How To Open Customer (HEART) Customer Conversation Skill (NLP)

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How to open customer(HEART)

Customer Conversation Skill

Neuro Linguistic Programming (NLP)
• Is a technique that influences the process of human
information processing and induces a change in
behavior .
• Human mind consists of :
4% consciousness
96% Sub-consciousness

NLP focus on it believing

that all potential and
possibilities are inherent
there .
Effective Greeting :
•  The 2.5 from the showroom entrance is called the zone of hell (the
customer feel the most pressure ).
• Give the customer 10-15 seconds to relax .
• When welcoming approach them at 45 angle
(it reduces the threat that the customer might
• If you say (Have you been here before ? ) give impression that the
showroom is familiar place and the familiarity leads to sense of
Conversation techniques:

• Ask open question to better understand the customer character .

• To find more about the customers use conversation skills .
Nodding – Rephrasing – Summarizing – Questioning
build a relationship
You can build relationship not by conversation only also by actions .
Matching & Mirroring Technique : it’s showing similarity to the
customer by coping their posture , gesture and facial expressions .

Meta Model : when a customer show negative opinion on something you

should avoid asking WHY …. Use Meta Model by rephrase the question . Try
to ask an indirect question and avoid direct and offensive expressions .
• Ex : Are you Married are you looking for a car for your family ?
• Looking for a cheep car are you looking for a car with reasonable price ?

70 : 30 Rule : let the customer speak 70% and when they tell 70% of
their personal life you need to tell 30% of yours too .
Preferred Sensory System :
• Know when people think or talk , they each have a preference of
sensory they use . Can be sorted into this 4 types
Visual Sense :
• They like seeing things , they mainly think of images or
videos .
• They mainly use visual descriptors such as : See – Bright –
Clear – Draw – Emerge – Imagine
• If the customer speak quickly !! : show them brochure or
reflect their speech and use more visual expressions . Shapes
& graphs also effective and clear visual aids . Looking more
gesture and body language helps too .
Auditory expressions :

• Auditory descriptors : Listen – Hear –Speak – Sing –

Noisy – Quiet .
• The customer focus on speech so make sure to explain
with theory & logic like :
Present objective numeral data (1.6TDL - 18km/L - 20% )
Match the vocal tone and speed to the customer .
Kinesthetic Sense :
• These customers often use expressions related to sense of
touch and also are usually emotional and talk slowly .
• Kinesthetic descriptors : Warm – Cold – Soft – Hard – Feel –
• You should use similar expression and explain with rich
emotions .
• Allowing customer to actually touch items can be effective
as well .
• Also speak a lot about smooth ride , soft seats , sturdy lower
body ,..
Internal conversation :

• They don’t show much emotion , their tone is steady and their
sentences are short and simple .
• Descriptors : Consider – Think – Experience – Understand –
Concentrate – Decide
• They are very cautious and have a lot on their mind , for them
customer show them specific materials and sufficient reason
when explaining .
• They are customers who need to have an internal conversation
so give them time .
Eye Movement :
Upwards to the left : Upwards to the
Imagining an image right: Recalling a
visual memory


left : Making sounds right: Remembering

in his head sounds that he has
heard before

Lower left : Using their Lower right: Having

sense of internal conversation
(feeling an emotion)
Eye Movement :
Sub-conscious message :
• If the customer hardly speaks at all you must try to find out
their message through their body language(Sub-conscious
message )
• The law of Mehrabian : 55% body language
/ 38% voice tone / 7% spoken words
Sub-conscious message :
• Pleased customers :this mean he wants to buy the car so you can
move into the negotiation stage
Sub-conscious message :
• Dissatisfied customer : you need to focus on building the relationship
not to purchase .
Reframing Skill
• To customer with negative stereotype .
• Reframing skill is the skill that changes the listener’s behavior by changing
the frame by which they view a certain target . Sorted to 3 skills :
1. Softening Frame
2. Agreement Frame
3. Empathy Frame

• Also we can use open question to help the customer change the stereotype
they have themselves .
Softening Frame : is the skill that are less annoying
to customers by using softening frame a head of
questions or words . EX: I Understand

Agreement Frame : it can be used to calm the

disruptive and aggressive energy of a customer .
Ex: I agree – I respect , I appreciate . Never say

Empathy Frame : you sympathize with the

customer before explaining to them . EX: I realize
– I know
Trigger named emotion:
• When customers purchase any item , the emotions are more
influential than the rational . We need to appeal to their emotions.
• After identifying their needs and wants you can connect the vehicles
feature with the customers benefits . (Ex: if customer concerned
about safety , focus on safety features ) .

The important thing is to connect the car with the lifestyle

that customers want and make them imagine .

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