2.4 Internal and External Communication

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4 - Internal and External Communication

How to Answer a Paper 2 Question
Grading Glossary
Glossary 2.4.1a
2.4.1a 2.4.1b
2.4.1b 2.4.1c
2.4.1c 2.4.2
2.4.2 Exam
Exam Question

1 – Definition
LO2: Be able to prepare a2effective
– Application
Splash Screen3 and
– Analysis
Navigation Screen4 - Evaluation
In relation to XXXX, the YYYY (DEFINITION) is relevant (APPLICATION) to the
business by…
This means that … (ANALYSIS)
Based on the evidence provided in the Case Study, I would agree/disagree about
XXXX because …. (Evaluation)
Q1 – Haltec, a computer company has decided to market the release of a new brand of
gaming mouse. In your opinion, how could they use Product as their unique selling
A1 – In relation to the Product, marketing that is aimed at emphasizing the quality of the
product as the best thing about it, this means that Haltec would show the quality in
advertisements like magazine adverts. Therefor the audience would be made aware of
the good points like size, speed, ability. However this may conflict with its price or the
place where they advertise.
Based on the evidence provided in the case study, I would agree that if the product is of
good quality then using Product as the USP would benefit the company more than the
other P’s in marketing as this is what the customers will look for in computer equipment.
Assessment objectives
Assignment Checklist QO1 QO2 QO3 QO4 Q05 QO6
 The
The four
four assessment
assessment objectives
objectives in
in Cambridge
Cambridge IGCSE
IGCSE Business
Business Studies
Studies are:
 AO1: Knowledge and understanding
AO1: Knowledge and understanding
 AO2:
AO2: Application
 AO3: Analysis
AO3: Analysis
AO4: Evaluation
 AO1:
AO1: Knowledge
Knowledge and
and understanding
understanding Candidates
Candidates should
should be
be able
able to:
◦◦ demonstrate
demonstrate knowledge
knowledge and
and understanding
understanding ofof facts,
facts, terms,
terms, concepts,
concepts, conventions,
conventions, theories
theories and
techniques commonly applied to or used as part of business behavior.
techniques commonly applied to or used as part of business behavior.
 AO2:
AO2: Application
Application Candidates
Candidates should
should be
be able
able to:
◦◦ apply
apply their
their knowledge
knowledge and
and understanding
understanding ofof facts,
facts, terms,
terms, concepts,
concepts, conventions,
conventions, theories
theories and
 AO3:
AO3: Analysis
Analysis Candidates
Candidates should
should be
be able
able to:
distinguish between
between evidence
evidence and
and opinion
opinion in
in aa business
business context
order, analyse
analyse and
and interpret
interpret information
information in
in narrative,
narrative, numerical
numerical and
and graphical
graphical forms,
forms, using
using appropriate
 AO4:
AO4: Evaluation
Evaluation Candidates
Candidates should
should be be able
able to:
◦◦ present
present reasoned
reasoned explanations,
explanations, develop
develop arguments,
arguments, understand
understand implications
implications and
and draw
draw inferences
◦◦ make
make judgements,
judgements, recommendations
recommendations and
and decisions.
Assessment objectives
Assignment Checklist QO1 QO2 QO3 QO4 Q05 QO6

