futuristic vision, a
leader should have the ability to take the
right decision at the right time. Decisions
taken by leaders have a profound(prớ
pheao) impact on the masses.
• One of the essential(ờ sen trồ) leadership
qualities is the possession of honesty. Honesty
is expected from leaders to garner trust and
respect from people for reliability. Moreover(mó
roay vờ), we look up to people who are loyal(lố
dồ) to their words and are accountable.
Thus(Đớts), honesty is the most valued trait for
any business leader or any leader in general.
Strong Communicator
• Excellent communication is the key to good leadership.
An effective leader knows how to put across his
message. They are good orators(ó ra đợt) and
communicate to get his/her work done. They are not
harsh; they choose words and expressions which suit
the situation and allow others to express their thoughts
and ideas.
• They understand how important it is to have good
communication skills.. They are very conscious and
learn from others’ behaviors, which gives them a deep
understanding of human complexities.
• What qualities does a
good/effective leader
• Communication
• The more you engage in active listening and show genuine interest in what other
people have to say, the more people will feel connected to you and show a sense of
passion for your ultimate goal. People will feel inspired when they feel heard and they
will want to take an active approach in getting to know and trust you.
• Further, you have to allow your team’s thoughts and ideas to help form your action
plan. No one will ever be completely supportive of a direction that they had no part in
creating. People have to see their ideas integrated–or have an understanding of why
they weren’t used.

• Creativity
• Because an effective leader is someone that people can turn to for answers, it’s up to
leaders to know how to think creatively when issues come up. Part of being a leader
is being a trailblazer in a sense–someone who is paving a new path for others to
follow. Being innovative in this way requires creativity, which in itself is the desertion
of rigid structures. New perspectives on existing problems from a creative point of
view can lead to new and even unheard-of solutions.
• In order to succeed, a team often has to create its own path. Leaders who are
creative take on unexpected viewpoints that allow for new avenues to be uncovered,
which can be used to create new changes to help the team grow.
• Being an inspiration to your team is an important part of
focusing on your vision and goals, but it also helps keep
team morale high. Being an inspiring leader means you
have the ability to drive people to perform their best and to
demonstrate the qualities that you want employees to
display by choices, such as passion, determination, and
• Often, leaders expect team members to follow them
because of their position, and this is commonly what
happens. But that doesn't mean the leader inspires team
members to do their best work, support each other, and
contribute all they have. Leaders have to demonstrate a
work ethic in every interaction that they have that shows
their team their dedication.
• When leaders are accountable, they’re willing to respond to the
outcomes of their decisions, behaviors, and actions in every situation.
Accountable leaders don’t blame others when things get tough.
Instead, they right their wrongs and do any corrective action that is
necessary for the team. Accountable leaders display an accurate
depiction of their team by communicating the team’s strengths and
their areas for improvement. Being accountable also involves
questioning the status quo and finding the best answers.
• A good leader takes responsibility for the performance of the entire
team, even if the team messes up. Being an accountable leader
starts with being honest, which may require putting your pride aside
to admit the mistakes of your team. Accountable leaders review their
role in a situation and create an action plan to resolve problems,
conflicts, and obstacles in a genuine manner. Accountability is often
what draws the line between a good leader and an inferior one.
• What are some characteristics
of people who are not good
• Avoids or does not deal with conflict
• Whether in direct conflict with another employee, or being
the mediator between two people in dispute, a leader shouldn’t
just pretend that everything is ok and assume things will fix
themselves. Dodging these types of disputes or unpleasant
situations can result in accumulated frustrations, resentment
and poor communication.
• So, although a leader might think they are doing everyone
involved a favor by avoiding confrontation, this may blow up in
their face one day. A good leader will approach the situation
with an open mind and be proactive.
They never take accountability
• Being a leader means you accept a certain amount of
responsibility for the outcome of projects or tasks that are
required of you. It means taking initiative instead of placing
blame on others or feeling like the victim. It involves
admitting ownership of a problem and taking action to solve
or correct an issue.
• A good leader doesn’t take credit for the good and
disregards the bad. Sometimes, this is easier said than
done. It’s EASIER to point fingers and be passive, but a
heck of a lot more productive if you are proactive and want
to better the situation as well as yourself. It’s about asking
yourself how you can improve your performance as well as
the performance of others. Like a captain going down with
his ship, leaders should not leave their team hanging when
situations take a turn for the worst.
They fail to see the strengths of their team
• A leader that doesn’t know or take the steps to get to
know the strengths of the workforce may be leading
with blinders on. Perhaps they are delegating
responsibilities to those who are not built for the part
of overlooking someone’s natural talent when it could
have proved beneficial for the execution of certain
• A good leader will utilize tools that can uncover the
true potential, not only to assign tasks but to continue
to motivate and communicate effectively with them.
Failing to see these natural reflexes is like only seeing
the tip of the iceberg.
 It is said that leaders should act more responsibly when
they have power. What is your opinion?
• I agree with sentence
• Responsible leadership is about making sustainable
business decisions that take into account the interests
of all stakeholders, including shareholders,
employees, clients, suppliers, the community, the
environment, and future generations. isn’t as simple
as caring about everyone – there are lots of
challenges you could face as a leader. Employees,
suppliers, shareholders, and policymakers all demand
different things, as each group has unique concerns
and needs.
 It is said that becoming a leader makes a person’s life difficult in
some ways. Do you agree? If so, in what ways do you think becoming
a leader would make a person’s life more difficult?

