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Department of Sociology / SOC 101

Presented by:

T eam B IG F IVE


Azmat Ara Ahmed (AAA) / Presentation 01

Name Student Id Email

Yeasin Rahman Efty 2013505630

Md. Shahjad Nur 2013452630 shahjad,

Afrin Nahar Maria 2011822630

Shahrin Akter 2012724630

Mohammad Efat Hossain 2013879630


Department of Sociology / SOC 101

Introduction 01
Hypothesis 02
Data Analysis 03 – 08
Interview 09 - 11
Recommendation 12
Conclusion 13


Azmat Ara Ahmed (AAA) / Presentation 01

The current Covid-19 crisis poses several problems for development generally, not least in the health sector, and there are
significant corruption risks during a pandemic. Civil society displayed resilience, ingenuity, and adaptability during the
COVID-19 pandemic. The COVID-19 pandemic has launched another period of crisis and uncertainty. Many of these
topics are addressed by civil society organizations (CSOs), which either provide basic services or record and advocate for
policy reform. Civil society succeeded in assisting people in making their voices known at a time when many
governments were suppressing opposition and depriving citizens of their fundamental freedoms. Civil society in health is
diverse, ubiquitous, and can be helpful. Civil society organizations are critical in establishing a post-corona virus world
focused on human rights. They are playing a pivotal role in the pandemic by providing crucial advice on the security and
promotion of human rights, monitoring and tracking enforcement, encouraging governments to meet their human rights

Team BIG FIVE | 01

Azmat Ara Ahmed (AAA) / Presentation 01

Something like Covid-19 has so profoundly affected civil society during this pandemic. It has changed the way we
consider the lives of all humanity in a short period. Every day, we see a strong focus on the individual, individual
development, social cohesion and trade. At the same time, a modern kind of reflection is transmitted at the moment to
how our epidemic occurs in this epidemic, and we need to change the world in the future. I do not doubt that the Covid-
19 crisis will fundamentally change the healthcare structure, in particular - it will be the catalyst for a more efficient,
efficient and overall more sympathetic pharmaceutical. Here are some tips to help us learn from this emergency:

1. Healthcare can be part of a country's primary foundation 6. Will be computerized "new normal".

2. Innovative progress and production 7. Patients must be consumers

3. More innovation and more skills for more humanity 8. Health will end a community work

4. Development of proper medicine 9. Rapid progression cycle

5. Truth than opinion 10. More attractive payment

Team BIG FIVE | 02

Department of Sociology / SOC 101

Data Analysis
How we can vanish corruption from civil society during this COVID - 19 period?

Integrity and
Digital readiness

In a pie chart, we see that most people for agility vs

transparency on the vanish corruption from civil society
during this COVID - 19 periods and a minority of people think
that digital readiness responsible for the vanish corruption
from civil society during this COVID - 19

Team BIG FIVE | 03

Azmat Ara Ahmed (AAA) / Presentation 01

Data Analysis
How COVID - 19 affect civil society?

A few miscellaneous findings that might be of interest

Resilience can only be built with funder support

Organizations are finding new ways to help their communities and each other respond to the crisis

Organizations are finding it challenging to work remotely In this bar chart, most people think that
Financial constraints are affected civil society
Financial constraints are top of mind
during Covid-19. On the other hand, a few
0 5 10 miscellaneous findings that might be of interest
15 20 25
30 35 40
45 to this pandemic.

Team BIG FIVE | 04
Department of Sociology / SOC 101

Data Analysis
How civil societies are helping fight against the pandemic?

Online collaborations have the capability to contribute to anti-corruption initiatives.

There is potential to increase awareness of corruption risks, build new alliances and promote accountability initiatives.

In the bar chart, most people think that the

The present urge to participate, to share information and to organize assistance could be channeled into constructive support and alternative forms of civic engagement to combat corruption. present urge to participate, share information,
and organize assistance could be channeled
Whilst challenging for civil society, the current situation may stimulate creativity and offer new opportunities for it as a watchdog.
into constructive support and alternative
forms of civic engagement to combat.
0 5 10152025303540

Team BIG FIVE | 05
Azmat Ara Ahmed (AAA) / Presentation 01

Data Analysis
What kind of challenges Civil societies are facing during COVID - 19 situation?



Working from Home

Movement of staff

Cancelled or Reduced Operations


Cost-cutting Measures


Loss of funding
In this bar chart, 35% of people on the chart think
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 that the loss of funding is a vast challenge for civil
society during the Covid-19 situation.

Team BIG FIVE | 06
Department of Sociology / SOC 101

Data Analysis
Do you think that COVID - 19 Pandemic is a big opportunity for others?