 Relationship between assessment

 objectives and
components The approximate weightings allocated
to each of the assessment objectives are
summarised below.
Assessment Objective Paper 1 Paper 2 Weighting for
AO1: Knowledge and 40% 20% 30%
AO2: Application 30% 30% 30%
AO3: Analysis 12% 25% 20%
AO4: Evaluation 15% 25% 20%
Grade Descriptors – A Grade
Assignment Checklist QO1 QO2 QO3 QO4 Q05 QO6
 Grade
Grade descriptions
descriptions are
are provided
provided toto give
give aa general
general indication
indication of
of the
the standards
standards of
of achievement
achievement likelylikely to
have been shown by candidates awarded particular grades. The grade awarded will
have been shown by candidates awarded particular grades. The grade awarded will depend in practicedepend in practice
upon the
the extent
extent to
to which
which the
the candidate
candidate has
has met
met the
the assessment
assessment objectives
objectives overall
overall and
and itit might
might conceal
weakness inin one
one aspect
aspect of
of the
the examination
examination which
which isis balanced
balanced byby above
above average
average performance
performance in in another.
 A
A Grade
Grade -- A
A candidate
candidate should
should demonstrate
demonstrate the the following:
 Knowledge
Knowledge and and understanding
◦◦ an
an excellent
excellent ability
ability to
to identify
identify detailed
detailed facts,
facts, conventions
conventions and
and techniques
techniques in
in relation
relation to
to the
the content
content of
the syllabus
◦◦ an
an excellent
excellent ability
ability to
to define
define the
the concepts
concepts and
and ideas
ideas of
of the
the syllabus.
 Application
◦◦ aa thorough
thorough ability
ability to
to apply
apply knowledge
knowledge and
and understanding,
understanding, using
using terms,
terms, concepts,
concepts, theories
theories and
methods effectively to address business problems
methods effectively to address business problems and issuesand issues
◦◦ aa thorough
thorough ability
ability to
to form
form conclusions
conclusions from
from this
this information
information and
and to
to demonstrate
demonstrate these
these conclusions
clearly and
and logically.
 Analysis
◦◦ an
an excellent
excellent ability
ability to
to classify
classify and
and comment
comment on
on information
information presented
presented in
in various
various forms
◦◦ an
an excellent
excellent ability
ability to
to distinguish
distinguish between
between evidence
evidence and
and opinion.
 Evaluation
◦◦ an
an excellent
excellent ability
ability to
to make
make clear,
clear, reasoned
reasoned judgements
judgements and
and communicate
communicate them
them in
in an
an accurate
accurate and
logical manner.
Grade Descriptors – C Grade
Assignment Checklist QO1 QO2 QO3 QO4 Q05 QO6
 A
A Grade
Grade C
C candidate
candidate should
should demonstrate
demonstrate the
the following:
 Knowledge
Knowledge and
and understanding
◦◦ aa sound
sound ability
ability to
to identify
identify detailed
detailed facts,
facts, conventions
conventions and
and techniques
techniques in
relation to
to the
the content
content ofof the
the syllabus
◦◦ aa sound
sound ability
ability to
to define
define the
the concepts
concepts and
and ideas
ideas of
of the
the syllabus.
 Application
◦◦ aa sound
sound ability
ability to
to apply
apply knowledge
knowledge and
and understanding,
understanding, using
using terms,
concepts, theories
theories and
and methods
methods appropriately
appropriately to
to address
address problems
problems andand
◦◦ aa sound
sound ability
ability to
to draw
draw conclusions,
conclusions, and
and to
to present
present these
these in
in aa clear
clear manner.
 Analysis
◦◦ aa sound
sound ability
ability to
to use
use and
and comment
comment on
on information
information presented
presented in
in various
◦◦ aa sound
sound ability
ability to
to distinguish
distinguish between
between evidence
evidence and
and opinion.
 Evaluation
◦◦ aa sound
sound ability
ability to
to evaluate
evaluate and
and make
make reasoned
reasoned judgements.
Grade Descriptors – F Grade
Assignment Checklist QO1 QO2 QO3 QO4 Q05 QO6
 A
A Grade
Grade FF candidate
candidate should
should demonstrate
demonstrate thethe following:
following: Knowledge
Knowledge and
◦◦ aa limited
limited ability
ability to
to identify
identify specific
specific facts,
facts, conventions
conventions oror techniques
techniques in
relation to
to the
the content
content of
of the
the syllabus
◦◦ aa limited
limited familiarity
familiarity with
with definitions
definitions of
of the
the central
central concepts
concepts and
and ideas
ideas of
of the
 Application
◦◦ aa limited
limited ability
ability to
to apply
apply knowledge
knowledge and
and understanding,
understanding, using
using terms,
concepts, theories
theories and
and methods
methods appropriately
appropriately to
to address
address problems
problems and
 Analysis
◦◦ aa limited
limited ability
ability to
to classify
classify and
and present
present data
data in
in aa simple
simple way
way and
and aa limited
ability to
to select
select relevant
relevant information
information from
from aa set
set ofof data
◦◦ aa limited
limited ability
ability to
to distinguish
distinguish between
between evidence
evidence andand opinion.
 Evaluation
◦◦ aa limited
limited ability
ability to
to understand
understand implications
implications and
and make
make recommendations.
2.4 – Assessment Objectives
Grading Glossary
Glossary 2.4.1a
2.4.1a 2.4.1b
2.4.1b 2.4.1c
2.4.1c 2.4.2
2.4.2 Exam
Exam Question