• I disagree, leading others may be difficult at

times, but leaders have a lot of power. I think
it’s harder to follow a leader you don’t like than
to actually be a leader
It is said that leadership and power are not the same. What
do you think are some differences between leadership and
• In my view, there is a huge difference between power and
leadership. Power means you have enough resources and
rights to manage or control people or organizations. There are
two patterns. One is that the power is legal, which is given
authority by lots of people and will be written into law. The other
is that someone gasps all resources and controls the
organization by force. Although it is illegal, actually, he/she
could have enough power to control others. In terms of
leadership, it belongs to one of the outstanding characteristics.
Leadership will perform with managing people, making
decisions, time management, and risk management, etc.
People will respect him or here. In a word, Power is passive.
On the contrary, the leadership is active from people respecting
and admiration.
 What are the negative effects that come from
having power?
• Using tricks that violate ethics or violate the law
to gain the most benefits for themselves,
causing harm to the interests of the collective,
society or community such as counterfeiting,
smuggling, tax evasion, eating food stealing
copyrights, spreading news to destroy the
reputation of competitors.
Power can affect relationships and individuals in a
negative way. What are some positive effects power
may have?
• Leaders who exercise their power actively
encourage their followers to develop the
strengths and competencies they need to
succeed as people and as members of the
Appearance may affect what other people think about you
Yes, I agree
• Appearance can be said to be the most direct expression of a
person's sympathy for others to look at.
• One of our most important impressions of a person is their
appearance, especially the clothes they wear.
• Looking at the clothes you can definitely know more or less the
personality and personality of the opponent.
• People who wear neat and tidy office clothes give us a feeling
of elegance, orderliness and principles in life;
• Or the person who wears loose long clothes and slippers to give
us a loose, awkward feeling can sometimes be easygoing people
who often wear skirts to show us softness and gentle.. The first
thing that we feel about a person is style.
You are an active and friendly person
• For people who are friendly, cheerful and active, their eyes are
enough to recognize them.
• And when you look at the costumes, you will see that they
often dress quite simply but decently and neatly.
• They often choose bright colors for their clothes, hopeful
colors like people who are always optimistic and love life.
• These types of people hate being framed in dark clothes. Such
people are always impressive in the eyes of people, but it also
shows that they are less stable, changeable and always feel
you are a perfectionist
• On the surface, perfectionists will dress
very neatly, their clothes are simple but
clean and neat.
• They often choose and “feel safe” with
seamless outfits like vests.
• It will be rare to see them choose new
clothes with striking colors, day after day
the same old model.
• Of course, the above are just a few small
suggestions, it is impossible to judge a
person by the clothes they wear. The more
important thing is still need to talk, work,
visit….to fully appreciate their personality.
• If you were a manager, how would appearance affect
an employee’s chance for promotion?
• -> I think appearance can truly change your level of success at work.
• Appearance doesn't necessarily mean good looks. Although I strongly believe as a
female, good looks can be to your benefit, or not being attractive can be a fault.
• Either gender can be more successful in how they dress, do their hair, with women's
make-up and heels seem to be more accepted.
• I think it's about preparing for work more than anything. When a man puts on a tie or
a woman puts on a dress, it almost commands more respect because they look
more prepared. They took that extra time to look more ready than the guy or gal who
threw on a t-shirt and jeans. That doesn't require any thought or preparation. I have
