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Nur Amirah Bajuri
Sc/ Bi /Bm
When Should We
Later today, Melati will take Arjuna to the doctor’s office
for a check-up.  “When do you think we should leave?” she
asks.  “Help me decide.” 

Since Melati always has errands to run, so Arjuna ask her,

“What do we have to do on the way?”

She answers, “I’d like to go to the dry-cleaners in the mall,

and then let’s have lunch at the restaurant in the mall. 
Then we can get fish-food at the pet shop and money at
the bank.  And then we can go see the doctor.”
“OK,” Arjuna tell her, “let’s say that it takes 20 minutes to drive
to the mall and park, and 10 minutes to get the dry cleaning,
then 45 minutes for lunch, 10 minutes to get fish food and 10
minutes to get money at the bank.  After that we’ll need 20
minutes to drive to the doctor’s office.  What time is our

“Our appointment is at 2:00 p.m., so when should we leave?”

Strategy :

Work Backward
Step 1 : Identify The Problem

When should they leave if they have to drive to mall and park
and stop for:
i. dry-cleaners in the mall
ii. have lunch at the restaurant in the mall
iii. get fish-food at the pet shop
iv. get money at the bank
v. see the doctor
and have to be at the doctor’s office by 2.00p.m
Step 2 : Devise A Plan

Work backward to find out on what time they

have to leave from home to be at the doctor’s
office by 2.00p.m. Subtracted each time of the
spending time at the certain places.
Step 3 : Carry Out The Plan

To solve when we should leave, start with the appointment time

at 2.00 p.m and work backward from there.

For being able to go doctor’s office at 2.00 p.m, we need 20 mins.

So, we must leave home at 1.40 p.m

For being able to get money at the bank, we need 10 mins. So,
we must leave home at 1.30 p.m
For being able to get fish-food at the pet shop, we need 10
mins. So, we must leave home at 1.20 p.m

For being able to have lunch at the restaurant in the mall, we

need 45 mins. So, we must leave home at 12.35 p.m

For being able to go to the dry-cleaners in the mall, we need

10 mins. So, we must leave home at 12.25 p.m

For being able to go to the mall and park, we need 20 mins.

So, we must leave home at 12.05 p.m
Go to doctor’s office : 2.00 p.m
20 mins
Get money at the bank : 1.40 p.m
10 mins
Get fish-food at pet shop : 1.30 p.m
10 mins
Lunch at the restaurant : 1.20 p.m
45 mins
Dry-cleaners in the mall : 12.35 p.m
10 mins
Drive to the mall and park : 12.25 p.m
20 mins
Leave from home : 12.05 p.m
Step 4 : Look Back
We can started the time from the beginning by add each time of the
certain place.

12.05 p.m

Drive to the mall and park : 20 mins : 12.25 p.m

Dry-cleaners in the mall : 10 mins : 12.35 p.m

Lunch at the restaurant : 45 mins : 1.20 p.m

Get fish-food at pet shop : 10 mins : 1.30 p.m

Get money at the bank : 10 mins : 1.40 p.m

Go to doctor’s office : 20 mins : 2.00 p.m


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