LO2: Be -able
Why effective
to prepare communication
a effective is Navigation
Splash Screen and important Screen
and the methods used to achieve it: How modern
• Effective communication and its importance to technology has
changed the way
business we communicate
• Benefits and limitations of different What life was like
before emails,
communication methods including those based mobiles and the
on information technology (IT)
How body
• Recommend and justify which communication language is
method to use in given circumstances important in the
way we
2.4.2 - Demonstrate an awareness of communicate
communication barriers: The differences in
language and
• How communication barriers arise and emphasis
problems of ineffective communication; how How you are
fluent and bi-
communication barriers can be reduced or lingual, something
removed rare in the
Western World.
2.4 – Glossary
Grading Glossary
Glossary 2.4.1a
2.4.1a 2.4.1b
2.4.1b 2.4.1c
2.4.1c 2.4.2
2.4.2 Exam
Exam Question

Communication – The
LO2: Be able to prepare transferring
a effective of aScreen
Splash messageandfrom the sender
Navigation to the receiver, who
understands the message.
Message – the information or instructions being passed by the sender to the receiver.
Internal Communication – Happens between members of the same organisation.
External Communication – Between the Organisation and other organisations or
Transmitter or Sender – The person starting off the process by sending the message.
The Medium of Communication – The method used to send a message, e.g. a letter is
a method of written communication and a meeting is a method of verbal communication.
Receiver – The person who receives the message.
Feedback – the reply from which the receiver shows whether the message has arrived,
been understood and, if necessary, acted upon.
One-Way Communication – Involves a message which does not call for or require a
Two-Way Communication – when the receiver gives a response to the message and
there is a discussion about it.
Formal Communication – When messages are sent through established channels
using professional language.
Informal Communication – when information is sent and received casually with the use
of everyday language.
Communication Barriers – Factors that stop effective communication of messages.
2.4.1a – What Effective Communication Is
Grading Glossary
Glossary 2.4.1a
2.4.1a 2.4.1b
2.4.1b 2.4.1c
2.4.1c 2.4.2
2.4.2 Exam
Exam Question
Question Page
Page 113

LO2:Communication occursSplash
Be able to prepare a effective whenScreen
a Message is
and Navigation Screen
transferred from one person to another, who How modern
understands the content of the message. technology has
 We all communicate with other people every day of changed the way
we communicate
our lives. We communicate with out families, at What life was like
school or college, when we go shopping, or when before emails,
mobiles and the
chatting with friends. Communication with others is a Internet
natural part of life. Why do we need to study How body
something that comes naturally to us? There is one language is
important in the
important reason for this and that is: communication way we
must be effective. communicate
 This means that the information or message being The differences in
language and
sent is received, understood and acted upon in the emphasis
way intended. If it isn’t, it can be annoying for us How you are
when we communicate with our friends. For fluent and bi-
lingual, something
businesses, communication which is not effective, or rare in the
communication failure, can have serious Western World.
2.4.1a – Internal Communication
Grading Glossary
Glossary 2.4.1a
2.4.1a 2.4.1b
2.4.1b 2.4.1c
2.4.1c 2.4.2
2.4.2 Exam
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Page 113

LO2:Why doto people

Be able prepare ain a business
effective need and
Splash Screen to communicate
Navigation Screenwith each
 In all organisations, it is necessary for people to communicate with
each other in various ways. Without communication, we would all
be working as individuals with no links with anybody else in the
business we worked in. The tasks of management in guiding,
instructing, warning and encouraging workers would become
 Here are some examples of common messages communicated
within businesses (internal communication). The way in which
each message is given is also shown.
• “Please do not smoke in this area.” (notice on a table)
• “How many hours did you work last week?” (manager asks a
• “There will be a fire drill at 11.00 today.” (notice on board)
• “The cutting machine has broken down, Can you send the
engineer as soon as possible!” (telephone call)
2.4.1a – Internal Communication
Grading Glossary
Glossary 2.4.1a
2.4.1a 2.4.1b
2.4.1b 2.4.1c
2.4.1c 2.4.2
2.4.2 Exam
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Page 113

