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A Project

Online MCQ Exam

Name: Bijay Poudel

Roll No: 2400344

Semester: 4th
1. Introduction to project

• The ‘Online MCQ Exam’ is web-based application project will be developed to

overcome the time-consuming problem of manual system in MCQ examination.

• Quiz is started by displaying one question with four options each based on
category chosen by users.

• Final score will be displayed and updated in the database with username.
• Database will store information about users (Student and Teachers), tests,
questions and result.
2. Problem Statement

• Currently must of examination are class test and paper based, which cost times
and resources.
• Online MCQ examination are very useful at the time of pandemic.

• Questionnaire is developed, printed and then collect data, entry, editing, cleaning
which time consuming and costly
• This project is to avoid those circumstances which are being currently faced by
any organization and universities.
3. Objectives

 To create an appropriate platform for best managing of MCQ test.

 To overcome the time-consuming issues and taking MCQ tests.

 To release the marks of the test taker as soon as possible.

 To manage the information of different tests.

4. Feasibility 

4.1. Technical Feasibility

Upgraded technological capability will be required for this project to move toward offering an online
platform from which users may visit our website. currently maintains a high-speed internet
connection, web server, and the latest software.

4.2. Economic Feasibility

The cost of project will less than existing system. This project seems to be beneficial in future.
Overall cost is included from some premium software and application which are going to use while
developing this project.
5. Requirement Analysis

5.1. Functional Requirement

• The admin has the authority to add or modify any questions or options.

• The answers of each question will be saved in the database.

• User can login using their username and password.

5.2 Non-functional requirement

• Users never allowed to update their question.

• The website will be responsive. So, moving from one device to other device does not create any

• A website should be capable enough to handle more than 1000 users without affecting its performance
6. Time framework
               Week 1 Week 2 Week 3 Week 4 Week 5 Week 6 Week 7 Week 8 Week 9 Week Week Week
Week                       10 11 12


Pre-analysis phases t2W  

Feasibility study 1W

Detailed study  3W    
Implementation  3W  3W  

Documentation         9W  9W      

Review 2W  
Presentation 1W  
7. Conclusion

• This online quiz system provides facility to conduct online examination


• It saves time as it allows number of students to give the exam at a time and
displays the results as the test gets over,

• No need to wait for the result. It is automatically generated by the server.

• Administrator has a privilege to create, modify and delete the test papers and its
particular questions
Thank you !

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