Team Electra: Nikhil Menda Robin Aranha

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Nikhil Menda
Robin Aranha
 ECIL – Electronic Corporation India Limited

 Registered in April 1967

 Small Medium Enterprises (SME) in Public Sector

 Manufactures Computers, Communications Systems & Consumer Electronics

 Aimed at achieving self-reliance at all levels of operations

 Previously organized into 7 semi-autonomous strategic business units (SBU’s)

 Employs workforce of over 8000 including 2000 qualified and experienced


 Produces over 250 items belonging to the seven SBU’s


 To look into both integrated projects and single product

 Power to make any changes in management policies

Service Groups Components

Business Groups

• Control Systems • Human Resource Group

• Computer • Finance & Accounts
• Communication Systems • Planning & Monitoring
• Consumer Electronics • Purchase Function
• Instruments • Sales Function
 Centralizing Structure of operations

 Percentage share of Military Systems in:

 Value of the Product: 1.79%
 Income: 1.87%
 Contribution to Administrative expenses: 8%

 Divest Military system due to its negligible contribution in income

and value of product

 Centralize components product group as it is essential in two

 Used for production of other products
 Used as a single product to be sold directly

 Reduction of percentage of raw materials in the total inventory

through Backward Integration
 Create a sales function group and remove the liaison group
 To follow matrix organization structure for projects so as better cash
and credit management

The above points help us address the first question with the help of
which we can restructure the organization leading to better cash
flows and better cash management.
 Firstly increasing the number of Qualified and experienced of
engineers from 2000 to 4500

 Backward integration

 Main objective to collect early pay late. As government departments

are our major clients as 95% of total sales are effected to them and the
outstanding period has been 2 years or more and had increased year
after year

 Focus also on to create negative working capital

 To have a single purchasing function for efficient procurement and

management of materials
 Produce based on demand so as to reduce stagnation of inventory (Reduce
Work In Progress)
 Scheduling incase of integrated products i.e. a project
 Duration of Operating Cycle = Work In Process Period + Finished Goods
Storage Period + Debtor’s Collection Period + Creditor’s Payment Period

The above points addresses the second question which deals with the
internal procedures with regard to curbing growth of investments in
inventory and debtor component of cash which in turn reduce the operating
 Reduce internal financing in order enjoy tax incentive
 Cost of internal funds as per recent statistics provided shows as
16.47 % , which is the area to be tackled
 Thus improving shareholder value and increasing overall Net profits
 More of external debt financing
 To restructure credit policy of the company (Letter Of Credit)
 Financing of working capital to be focused on bank finance more than
non-bank or internal finance
 High Quality earnings which refers to free flowing cash flows

The above given points answers our third question regarding the
financial pattern of ECIL for cash requirements. We understand that it
is not advisable to mobilize cash through company deposits as we lose
the benefit of tax incentive.
 As per earlier statistics , 2 issues can be seen :-
 Work in progress & Raw Materials Congestion:

The statistics provided for the above two show 106 and 150
number of days respectively in the operating cycle. Which should be
reduced to increase working capital management
 Debtors collection and Creditors payment:

As per 85-86 debtors collection is 97 days and creditors payments 80

days and this area has to be tackled
 As per statistics cash credit for 85-86 shows as 17.5% where as credit from
financial institutions shows as 14% , thus the ratio showed be vice versa in
order to have better investment of working capital
 Actual internal financing as on 88-89 shows as 3207.03 as compared to
3218.87 of 87 -88 , but has to be further reduced

 Actual borrowing of 87-88 and 88-89 has remained more or less same which
in figures is 2805.01 and thus should be increased further

 Working capital as per the budget estimates of 86-87 and 87-88 are 6220
and 6012.04 respectively , this should be reduced to ensure better inventory

Thus the working capital budget deviations are not within controllable limits
and the above points act as guidelines to bring it within controllable limits.

In conclusion we can summarize this case in 3 basic points:

 Restructuring the organization structure to avoid
distribution of power to several hands
 Effective management of working capital through external
financing or using Letter Of Credit to the advantage of the
 Optimum utilization of storage space and manufacturing
time through Backward Integration
Thank You

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