• “Sales
LO2: Be able last week reached
to prepare a effectivea Splash
level. You
and will need toScreen
Navigation increase output so that
we do not run out of inventories.” (emailed memo to the Operations Manager)
• “You have been sacked because of frequent absences from work. Please
acknowledge receipt of this letter.” (letter written to an employee)
• “Shoplifting is on the increase in our store – this meeting gives all employees a
chance to suggest ideas on how the problem can be reduced.” (meeting with all
shop workers in a store)
• The list could have been long indeed, but these examples show the wide range
of topics which need to be communicated in business. Can you imagine the
serious problems that would occur if these messages were not communicated
effectively to the people who need the information they contain?
Activity 9.1
a) Suggest three more examples if internal communication within a business of
your school or college.
b) Give details of the message to be sent and the method you think should be
used to send it.
c) Justify why you have chosen these communication methods.

Tips for Success - When answering a question about communication, remember

to state whether you are referring to internal or external communication.
2.4.1a – External Communication
Grading Glossary
Glossary 2.4.1a
2.4.1a 2.4.1b
2.4.1b 2.4.1c
2.4.1c 2.4.2
2.4.2 Exam
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Page 114

LO2:This occurs
Be able whenamessages
to prepare are sent
effective Splash between
Screen one
and Navigation Screen
organisation and another or between the organisation and
The number of
individuals other than employees, e.g. customers. Some of communication
the main examples of external communication are: methods on a
• Orders for goods from suppliers Smartphone
• Sending information to customers about prices and How body
language cannot
delivery times be used when
• Advertising goods or services (covered in section 3.3) talking indirectly
• Asking customers to pay bills on time How emoticons
 One type of communication is not more important than says only one
another. It is just as important for a business to have good think about you,
external communication as good internal communication.
How emails and
The key features if both types are the same. letters are
 The methods of communication which can be used are also structured with
similar although the growth of social networking has who, what, and
why sections
transformed how a business can communicate with the
How different
‘outside world’. The main difference between internal and people can be
external communication is who is being communicated offended by
with. certain gestures
2.4.1a – Why External Communication has to work well
Grading Glossary
Glossary 2.4.1a
2.4.1a 2.4.1b
2.4.1b 2.4.1c
2.4.1c 2.4.2
2.4.2 Exam
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Page 114

LO2:External communication
Be able to is verySplash
prepare a effective important to the
Screen andimage and Screen
efficiency of a business. If a firm communicates ineffectively with
suppliers, it may be sent the wrong materials. If it sends inaccurate The number of
information to customers, they may buy a product from another communication
methods on a
 Here are some more examples of external communication. You
How body
can imagine how serious it would be if communication was not
language cannot
effective in all of these cases. be used when
• A Finance Manager writes a letter to the tax office asking how talking indirectly
much tax must be paid this year. How emoticons
• A Sales Manager records a customer order taken over the says only one
internet for 33- items to be delivered next Wednesday. think about you,
• A business must contact thousands of customers who have amateur
bought a product which turns out to be dangerous. An email is How emails and
sent to all customers who bought the product to ask for them to letters are
return the item for a refund. structured with
who, what, and
Activity 9.2
why sections
a) Suggest three more examples of external communication from
How different
a business or your school or college.
people can be
b) Give details of the message to be sent and the method you offended by
think should be used to send it. certain gestures
c) Justify why you have chosen these communication methods.
2.4.1a – The Process of Effective Communication
Grading Glossary
Glossary 2.4.1a
2.4.1a 2.4.1b
2.4.1b 2.4.1c
2.4.1c 2.4.2
2.4.2 Exam
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Page 115

Be able tocommunication involves
prepare a effective the fourand
Splash Screen following
Navigation Screen
The number of
• A transmitter or sender of the message – this is the communication
person who wished to pass on the information to others. methods on a
The person has to choose the next two features carefully Smartphone
in order to make sure that communication occurs. How body
• A medium of communication or a method of sending language cannot
be used when
the message, e.g. a letter or noticeboard. talking indirectly
• A receiver of the information – the person to whom the How emoticons
message should be sent says only one
• Feedback, where the receiver confirms think about you,
that the message has
How emails and
been received and letters are
responds to it. This structured with
ensures that the who, what, and
why sections
information has been
How different
correctly received by people can be
the right person and, if offended by
necessary, acted upon. certain gestures
2.4.1a – The Process of Effective Communication
Grading Glossary
Glossary 2.4.1a
2.4.1a 2.4.1b
2.4.1b 2.4.1c
2.4.1c 2.4.2
2.4.2 Exam
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Page 115

