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Multicultural Theory
Culture – is the characteristics and
knowledge of a particular group of
people, encompassing language, religion,
cuisine, social habits, music and arts.

customs, tradition, lifestyle, way of life

Multiculturalism Policy
Multicultural Theory
Is the open and positive acceptance of
marginalize peoples within a larger
It denotes inclusion of these groups or
individuals in the ritual and practice of a
larger cultural sphere, without exception.

 A theory of culture and its value

Harmonious co-existence of different
Multiculturalism is a
Aims at protecting and supporting
cultural diversity
2 main characteristics of Policy

1.To address the different demands of

cultural groups

2. To provide groups, by which

individuals can pursue their cultural
The Claims and Justifications of
Identity politics I The politics of difference I The politics of recognition



Multiculturalism Theory
- the Metaphors

The Melting Pot The Salad Bowl

Theory Theory
Proponents of Multicultural

Brian Barry Will Kymlicka

Universalist ideal of Group
equality differentiated rights
Multiculturalism Theory
isn’t a single concept, but an evolving
body of theory that touches upon many
relevant aspects of our daily lives.
My dream would be a
multicultural society, one
that is diverse and where
every man, woman and
child are treated equally. I
dream of a world where all
people of all races work
together in harmony.

--- Nelson Mandela ---

Feminist Perspective
 Feminism is theory that men and
women should be equal politically,
economically and socially.
Cultural Feminism
The theory that there are fundamental personality
differences between men and women, and that
women's differences are special and should be
celebrated. This theory of feminism supports the
notion that there are biological differences
between men and women. For example, "women
are kinder and more gentle then men," leading to
the mentality that if women ruled the world there
would be no wars.
 Ecofeminism
Ecofeminism is a theory that rests on the
basic principle that patriarchal
philosophies are harmful to women,
children, and other living things. They
feel that the patriarchal philosophy
emphasizes the need to dominate and
control unruly females and the unruly
Material Feminism
A movement that began in the late 19th
century focused on liberating by
improving their material condition. This
movement revolved around taking the
"burden" off women in regard to
housework, cooking, and other traditional
female domestic jobs.
Amazon Feminism
 Amazon feminism focuses on physical equality and is
opposed to gender role stereotypes and discrimination
against women based on assumptions that women are
supposed to be, look, or behave as if they are passive,
weak and physically helpless. Amazon feminism
rejects the idea that certain characteristics or interests
are inherently masculine (or feminine) and upholds and
explores a vision of heroic womanhood. Amazon
feminists tend to view that all women are as physically
capable as all men.
 Source:
Women in Development
-started in the 1970’s, with 1975 as International Women’s Year
-1976-1985- United Nations Decade on Women
 All the major conferences were held in Mexico City,
Copenhagen and Nairobi
Women in Development Approach
-was adopted by the UN in 1975 and
at the First World Conference on
Women held in Mexico.
-Government were asked to create
National Machineries such as
Ministries of Women to promote and
oversee national efforts to advance
women and WID Units.
Women in Development
-aim was to integrate women into economic development by
focusing on women’s productive work in two ways:
-providing women money and other resources for
income-generating activities
-developing appropriate technologies to lighten
women’s loads
- Belief that economic development can be achieved through
Women and Development
-emerged in the second half of the 1970’s-
launching of the women’s movement
- WAD argues that women have always been a
part of the development processed but that their
work has been exploited to profit others in the
global North
Women and Development
-WAD advocated increasing women's
share in resources, land, employment and
-perspective therefore was more concerned
about the relationship between women and
development rather than integration of
women into development
Gender and Development (GAD)

GAD is a development perspective that

recognizes the unequal status and
situations of women and
men in society.
Article 2
“Everyone is entitled to all the
rights and freedoms set forth in this
Declaration, without distinction of
any kind, such as race, colour, sex,
language, religion, political or other
opinion, national or social origin,
property, birth or other status.”
Gender and Development
- emerged in the 1980’s
-views that unequal power relations
between women and men prevent
equitable relations and the full
participation of women and men.
Gender and Development
-GAD approach recognizes women as
agents of change rather than mere
recipients of development and it
emphasizes the need for women to
mobilize in order to achieve greater
political impact.
-thus GAD focuses not on women (as
WID and WAD did) but the social
relation between men and women
Four (4) Premises of GAD
1. GAD is not a war of the sexes;
2. GAD is not anti-male;
3. Both men and women are
victims of gender inequality,
although victims are more often
women than male; and
4. Both women and men have a
share in the struggle for
gender equality
Legal Mandates for GAD
1987 Philippine Constitution –
Article II, Sec. 14 provides that
the State recognizes the role of
women in nation-building and
shall ensure the fundamental
equality before the law of women
and men.
Legal Mandates for GAD

Republic Act 7192, Women in

Development and Nation-Building
Act- laid the groundwork for
institutionalizing gender concerns in
national development efforts adopting
the GAD approach in policies and
Legal Mandates for GAD

R.A. 7192, directs all government

agencies to institute measures that
would eliminate gender bias in
government policies, programs and
project, to ensure that women are
given the means to participate fully in
development and nation building.
Other National Laws on Women
•Anti-Discrimination Law (RA 6725)
•Migrant Workers and Overseas Filipino Act
(RA 8042)
•Solo Parents’ Welfare Act of 2000 (RA 8972)

•Anti-Mail Order Bride Law (RA 6955)
•Anti-Sexual Harassment Law (RA 7877)
•Anti-Rape Law (RA 8353)
•Special Protection of Children Against Child
Abuse, Exploitation and Discrimination Act (RA
•Sexuality Education (LOI, 47, 1972)…others

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