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Writing, and

Module Thirteen

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What is E-Mail?

 A message (text or picture) sent via the

computer from one person to another.
 A push technology.
 Can be direct to one person or many
 Almost free
 Reliable and secure source

Use of Email

A Sample Student Email

Response to Student’s Email

How to write an effective E-Mail?

 Use correct address

 Selection of correct audience
 Meaningful message composition
 Use attention catching subject line.
 Message short and clear
 Start message with a purpose/ context.

When Writing E-Mail, Remember

 All principles of good business writing still

apply with e-mail.
 While e-mail feels like talking, pay attention
to spelling and grammar.
 Reread and proofread your messages.
 E-mail should interest the readers in the
subject line and first paragraph.

Structure of the E-Mail?

 Address
 Subject
 Attachments
 Message text
 Signature

Few common mistakes in E-Mail?

 Wrong address of receiver

 Misspelled name or title of receiver
 Including multiple subjects
 Displaying email addresses of recipients who
are stranger to each other
 Using “REPLY ALL” for “REPLY” or “FORWARD”
 Changing topic without changing subject

What kinds of subject lines should I
use for e-mail messages?
 Be specific, concise, and catchy.
 Give good news in positive messages.

What kinds of subject lines should I
use for e-mail messages?

Text message of E-Mail?

 Keep the message focused and readable

 Keep it short and clear
 Use paragraphs (5 lines)
 Break into paragraphs; skip lines between
 Avoid fancy typefaces such as:
Example, Example, Example, Example, Example
Text message of E-Mail?

 Use * *, underline of bold to highlight text if

you must emphasize.
 Write in standard professional English with
Capitalization and correct spelling
 Quote back using contexts
 Identify yourself clearly to the receiver:
 Hello, I am…The reason I am writing…
 Hello, so-in-so suggested I contact you…
An Example of
Poor content of an E-Mail?
Hey, I was just thinking about the meeting we had about the new workshop
you were planning for next week about resume-writing. I think that we may
have forgotten to include all of the students who might benefit from this
workshop. There are several groups of students at the School of Public Health
that were not on your list. Of course you may have added them to you list since
our last meeting. Sara from the School of Public Health contacted me to ask if
the students from the Epidemiology program were on our list of included
students. She also wanted a list of all of the included departments from the
School of Public Health. Can you send me a list of all of the included student
groups? I can then send the relevant information on to Sara because she needs
this information by tomorrow.
Class Work

Summarize the email contents in one, clear

but concise paragraph, applying the rules we
have just study.

Omit all the unnecessary information without

missing any information.

A Possible Effective & Professional way
Dear Mr. Khalid Al Karim,

Good Day. Or Hope this email finds you well.

Thank you for your efforts for preparing a comprehensive list of participants for
Resume Writing Workshop scheduled for next week. Hopefully you have completed
the list of participants from School of Public Health including Epidemiology program.
Could you kindly send me the complete list by the end of today, as I have to provide
this list to Ms. Sara, the Director of School of Public Health, by tomorrow.
Appreciate your efforts in this regard.
Thanking you,
Waleed Ahmed
Deputy Director
Human Resource Department
ABC Private Limited
Office Telephone# 00000000 13-16
Attachments with an E-Mail?

 Select the attachment before the email

 Attach carefully
 Give reference what you have attached
 Use URL links if attachments are uploaded
on website (google drive)
 Upload attachments to website and cite
Signature of an E-Mail?

 Use an appropriate signature

 Brief (4-5 lines)
 Informative
provide all contact information
 Professional
do not include pictures, quotes,
A real life example of ineffective signature with
unnecessary information.

Dr. Aaaaaa Bbbbbb
Senior Assistant Professor of Marketing, Strategy and International Business
BSc/BA (Hons), MIB, PhD with Distinction (CBS, Curtin University, Australia)
Department of Marketing
College of Business Administration
University of Dammam
P.O.Box 1982
Dammam 31441
Saudi Arabia

Winner of highly competitive and most prestigious international award for outstanding doctoral
research (Emerald/EFMD Highly Commended Award, 2006) 

A real life example of ineffective signature with
unnecessary information.

Dr. Marwan Al Qur’an
Senior Assistant Professor of Marketing, Strategy and International Business
BSc/BA (Hons), MIB, PhD with Distinction(CBS, Curtin University, Australia)
Department of Marketing
College of Business Administration
University of Dammam
P.O.Box 1982
Dammam 31441
Saudi Arabia

Winner of highly competitive and most prestigious international award for outstanding doctoral
research (Emerald/EFMD Highly Commended Award, 2006) 

A brief and appropriate signature


Assistant Professor
Department of Marketing
College of Business Administration
University of Dammam
Saudi Arabia
Tel# 000000000000

Should I write e-mail messages the
same way I write paper messages?

 Don’t “Flame” your audience.

 Don’t compose e-mail messages when
you’re angry or upset.
 Remember that e-mail messages, like any
documents, can become documents in

Writing Persuasive E-Mail Messages

 In the body of the message, give people all

the information they need to act.
 At the end of the message, ask for the
action you want.

An Example of a Persuasive Email
Dear Ms. Fatima,

Hope this email finds you well.  Myself (Abdullah Ali) and my friend Abid Shahri are
insurance policy holders at your bank. This is to inquire about the status of our
application for downgrading the amount of the policy. In our meeting with you we
requested to downgrade our policies from current amount to minimum possible. You
initiated the paperwork and informed that it will take about a month to get approval of
Could you kindly provide me the status of our application and send us the documents
of new policy via email. 

Thanks for your help and support. 

Attached: Policy document for reference. 

Kind Regards,   
Abdullah Ali 13-24
Can I use social networking tools for
business situations?

 Keep things professional.

 Know who your online friends are, as well as
who their friends are.
 Read user agreements carefully.
 When in doubt, create two pages: one for
personal friends and one for business ones.

Effectively use Social Networking
tools for business situations

What other technologies use the

 Smartphones continue to evolve quickly in

form and function, allowing users to talk,
text, e-mail, surf the web, take photos and
video, and more

What other technologies use
the Internet?
 Videoconferencing
sites like Skype are
making it possible for
people in different
locations to meet
without ever leaving
the office.


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