been around the T-shirt/Jean people who can play it off better than others but
generally, it's not a professional look.
• Even for myself, when my hair is done nicely, my clothes are pressed or I'm wearing
a dress and heels, and my make-up is on point, I feel more successful. When you
feel successful, it shows on you. When I'm just wearing my regular pants and a logo
man-looking shirt I don't feel like doing my hair and makeup. I also don't feel
successful at all.
Have you ever worn a uniform for work or school? Did you
like it? What are some advantages and disadvantages of
wearing a uniform?
• I wore a school uniform, and I really like it
• Advantages :
+ First, wearing school uniforms would help make students' lives
simpler. They would no longer have to decide what to wear every
morning, sometimes trying on outfit after outfit in an effort to choose.
+ Second: uniforms create a feeling of unity among students. For
example, when students do something as a group, such as attend
meetings in the auditorium or eat lunch in the cafeteria, the fact that
they all wear the same uniform gives them a sense of community.
+ Finally, school uniforms would help make all the students feel
• equal. Students' standards of living differ greatly from family to
family, and some people are well-off while others are not, and
School uniforms would promote pride and help to raise the self-
esteem of students who cannot afford to wear expensive clothing.
• Disadvantages: Limited Visual and
Individual Expression
• Clothing is a major way in which human
beings -- especially young people --
communicate their personalities to the
world without having to speak or perform
physical behaviors.
How much do a person’s clothing and organisational skills
affect your first impression of him or her?
• Actually, for me, a person's outfit and skills affect about
80% of my first impression of them.
• Appearance can be said to be the most direct
expression of a person's sympathy for others to look at.
• One of our most important impressions of a person is
their appearance, especially the clothes they wear.
• Looking at the clothes you can definitely know more or
less the personality and personality of the opponent.
• And I'm more interested in people who have a clean,
neat appearance.
• Of course, the above are just a few small suggestions, it
is impossible to judge a person by the clothes they wear.
The more important thing is still need to talk, work,
visit….to fully appreciate their personality
Think about a time that you judged someone based on how he or she
looked or organised things. Was your first impression right or wrong?
• I think my first assessment of other people is not quite
• A specific example is my close friend, when I first met
her, I didn't like her because she was shy and quiet,
while I was an active person. But after meeting each
other for about a week, we are best friends until now.
There could be a million reasons why she didn't make a
good first impression. She's not mean, snobby or
anything I think. My first impression was wrong. I
evaluated(ì vá lu ây) her after being with her for only 2
minutes. It's not enough time to get to know someone.
What connection is there between appearance and quality
of work?
• Appearance plays a big part in the workplace not only in how your
colleagues and management view you but also in how you view yourself.
• When you look good, you feel good and ultimately become more productive.
• The quality of your work might be the most important thing but your
appearance also leaves an immediate impression on your colleagues,
including management.
• In the professional world, your first impression will last. Many might say the
way you look at work doesn’t matter, it’s only your capability and knowledge
that counts.

• And if that’s the case, you need to re-evaluate the scenario all over again.
It’s important to equally dress well and appropriately in the professional
• Dressing well will not only increase your self-confidence but it will also
impress and attract other people.
Do you think that when people look sloppy they
are less careful at work?

• Yes, I think so
• Because appearance speaks volumes
about their personality, if people look
sloppy, thay may be sloppy with their work
Does someone’s appearance and the condition of their
workplace matter if they can get the job done?