LO2: Be able9.3 – Communication
to prepare a effective SplashWith Workers
Screen and Navigation Screen
 Sales were below target at Ragab and Sons Store.
The number of
The manager was very concerned about this. She communication
methods on a
decided to write to every worker, about 30 in all, to Smartphone
warn them of the problem if falling sales and how How body
jobs were now at risk. In the letter she asked for language cannot
be used when
ideas on how to increase sales. Workers were asked talking indirectly
to confirm that they had received the letter and tell How emoticons
her if they had any good ideas. says only one
think about you,
a) In this case study, identify: amateur
• The sender of the message How emails and
• The medium being used letters are
structured with
• The receiver of the message who, what, and
b) Did the communication involve feedback? Explain. why sections
c) Do you think that the method used by the manager to How different
people can be
communicate with workers was the best one to use? offended by
If not, which method would have been more certain gestures
effective? Explain your answer.
2.4.1a – 1-Way and 2-Way Communication
Grading Glossary
Glossary 2.4.1a
2.4.1a 2.4.1b
2.4.1b 2.4.1c
2.4.1c 2.4.2
2.4.2 Exam
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Page 116

LO2:One way
Be able communication
to prepare occursScreen
a effective Splash when and
the receiver
message has no chance to reply to the message. An
The number of
example would be an instruction to ‘take some goods to the communication
customer’. One way communication does not allow the methods on a
receiver to contribute to communication or to provide any Smartphone
feedback. How body
 Two way communication is when there is a reply or language cannot
be used when
response from the receiver. This could be just simple talking indirectly
confirmation or receipt of the message or it could be a How emoticons
discussion about the message. Both people are therefor says only one
involved in the communication process. This could lead to think about you,
better and clearer information.
How emails and
Activity 9.4 letters are
 Refer to the list of messages on Slides 10-11. the method structured with
used to send or transmit each method us also given. Which who, what, and
why sections
messages are most likely to lead to:
How different
a) Two-way communication people can be
b) One-way communication offended by
 Give reasons for each answer in each case. certain gestures
2.4.1a - 2-Way Communication Advantages
Grading Glossary
Glossary 2.4.1a
2.4.1a 2.4.1b
2.4.1b 2.4.1c
2.4.1c 2.4.2
2.4.2 Exam
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Page 116

Be ablethe receivera has
to prepare to, or
effective decides
Splash to, give
Screen feedbackScreen
and Navigation to
the sender of the message there are two main benefits.
 It should become absolutely clear to the sender whether or The number of
not the person receiving the message has understood it methods on a
and acted upon it. If they are not, then perhaps the Smartphone
message needs to be sent again or made clearer. Effective How body
language cannot
communication has not taken place until the message is be used when
understood by the receiver. talking indirectly
 Both people are now involved in the communication How emoticons
process. The says only one
receiver feels think about you,
more a part of this
How emails and
process. He or letters are
she can make a structured with
real contribution to who, what, and
why sections
the topic being
How different
discussed or people can be
communicated. offended by
This may help to certain gestures
motivate the receiver.
2.4.1a - 2-Way Communication Advantages
Grading Glossary
Glossary 2.4.1a
2.4.1a 2.4.1b
2.4.1b 2.4.1c
2.4.1c 2.4.2
2.4.2 Exam
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Page 116

LO2: Be ableSummary
to prepare a– effective
Effective Communication
Splash Screen and Navigation Screen

The number of
Appropriate communication
Clear message
message methods on a
medium or method Smartphone
How body
Sender or transmitter Receiver must be language cannot
the right person be used when
of the message talking indirectly
How emoticons
says only one
EFFECTIVE think about you,
COMMUNICATION How emails and
letters are
structured with
Internal External who, what, and
External why sections
How different
people can be
To people in the same To
To people
people in
in other
other offended by
certain gestures
organisation organisations
organisations or
or to
to customers
2.4.1b – Communication Methods
Grading Glossary
Glossary 2.4.1a
2.4.1a 2.4.1b
2.4.1b 2.4.1c
2.4.1c 2.4.2
2.4.2 Exam
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Page 117

