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System Network

Presented BY:  
Aaditya Jha (NP000290)
Manisha Regmi (NP000313)
Pranesh Maharjan (NP000323)
Secure Webmail

 Objective:
 Stunnel is being configured for establishing secure communication between the servers.
 The other objective of this enhancement is to add a secure connection i.e. https:// in the
webmail and using a mail submission port. 
List of Configurations

 We should start the stunnel service by provinding the required execution bits to the "rc.stunnel" file and
running the command. "/etc/rc.d/rc.stunnel start".
 Now we download the TinyNetCA certificate from TinyNet root store. After this we install the certificate to
our browser. By navigating to "3 dots – Settings – Advanced – Privacy & Security – Manage Certificates" . 
Now browsing to the TinyNetCA certificate installation is completed.
Cross-System Multitail (Aaditya Jha)

 Objective:

 View the logfiles of postfix on Gateway and Mailserver in different windows using multitail.
Telnet service is to be used for sending mails and demonstrating the postfix logfiles. 

 View the logfiles of postfix on Gateway and Mailserver in a single window with different
colors using a different method than above. Mulltitail setup is to be done to view logfiles on
same window. 
List of configurations

 For multitail with SSH:

 On both Gateway and mailhost we should edit the /etc/ssh/ssh_config file by adding: 
"host * 
       ControlPath /tmp/ssh-%r@%h:%p 
       ControlMaster auto 
     # ControlPersist 10m" 
After this ssh connection is established using the command:
Then, mail is sent using telnet and postifix logfiles are dislayed using the command:
multitail /var/log/postfix.log –l "ssh" tail –f /var/log/postfix.log 
List of configurations (Contd..)

 For multitail using Netcat:

In Mailhost the following commands should be entered: 
"mkfifo /tmp/foo 
Ln –s /bin/foo |bsdnc –lkv 23432 |/bin/rbash 1>/tmp/foo &" 
After these commands we go to the Gateway to monitor the postfix logfiles 
" multitail –ci yellow /var/log/postfix.log –ci red –L "echo 'tail /var/log/postfix.log' |nc 23432 
SUDO- Pranesh Maharjan

 Objective
 Show a random fortune in color on every login for different users on the startup
 Force the normal users to use sudo. No root access is to be allowed. 
 Show different prompts of colors for different types of users that is, root users have
different color and normal users have different color.  
List of Configurations

 Random Fortune
 We have to first install the Ascii Art package from SetupMenu under /mnt/hdc directory. After that we
should edit the file /etc/profile.d/ by adding the following commands: "# save the fortune to a
variable  FF=$(fortune) 
 #show plaintext Echo –e "\e[01;32m"; echo $FF |boxes; echo –e "\e[00m" " 
 For SUDO:
 On Mailhost Server we have created three different users by the command "adduser" .
 After the creation of three users we should edit to the sudoers file /etc/sudoers 
 " #User Privilege specification Root ALL=(ALL) ALL Aaditya ALL=(ALL) ALL Manisha ALL=(ALL) ALL
Pranesh ALL=(ALL) ALL /usr/sbin/monkey –D "
List of Configurations (Contd.)

 Color prompts for each user type:

 For having different color prompts to different user types we need to edit the /etc/profile file as follows:
" # Set a default shell prompt ….. else if [ $(id –u) -ne  0 ]; then 
#non-root user              PS1='[\[\033[01;32m\]\u@\h \[\033[01;34m\]\W\[\033[00m\]]$ '       else  
#root user           
PS1='[\[\033[01;31m\]\u@\h \[\033[01;34m\]\W\[\033[00m\]]# '       fi    
Virtual Servers – Manisha Regmi

 Objective:
Two directories htdocs and cgi-scripts are created for two non-root users each in their home directory, and virtual
hosts in monkey.conf file that defines root directory to store web files for each user.   
List of Configurations

 Edit the monkey.conf file by adding two users for web files and cgi-scripts.
 Editing Cnames in gateway server under /etc/dnsmasq.d/cnames
 Editing  /var/spool/cron/crontabs/root  
 Creating default home directories for two non-root users  
         useradd -m harry  
         useradd -m aadhitya 
 Creating two directories htdocs and cgi-scripts in their respective home directory 
 cd /home/harry  
                mkdir htdocs cgi-scripts  
 cd /home/harry                mkdir htdocs cgi-scripts
 Adding two virtual hosts in the file monkey.conf 
 Permissions were changed for home directories for each user using mc which was then continued pressing
F9 and changing the mode of permissions by removing read/execute permissions for all owner, group and
others following File>ChMod.
Thank You

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