• It’s doesn’t matter because the most

important thing is that people have the
skills to do their job. However, if they have
to meet with clients, their clothing and
workspace should probably look neat
Do you think that schools should teach
students how to be organized?
• Yes
• Teaching students how to organize from an early
age will help them become more independent
and successful
• know how to organize, organize daily tasks such
as doing homework on time, having to clean
your desk or locker, loose papers, covers,
notebooks must be organized carefully from
school will form a good habit for children
Companies vary in their dress codes and their expectations when
it comes to appearance. Make a list of jobs you might like to have
in the future. How might your appearance have to change if you
took a job in one of these professions?

• In the future I want to be able to work in the

field of art, such as photography, or
• My outfit will change depending on the job.
For example, if I work as a photographer,
my clothes will be somewhat more
comfortable to move around, but if I work in
marketing, my clothes must be polite and
Think of successful people you know. How would you
describe their appearance? How does your appearance
affect what people think about you?
• I want to tell you about my idol Taeyeon, who is also someone I
admire and an example for me to follow.
• It's not an exaggeration to say she's pretty like a fairy Not only
has outstanding vocal skills, Girls' Generation's Taeyeon also
has a stunning visual!
With her natural beauty, big round eyes, clear jawline, flawless
skin and petite figure, many say Taeyeon looks like a real-life
• Dress styles vary, from sweet to cool, there are enough
• I think looks affect how people think of me quite a lot,
depending on whether I wear clothes, makeup or not. because
when I put on makeup and clothes, my confidence increases,
and when I don't wear makeup or clothes, I look sloppy.
Reasons children have to take on adult
Divorcing parents
• Divorcing parents will cause children certain mental injuries, disturbances
in the way of life and emotions
• The poor children know that things will never be the same again and that
the peaceful world has completely changed.
• The first change may be that the child cannot live with or even completely
loses contact with either parent.
• All habits, studying, eating, resting may also be different when losing a
caring hand. This is really the most sudden and profound change.
• Many divorces, even though many years have passed, children are still
under pressure from their parents, the pressure is getting heavier and
heavier after only a short time of the divorce.
• The reason is that adults constantly "pull" their children towards them and
create confrontation and hatred with the other person.
• Many children, because they can't stand the pressure of family
circumstances, leave or show signs of serious mental breakdown.
Parents scolding
• Frequent scolding will cause children to
form fear and psychological insecurity.
Even, instead of obeying, children may
react to their parents in an extreme way.
Later when facing similar problems,
children may be easily grumpy, angry, and
like to scold.
parents' dream
• Many parents are placing too many expectations on their children, causing their lives
to be engulfed in pressure. Right from the first grade, many parents asked their
children: "What do you want to do tomorrow?" And when children say: "I like to fix
cars", "I like to drive trains", many mothers "jump" up: "Oh my god! You have to be a
director, You have to be a doctor"!
• To achieve that expectation, many parents have found ways for their children to learn
all kinds of things when they are two or three years old. Which is to speak English
more fluently than Vietnamese, to know how to draw, to do math fluently…
• Many children who have just returned from kindergarten have been taken to an
English center by their parents, and have to practice writing beautiful handwriting at
home at night. calculate… Thus, children seem to be spinning around in the plans set
by their parents.
• The story of excessive expectations in children also occurs when they enter the
higher education level with the goal: They must pass the entrance exam to the