LO2:Information cana be
Be able to prepare sentSplash
effective or transmitted in a number
Screen and Navigation Screen
of different ways – these are called communication The number of
media. communication
methods on a
 Verbal methods of communication involve the Smartphone
sender of the message speaking to the receiver. How body
language cannot
be used when
talking indirectly
How emoticons
says only one
think about you,
How emails and
letters are
 Written methods of communication structured with
who, what, and
include letters and notices/posters why sections
but increasingly involve the use of How different
Information Technology (IT). people can be
offended by
certain gestures
2.4.1b – Communication Methods
Grading Glossary
Glossary 2.4.1a
2.4.1a 2.4.1b
2.4.1b 2.4.1c
2.4.1c 2.4.2
2.4.2 Exam
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Page 118

Be able tomethods of communication
prepare a effective include
Splash Screen and Navigation Screen
methods such as diagrams, charts and videos. The number of
methods on a
How body
language cannot
be used when
talking indirectly
How emoticons
says only one
 Which is the best way to communicate a think about you,
message? There is no simple answer to this amateur

question. Sometimes it is better to use verbal How emails and

letters are
communication and on other occasions it is structured with
who, what, and
essential to use written communication. Different why sections
messages require different methods of How different
communication, so there is no best method in all people can be
offended by
cases. certain gestures
2.4.1b – Communication Methods
Grading Glossary
Glossary 2.4.1a
2.4.1a 2.4.1b
2.4.1b 2.4.1c
2.4.1c 2.4.2
2.4.2 Exam
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Page 118

LO2: Be able the Appropriate
to prepare Communication
a effective Method
Splash Screen and Navigation Screen
 There are several factors that the sender if a message should consider before
choosing the most appropriate method to use to communicate with the receiver.
• Speed – is it important that the receiver gets the information really quickly?
For example, a manager from a foreign division of a company must be told
about a cancelled meeting before he catches his flight.
• Cost – is it important to keep costs down or is it more important to
communicate effectively, regardless if cost? For example, customers need to
be informed about a serious safety problem with a product.
• Message details – how detailed is the message? If it contains technical
plans, figures and illustrations then, clearly, written and other visual forms of
communication are likely to be essential.
• Leadership style – is the leadership style a democratic one? If it is, then
two-way verbal forms of communication with employees are much more likely
to be used than they would be by an ‘autocratic leader’.
• The receiver – who is/are the ‘target’ receiver(s)? If just one person has to
be communicated with, and they work in the next office, then one-to-one
conversation is likely to be used. However, this would be inappropriate if
hundreds of workers needed to receive a message.
2.4.1b – Communication Methods
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Importance of a written
Be able to prepare word
a effective – if itScreen
Splash is essential that a written
and Navigation Screenrecord can be
referred to at some time in the future, then, clearly verbal communication would
be inappropriate, e.g. legal contracts or receipt of new orders from customers
must have written records.
• Importance of feedback – if it is essential that the sender receives feedback,
perhaps very quickly, then a direct verbal method of communication might be
most appropriate. For example, has the customer just leaving the shop paid for
those goods yet?

Revision Summary - How to choose a communication method

Cost Speed Need for

written word
How detailed
detailed CHOOSING
the message
message is

The Leadership
Need for
for feedback
feedback The receiver
receiver (e.g.
(e.g. one
person style
person to
to many)
2.4.1b – Verbal Communication Methods
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Page 119