Yes No Maybe

In this pie chart, most people think that the Covid-19

Pandemic is an excellent opportunity for others. The rest
is limited to yes / no answers.

Team BIG FIVE | 07

Azmat Ara Ahmed (AAA) / Presentation 01

Data Analysis
Do you think that after this tough period there is a good opportunity ahead for the civil society?



In this pie chart, most people think that the Covid-19
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
Pandemic is an excellent opportunity for others that there
is a fantastic opportunity ahead for civil society after this
challenging period. The rest is limited to yes / no
Team BIG FIVE | 08
Department of Sociology / SOC 101

Qs1: What’s the role of civil society in the comfort and diversion of societal troubles in COVID 19?
P1- Civil society has passed legislation with no time limits P2-They are ensuring funds to tackle the Covid-19
in this world. Their concerted efforts have provided a ray pandemic to reach their destination. Donors and
of hope, and if we are to succeed, we must keep going. multilateral organizations should consider establishing
They have comforted the public to fight this virus. digital accountability networks to support the weak groups.

Qs – 2: How civil society exploring more ways to maintain connection with weak groups?
P1- The current situation has sparked a desire to get P2-Donors and NGOs should monitor events and possibly
involved. For sharing information some of this engagement adapt good practices which may emerge.
could be done into constructive support and alternative
forms of civic engagement to the weak groups.

Team BIG FIVE | 09

Azmat Ara Ahmed (AAA) / Presentation 01

Qs3: How civil society helps in Covid-19 situation and shape a better future?
P1- The COVID-19 pandemic exposed structural flaws as P2-In the wake of the crisis, civil society is serving as an
well as major inequities. Civil society has a critical role in advocate, a watchdog and a trusted authority.
global pandemic and economic recovery.

Qs – 4: What is the role of civil society in Bangladesh during Covid- 19 pandemic?

P1- In Bangladesh, Civil society groups are helping each P2-They are providing crucial advice on the security and
other in fight this pandemic. COVID-19 created an promotion of human rights, monitoring and recording
extraordinary social situation in which governments compliance, encouraging governments to meet their human
struggle to mitigate the harmful consequences of the rights responsibilities, and providing services, as well as
pandemic. being among the first responders in crisis situations.

Team BIG FIVE | 10

Department of Sociology / SOC 101

Qs5: What is the value of civil society in the Covid-19 crisis?
P1- Civil society works to promote collective rights and P2- Civil society has a variety of purposes. They are a
desires, including, though not limited to, health, valuable source of knowledge for people as well as the
environmental, and economic rights. government. They keep an eye on the government's
policies and decisions and hold it accountable.

Team BIG FIVE | 11

Azmat Ara Ahmed (AAA) / Presentation 01

1. Create Funds for professional and distinguished journalists
2. Enhancing partnership between civil society and media
3. Allocated support for journalists
4. Specialized and skill based training for journalists
5. Train journalists in issues key to society (Human Rights, Human Resources, public policies)
6. Provide protection and professional security for journalist and raising legal awareness for journalists.
7. Provide monitoring and documentation tools to track and document violations
8. Establish monitoring centers which has the capacities to monitor and analyze independence of medias
9. Provide professional training for journalists in social media and digital journalism
10. Revising and developing the legislation of media organization
11. Provide training related to media for judges and other staff of the justice system & administrations
12. Provide training for CSOs for specialized people in media in-order to build their capacities in media
13. Women must have their main role in the media sector.
Team BIG FIVE | 12
Azmat Ara Ahmed (AAA) / Presentation 01

The COVID-19 pandemic was quickly addressed by activists, non-governmental organizations, and grassroots
organizations. Civil society groups distributed food, personal protective equipment (PPE). Civil society rushed up to fill
the vacuum left by governments and companies refusing to participate. People-led, group reactions were crucial during
the pandemic. According to the writers of a recent study on the global response to the crisis, governments should learn
how they treated the first wave of pandemics and collaborate with civil society to alleviate the second wave. According
to the report, civil society groups have built road maps for building more just and equitable communities. International
solidarity and respect for people-centered multilateralism have also been advocated by civil society. During the
pandemic, people-led, collective responses were critical. Neighbors, colleges, and individuals came together worldwide
to address the needs of the most underprivileged populations as well as those that are the most susceptible to infection,
sharing shared services. Many marches were streamed live online, and people sought new, innovative ways to make their
voices known while maintaining a physical distance. In countries where repressive leaders used COVID-19 as an excuse
to curtail civic liberties, civil society took on the role of rights defenders. Civil society displayed resilience, ingenuity,
and adaptability during the COVID-19 pandemic; Civil society succeeded in assisting people in making their voices
known when many governments were crushing opposition and depriving individuals of their fundamental freedoms.

Team BIG FIVE | 13

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