specialized school of their choice, must pass the entrance exam to a prestigious
university in order to still be a "grandfather" other” so that parents can honor their
• Because of this ambition, parents did not care about what their children liked, how
powerful they were. This is like forcing them to carry as much burden as possible.
• In an age when the line between
childhood and adulthood is blurrier
than ever, when does a child become
an adult Some people think that the
graduation of high school makes a
person an adult. Others think that the
age of 18 is the age when childhood
is replaced by adulthood. However,
from my everyday experience and
observation I can stand three major
events that make a person an adult.
• The first event that makes a person
an adult is getting a job. The ability to
earn for yourself gives a person the
opportunity to live independently from
his or her parents. Personally, I think
the first job is a very important
experience in a person's life and it
has a huge impact on his personality.
He learns how to manage his
spending and how to save money for
more important things.
• The second event,in my
opinion, is the graduation from
a college or university. I think
it is a very important step in
one's life because this means
the beginning of a new life with
more responsibilities
• Finally, I believe that marriage
has a great impact on person's
life. Marriage means an
independent life from one's
parents with a new person. It is a
very great experience. Two
persons create a new family and
they face new difficulties and
• In conclusion, I think that the list of events
that make a person an adult can be
continued. Another important event in a
person's life is the army. I know many
young men who served in the Army that
changed them very much. They became
more serious, self-confident and
independent people. So, my point is that
every person has different events that
influenced his life and make him an adult.
 Would you rather be a child, teenager or
an adult? Why?
• I want to become an adult so that I can go
to many places, do the work I like, and
most importantly I want to earn a lot of
money so that my parents can have a
better life, there will be many obstacles but
I think that's what life is like
 Should teenagers work? Why or why not?
• They become responsible:
• Responsibility doesn’t come suddenly and is earned in due time. All teens need to be
responsible sometime in their life. They should be responsible for their own deeds
and actions. When teens are doing a job, they learn to be responsible faster. Parents
don’t need to put extra effort into making them learn this skill. Thus, teenage jobs
teach teenagers to be responsible at an early age before they become adults .
• Polish their skills:
• Every child is gifted with one or more skills. These skills can be polished by
taking a part-time or summer job.
• Teens can learn a lot from such jobs and polish their skills and talents.
There are many things that cannot be learned in school. They require life
• Part-time jobs for teens help them to learn new skills and develop their
talents. By doing a job, teens can easily learn to handle cash, take care of
customers, and do other allotted tasks.
 How much freedom should parents
give to their teenagers? Why?
• the answer to that greatly depends on variables such as the individual teen,
their life experiences, the amount of family support they have, their level of
responsibility, level of maturity, etc. Many times, parents want to protect
their teen from painful life experiences, especially if the parent(s) had to
face many challenges during their adolescence.
• The way I see it, my parents will give me as much freedom as I can prove to
them that I can handle it. If I show that I am responsible and do the things
that they ask, then yeah, I anticipate that they will give me a little more
freedom. I also expect that if my grades start slipping or they feel that I am
not holding up my end of the bargain with the expectations that have been
set, I expect them to tighten the reins again until I prove to them that I can
do it and they will let me try again.
 Do you think it's a good idea to give teenagers a
lot of freedom? Why or Why not?