LO2: Be ableor
tooral, communication
prepare methods
a effective Splash include:
Screen and Navigation Screen
• One-to-one talks / meetings between the sender and the receiver
• Telephone conversations
• Video-conferencing, where groups of people in different locations are able to see
and hear each other through a video/Internet link.
• Meetings and team briefings, which could involve few or many people.
 Advantages of verbal communication
• Information can be given out quickly. When this happens at big meetings, it is an
efficient way of communicating with a large number of people.
• There is opportunity for immediate feedback and two-way communication.
• The message is often reinforced by seeing the speaker. The body language of
the speaker, how they stand and their facial expressions, can help to put the
message across effectively. This, of course, does not apply to telephone
 Disadvantages of verbal communication
• In a big meeting, there is no way of telling whether everybody is listening or has
understood the message
• It can take longer to use verbal methods when feedback occurs than to use a
written form of communication.
• When an accurate and permanent record of the message is needed, such as a
warning to a worker, o verbal method is inappropriate.
2.4.1b – Written Communication Methods
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LO2: communication
Be able to methods
prepare a effective including
Splash Screen those
and Navigation Screen
using Information technology
 Written communication methods include:
• Business letters – used for either internal or external
communication, they should follow a set structure.
• Memos (an abbreviation or memorandum) – a written
message used for only internally. Many businesses
use computers to send these through the internal
email system. An example of a memo sent by email is
shown to the right.
• Reports – detailed documents about a particular
issue or problem. These are often produced by
experts working in the business. They can be sent to
managers to read before a meeting to discuss the
issue. Very often these reports are so detailed that
they could not be understood by all employees.
• Notices pinned on boards – These are used to
display information which is open to everyone.
However, there is no certainty that they are read.
2.4.1b – Written Communication Methods
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Faxes (facsimilie
Be able to prepare message) – written
a effective Splash messages
Screen sent Screen
and Navigation
to other offices by electronic means via telephone
• Text messages – today cell (mobile) phones are a
major part of peoples’ lives. They allow for quick and
convenient communication with others. One of the
most used functions on these is not the phone, but
the instant text messaging – such as when
organizing a business meeting or short notice: just
take out your cell phone, type in a quick ‘meet me @
2 plz’ and press send. Text messaging is an easy and
discrete way of communicating with others.
• Text messaging allows the ‘sender’ to communicate
with others in situations where a face-to-face or
phone conversation is not possible or inappropriate.
Also, a record exists of the communication – until it
is deleted. However, there is no way of accessing the
tone of the message or the ‘mood’ of the sender and
this can cause some failures in communication.
2.4.1b – Written Communication Methods
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Email, social
Be able to prepare networking
a effective Splash sites and
Screen and Navigation Screen
Tweeting and other forms of electronic
communication using information
technology – these have revolutionized
communications in recent years. Written
messages can be sent between two or
more people with computing facilities.
Printouts of messages can be obtained if
a ‘hard copy’ is required.
• Intranets provide easy messaging to all
workers in a business with access to a
• The internet allows easy and effective
communication with customers and
2.4.1b – Written Communication Methods
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Page 121

Advantages of Written
LO2: Be able to prepare Communication
a effective Splash Screen and Navigation Screen
 There is ‘hard’ evidence of the message which
can be referred to in the future. This should help
to reduce disagreements between the sender and
the receiver about the contents of the message.
 It is essential for certain messages involving
complicated details which might be
misunderstood if, for example, a telephone call
was made. Also, the law in many countries
requires certain safety messages to be written
and displayed in offices and factories. It is not
sufficient to tell people about safety measures –
they could be forgotten.
 A written message can be copied and sent to
many people. This could be more efficient than
telephoning all of those people to give them the
same message verbally.
 Electronic communication is a quick and cheap
way to reach a large number of people.
2.4 – Exam Styles Questions – Paper 1
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Page 115

LO2: to prepare
- Exam
able a effective
Styles Splash –
Questions Screen
1 Navigation Screen
2. Mr. Patel owns an insurance company. He advises clients and finds
insurance policies for customers and a fee is paid for his services. He
employs ten well-qualified workers. His business needs to recruit an
extra 5 well-qualified workers and will need to draw up a job
description and job specification. Mr. Patel intends to external
recruitment to recruit these workers.
a) What is meant by a ‘job description’? [2]
b) Identify two examples of requirements he might put in a job
specification. [2]
c) Identify and explain two reasons why Mr. Patel wants to recruit
well-qualified workers. [4]
d) Identify and explain two items Mr. Patel might put in an induction
program. [6]
e) Do you think external recruitment is better than internal
recruitment for Mr. Patel? Justify your answer. [6] ?
Real Exam Questions - Paper 2
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Glossary 2.4.1a
2.4.1a 2.4.1b
2.4.1b 2.4.1c
2.4.1c 2.4.2
2.4.2 Exam
Exam Question

 November
LO2: 2007
Be able to prepare – Exam
a effective Paper
Splash 03 and
Screen – 2.1 Question
Navigation Screen

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