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Training is expensive.

Without training it is more

-Pt. Jawahar Lal Nehru
• To understand the training and development
function, it is important to first understand the
human resource management (HRM) function.

• In this competitive world, organizations need

to focus on the continuous development of its
human resources to sustain.
Concept of Training and Development
• Training
– The act of increasing the skills of an employee for
doing a particular job
• Development
– Any learning activity, which is directed towards
future needs rather than present, and which is
concerned more with career growth than
immediate performance.
Training & Development : A Comparison
• Training
– short term
– for a definite purpose
– Help employees to do their current jobs.
• Development
– long term, educational
– for general purpose
– Helps the individuals handle future responsibilities.
Role of Training & Development
• Increase in Efficiency
• Increase in Morale of Employees
• Better Human Relations
• Reduced Supervision
• Fewer mistakes
• Increased Organisational performance
HRD Concepts
• Training: those HRD activities that help in developing
people for their present job roles.
• Development: focus on developing future
capabilities of people, which may not be specific at
• Education: long term learning process (McDonald’s,
Walmart, Lucnet, Nokial, Seiemens have their own
private universities for their employees and SAIL,
ONGC, Coca Cola have dedicated institutes)
Role and Significance of HRD

• HRD can increase the morale and motivation of employees.

• An enabling organization culture is possible when employees
of an organization are found to use their initiative, take risks,
experiment, innovate and make things happen.
• There are different sub-systems of HRD such as performance
appraisal, career planning and development, succession
planning and development, training, organizational
development (OD), quality of work life (QWL) and so on.
Role of an HRD Manager
• Administrator: providing coordination and support services

• Evaluator: identifying the impact of an intervention on individual

or organizational effectiveness.

• Individual Career Development Advisor: helping individuals to

assess personal competencies, values and goals and to identify,
plan and implement development and career actions.

• HRD Manager: The role of supporting and leading a group’s work

and linking that work with the entire organization.

• Instructor/Facilitator
• Marketer

• Material Developer: producing written and/or electronically mediated

instructional materials.

• Needs Analyst

• Organizational Change: The role of influencing and supporting changes

in organizational behaviour.

• Programme Designer: The role of preparing objectives, defining content

and selecting and sequencing activities for a specific intervention.

• Researcher: identifying, developing or testing new information (theory,

concepts, technology, models and hardware)
Managerial Skills and Competencies
Skills Description

Technical which relates to specific concepts, methods and

Conceptual The mental ability to analyse and diagnose
complex situations
Interpersonal/Hu which enables people to communicate and interact
man effectively

Supervisory which enables one to effectively supervise others

Skills for the New Millennium
• In the changed global business scenario, organizations need to
develop the following skills in all cross sections of employees
to sustain in competition and to achieve excellence.
– Partnership and collaboration skills
– Quick decision-making skill
– Skill to attract and retain the talents
– Skills to predict future
– Skills to integrate technology with the business
– Skill to balance the stakeholders need
1. The reason why an HRD professional has to be a
training marketer
a) Marketing is a function HRD manager has to do
b) Organizations tend to ignore HRD activities due
to huge costs
c) Marketing makes the job of HRD manager easier
d) None of the above
•Ans b
2. The person who conceived the term HRD
a) Kurt Lewin
b) Pat McLagan
c) Len Nadler
d) Ted Nolan
•Ans C
3. The benefit to individual in receiving the
training is
a) Improves the quality of the trainer
b) Improves the skills of the individual
c) Increases the efficiency of organization
d) Improves the concentration of the individual
•Ans b
4. The training practice where trainees play the
role of a predefined character is
a) Simulation
b) Vestibule training
c) Apprenticeship
d) Role play
•Ans d
5. The first step in designing a training program
a) Designing the program
b) Deciding on the type of program
c) Choosing the methods
d) Identification of training needs
•Ans d
6. The major difference between training and
education is that:
a) education refers more to acquiring specific skills.
b) education is more closely related to learning a
particular job.
c) training provides more general knowledge.
d) training narrows the range of responses while
education broadens the range.
•Ans d
7. Select from the following the different phases
of motivation undergone by trainees?
a) Learning, understanding, performing
b) Lower, Middle, Upper
c) None of these
d) Initial, Intermediate, matured
•Ans D
8. Training helps bridge the gap of _____ skills
and _____ skills.
a) Lower and higher
b) Basic and advanced
c) Required and Existing
d) Attidues and knowledge
•Ans a
9. While a training session, the
____________influences the trainee’s ability to
assimilate knowledge
a) Environmental factors
b) Personality
c) Position in the company
d) Learning ability
•Ans d
10. The guidelines which provide for decision-
making on training and development functions
a) Training policies
b)Training rules 
c) Training content
d) Training consultancy
•Ans A
11. Computer based training and e-training
differs in the fact that
a) Content is different
b) It is web enabled
c) Uses a computer
d) Both a & b
•Ans B
12. In which method do participants develop
knowledge through mutual exchange of
information and active participation?
a. Simulation
b. Case study
c. e- learning
d. Conference method
•Ans d
13. Which one of the following focuses on
understanding the gaps between performance
expected of employee?
a. Training need identification
b. Training design
c. Training cycle
d. Training plan
•Ans A
14.Which role is the HRD manager assuming when
he co-ordinates and support delivery of training and
development programs in the organizations?
a. Analyst
b. Evaluator
c. Administrator
d. Researcher
•Ans C
15. What is the significance of HRD in an
a. Develops need for training
b. Supporting organizational development initiative
c. Providing overall training concerning customer
d. Keep the stakeholders happy
•Ans B

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