• 30percent freedom and 70 percent control See in this

age many teens like to hang out with their friends. They
feel that is cool. OK. But there are many instances when
teens destroy their life at this age bypassing all-time with
buddies, chilling with them, etc.Etc.They must also be
controlled. At this age, they must concentrate on their
studies so that they shape their future
 What do you think are some of the greatest problems
facing teenagers today?
• The common teenage problems that teenagers face today are usually related
• Self-Esteem and Body Image
• Stress
• Bullying
• Depression
• Cyber Addiction
• Drinking and Smoking
• Teen Pregnancy
• Underage Sex
• Defiant Behaviors
• Peer-Pressure and Competition
• Not surprisingly, all of these common teenage problems are connected to
one another, in some way. However, it does not mean that having one would
lead to the other.
 What is the best advice you could give to
a teenager growing up in your country?
• At every phase in your life, you have a
choice; you can either strive for excellence
or cruise at mediocrity. The more you
strive early on, the more it becomes a part
of who you are; you learn to always push
yourself to be better; you are always
willing to learn and grow; you become the
master of your own fate.
What makes someone like a
Expensive costs
• In the field of fine art, there are collectors who not only buy art, they
also buy the pleasure of hunting for works of art. Therefore, when
brought to auction, the paintings will in turn be pushed up at the
highest value. As can be seen, the most expensive paintings today
fluctuate over hundreds of millions of dollars.
• Mona Lisa painting by Italian author Leonardo da Vinci. The painting
is more than 500 years old and is considered the most beautiful
painting in the world. When you look closely at the background of
the painting, you will see mountains, trails, rivers and streams...
Most portrait painters choose a wall or canvas as the background. It
can be said that, throughout the long history of art, few artists like
Leonardo da Vinci have painted a background for a portrait that has
become a masterpiece. Currently, the work of Mona Lisa costs
about 700 million USD and holds the position as the most expensive
painting in the world.
unique styles
• Abstract works of art sometimes need to have a level of
perception and not everyone can recognize the special
or content inside the abstract works.
• However, not every artistic image is dry and difficult to
understand, but sometimes contains some content
inside. And even if you can't recognize the content of the
abstract images, it is important to acknowledge the
uniqueness of each of these paintings.
• so I think the unique style is also one of the things that
makes people like the picture
the depth of the paint
• Another thing that I think makes a good painting, and I
think I may have written about this before, is the depth of
the paint. Personally I think that a good painting needs
lots of layers of colour. It doesn’t even matter if that is
the same colour but just lots of layers of it, or in terms of
the abstract paintings that I do, often it is the case of
adding in lots of thin layers of paint in slightly different
colours which really give a great effect.
What is art? What makes a painting or a movie or a book
• Art is a highly diverse range of human activities engaged in creating visual,
auditory, or performed artifacts— artworks—that express the author’s
imaginative or technical skill, and are intended to be appreciated for their
beauty or emotional power.
• A compelling plot, exploiting historical events or periods… are some of the
factors that make up an iconic film.
• The foundation of a classic movie often lies in telling a compelling story. In
particular, films that exploit the paradoxes of human nature often dominate the
classics. They are not just stories of characters. They are our stories,
reflecting our joys, our conflicts and our sorrows.
• Movies that exploit historical events or depict a golden age are always an
undying favorite in the hearts of the audience. Whether it's the darkest period,
the climax of human history, or the myths of a bygone era, it makes us
reminisce, immerse, and temporarily escape the chaos of life. modern. For
example, the movie Titanic was inspired by the famous sinking of the historic
RMS Titanic in 1912.
Have you ever made art? Can anything
be art?
• I really like to take pictures, and I usually take pictures in
my free time, so I think I also work in art.
• I genuinely believe that anything can be art and I also
believe that this possibility makes art more exciting and
by extension, the world a better place.
• As for art’s value, there are monetary, historical, artistic,
and many other measures, so depending on your
emphasis, art’s value can vary among individuals
although there is some universal agreement regarding
some types of art.
What kind of art do you like? Why do you like it?
Do other people like it? Why or why not?
• art music
• Music helps relieve stress
• When I listen to a favorite song, the stress hormones in the body are
limited and significantly reduced.
• This helps the body fight the symptoms of prolonged stress. This
makes me feel happy, excited and joyful.
• I think everyone likes music, because music is everyone's friend
• Each person will have a different type of music, for example, people
like sad music, mood, people like happy music. Whether it's a sad or
happy piece of music, when people study or play, the melody of the
song plays, giving them more subtle emotions. And of course these
feelings can be considered as a kind of expression of friendship,
understanding and listening of music. Surely no one will refuse this
wonderful friend whether it is an adult, or a child
There are a lot of activities that people used to do in the past but they
don’t often do now. Why do you think people are less interested in
these activities today?

• I think traditional manual activities like sewing are less of

a concern these days because people usually don't have
much free time right now and people usually go to the
store to buy it for convenience
Why do people enjoy doing crafts? Give reasons based on
your own experience

• People enjoy doing crafts because they

like to spend their free time doing
something fun. Also, making something
yourself means no one else has the same
thing. You can make your craft exactly the
way you want it
Do you think school should teach crafts to all
children as part of the curriculum? Why or why
• I think schools should teach some crafts
to young children. It is important to learn
how to do things for yourself, and parents
may not have time to teach their children
or may not know how to do some things
It sometimes takes weeks or months to make something by hand. How much
do you think this affects a person’s enthusiasm for doing crafts? Would you
enjoy doing something that takes weeks or months to finish?

• I like to do projects that I can finish quickly.

I get bored if something takes too long to
complete, so I wouldn't want to do a craft
that would take months
Would you be willing to pay more money for
jewelry, furniture, a musical instrument, or some
other objects that were made by hand? Why or
why not?
• I think I will, because handmade items will
be more meticulous, careful and
sophisticated than buying from a store.

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