Youthfulness in The Fields: Patterns, Innovation and Path

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Patterns, Innovation Youthfulness in the

and Path fields


Russia, Youth and 1


For the World

🌾 4
INSIGH World’s Largest Wheat

T Youth
Agriculture solely
contributes 3.45% of the
has led the Russian total GDP.
products to excel Modernization and it’s
internationally outcome in Russian

Literacy rate is at
99.70% with Agricultural reform
unemployment rate was seen in the late
<4% 1990 that deformed
ancient practices.

Youths (18-35) makes up

14% of total Russian

Ministry of Agriculture
GDP from Agriculture in
Russia: Mid July 2018 to
early January 2021.
Post-Soviet Russia

 Agriculture is at it’s best state because of the strong institutional reforms

that have been implemented during the last 25 years.
 Established an effective production distribution system in agriculture.
 Deflected the risks of acute food shortages and achieving food security.
 Post-Soviet institutional reforms allowed for the efficient reallocation of
 The optimization of supply chains was coupled.
 The adoption of state-of-the-art technological innovations.

From the brink of famine in the late 1980s to solid food security in the 2010s.

Russia can become a global supplier of high-value-added products, technologies, and

services. This is the goal of the Global Breakthrough scenario.
1. The use of drones

Monitoring huge expanse of land is

difficult. Effectively, it can really only
be done with a bird’s eye view. The
invention of the drone has had a big
impact on how acreages can be kept
under careful scrutiny.
2. Robotic soil testing and mapping

Unmanned harvesters and tractors are already

being developed. In Russia’s Republic of Tartastan,
holding companies have begun developing its own
range of self-driven robotic harvesters.

Sensors are being placed in equipment, like

tractors and harvesters, to allow for better
device maintenance, crop data collection, and
even self-navigation
3. Encouraging entrepreneurship and agri-tech start ups

Accelerated replacement of obsolete

production facilities, tax, incentives and other
benefits aimed at promoting high-tech import
substitution could lead to an intensification of
innovation activity.
 Growing demand in developing countries of Africa and Asia for the food
products that Russia produces.

 Using big data and local data for crop management ,remote sensing imagery,
private sectors support for on-farm adoption of digital technologies.

 Depending on the future evolution of various global and national trends; the
composition of existing strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats;
and the most likely policy choices made at key threshold points—
macroeconomic, institutional, and political ones — Global Breakthrough
scenario can be considered for the period from 2020 to 2030.

The strong growth of the agriculture

and food sector would be supported by reformed S&T
and innovation policies, a sound institutional
environment and new technologies would enable highly
competitive production, no export barriers would
hinder the expansion of sector.
What holds us back?
• US Sanctions since 2014
U.S. sanctions against certain sectors, entities, and individuals in Russia, companies need to plan for compliance and assess
future risk. This has hugely affected the economic stability and distribution in Russia.

• Localization
Agriculture in Russia despite being highly modernized emphasizes on localization that points major drawback for it’s global
impact. Having sound production capability even from small farms is a surplus.

• Russian ban on foreign products

President Putin signed decree No. 730 extending Russia's ban on the import of agricultural products from the countries that
applied economic sanctions against Russia, including the United States, until the end of 2021. Timely actions like this has
caused Russia to be far from the global reach.
Mentor: Allan Rannu, Russia

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