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Bhagavad Gita As It Is

By His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada

Verse 8.16 - 8.20

14 Planetary Systems (catur-daśa-bhuvana)
1. Satyaloka - The highest planet is Satyaloka, or Brahmaloka, where
the prime person of this universe, Lord Brahma, resides.

2. Tapaloka - Those who have performed severe penances reside here.

3. Janaloka - Great saintly persons free from the modes of passion and
ignorance, after death, they go to Janaloka or Maharloka.

4. Maharloka - The yogī alone attains this planet where purified saints

like Bhṛgu and others enjoy a duration of life of 4,300,000,000 solar

5. Svarloka - The karmīs, or fruitive workers, can elevate themselves to

the Svargaloka planets.

6. Bhuvarloka - These entities sometimes come to the bhumandala in

vimanas unidentified flying objects, associates of Lord Shiva, Kuvera,
ghosts etc.

7. Bhurloka – Earth, If you keep yourself in the rajo-guṇa, then you will

keep within this Bhurloka
Ūrdhvaloka, Madhya-loka & Adhaloka
8. Atala - In the planet Atala, the yawning of a demon has produced
three kinds of women, called svairiṇī (independent), kāmiṇī (lusty)
and puṁścalī (very easily subdued by men).

9. Vitala - Lord Śiva and his wife Gaurī reside. Because of their
presence, a kind of gold is produced called hāṭaka..

10.Sutala - The great son of Mahārāja Virocana, Bali Mahārāja, who is

celebrated as the most pious king, resides even now. Bali Mahārāja
engages in devotional service by worshiping the Supreme
Personality of Godhead in the planet of Sutala.

11.Talatala - the abode of the demon Maya

12.Mahatala - there are many snakes with hundreds and thousands of


13.Rasatala - They are all enemies of the demigods, and they reside in
holes like snakes

14. Patala – Here serpent Vasukī lives with his associates. Pātāla is also
known as Nāgaloka, where there are many demoniac serpents.
Day of Brahma (Kalpa)
Four Yugas
• Kali Yuga = 432,000 years = K
• Dvapara Yuga = 2K = 864,000 years
• Treta Yuga = 3K = 1,296,000 years
• Satya Yuga = 4K = 1,728,000 years
Total of four yugas = 4,320,000 years (4.32 million) = 1 Maha-Yuga (Divya-Yuga)

A thousand of Maha-yugas is 4.32 x 1000 = 4.32 billion years = 1 Kalpa

Thus, one daytime (12 hours) of Brahma is 4.32 billion years (same is the night, so there are 2 kalpas in one full day of Brahma (24 hours)

Each day of Brahma is divided into fourteen parts called manvantaras. Each manvantara has a different Manu and the current Manu is the seventh,
called Vaivasvata.

1 Manvantara = 71 Maha-yugas
Life of Brahma (Maha-Kalpa)
1 Day = 4.32 Billion human years
1 Night = 1 Day = 4.32 Billion human years
1 Year = 360 Days + 360 Nights = 360 * 2 * 4.32 Billion years = 3.1104 Trillion human years
1 Life = 100 Brahma’s years = 311.04 Trillion Human years

The current age of Brahma is 50 years (155.52197 trillion years) and he is now 5 hours, 28 minutes, and 49 seconds into the first day of his 51st year.

This is the time that passes when Maha-Vishnu exhales or inhales just once.

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