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26/5/2021 / / MONDAY / / 001

Basketball Updates


The smell of saltwater filled the air as the two buses
unloaded into the Safari Motel. The sounds of almost 50
excited boys voice rang throughout the parking lot and
you could almost feel the excitement.
“This is it, I thought to myself,” said Yousef. “We’re finally
“Here” was AUS., the place where Yousef and the rest of
his high school basketball team had worked to arrive at
all year long.
The Tournament of Basketball (T.O.B.) holds their
championships every year and this was Yousef’s year. He
served as his team’s captain and wasn’t letting another
championship slip through his fingers again.
“It was such a big disappointment in AUS my sophomore
year, when we ended up in second place,” said Yousef. “I
felt like it was my responsibility to deliver a
championship to this group, especially the seniors.”
Those other seniors included three of Yousef’s best
friends since elementary school. Between the four of
them, they’d been through two major heartbreaks, one
divorce, and one death in the family.
“The journey we’d taken with each other and the
friendships we built meant just as much as winning that
championship,” said Yousef. “But to end at the top was
something we all wanted to do.”
To end at the top for Yousef and his teammates required
them to beat PPS.
The two teams finished at the top of their divisions for the
past nine years and were bitter rivals.
“We hated each other like Barcelona fans and Madrid
fans hate each other,” Yousef said. “It was one of the
most intense things I’ve ever been a part of.” TIRED AFTER PRACTICING
The interaction between the two teams was limited, but BACKSTAGE
never pleasant. Team members exchanged words before
and after preliminary performances as well as at chance
“We used to walk the boardwalk at night, talking to guys
and having fun,” Yousef said, “but we were always
reminded of the task at hand when we saw PPS walking
the boardwalk in their championship jackets.”
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How to prepare for a big day?
As the final round of performances drew closer
and closer, Yousef began to feel the pressure. The
buzz around the conventions center seemed to
revolve around whether or not his team could
rebound from the heartbreaking loss two years
The night before they were to take the floor
against PPS for the championship, Yousef
gathered his teammates in his hotel room. The
tiny room swelled to capacity. He spoke slowly,
savoring the moment, and thanked everyone for
the memories of the last four years.
“I didn’t sleep at all that night,” said Yousef.
The two teams warmed up back stage, side by
side, anxiously awaiting their last chance to prove
themselves as champions. The disciplined and
veteran teams went out and hit their routines as
they usually did.
Except this time it felt different.
“It was my last time, for all of it,” said Yousef.
“The last time I’d have the chance to beat PPS, the
last time my parents would see me win, and
sadly, the last time I’d be able to win next to these
girls who had become like family to me.”
There was only one thing left to do. Wait. There
were other divisions of Basketball that had yet to
perform. Yousef rounded up his team for one last
pep talk before the waiting began.
THE TEAM BEING REALLY “Those two hours we had to wait until the awards
COMPETITIVE AND ceremony were the longest of my life,” said Yousef.
WORKING REALLY HARD Finally, the teams lined up on the floor with
Yousef at the front of the line, leading his team to
its fate.
“I just stood there, praying to hear PPS name
because they announced the runner-up first,”
recalled Yousef. “And it was the sweetest revenge
to be standing right next to them in line when
they announced them as a runner-up to us.”
The team exploded into a crazy celebration.
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How to win after losing too much?



“We probably should have been a little bit humbler, but it was four years of competition, and most of
the time, losses at the hand of PPS,” said Yousef.
“But that wasn’t the best part,” Yousef said. “The best part was having my best friends with me,
another journey completed together.”
“And that was how it all ended I thought” said Yousef “little did we realize there was a foul made by
us and we were notified” added Yousef
“I waited to see what will happen” said Yousef “all I was seeing made me start feeling bad” recalled
The team waited in worry after all that happiness they seemed to start losing hope
“The referee said we had to replay the second half” later recalled Yousef
“I have never been so stressed and worried in my entire” stuttered Yousef “I wish there was a way I
can relief all this stress”
Stood all the team waiting for everything to get ready
I remembered how much I wanted this and realized what I was doing and what this will eventually
and finally lead to” said Yousef “it will lead to a victory I’ll never forget after four years of working
really hard since sophomore”
they call Yousef and he says “this is what I’m talking about we saw the ups and downs to this sport
now I
Yousef rounded around his teammates and said that “this is the time they all have been waiting for”
he later added “I want everyone to play a clean game without any fouls”
They were finally called to play the game kept going for an hour and they waited for an hour for the
judges to review the footage
can sleep at night without overthinking anything” then he follows by saying “thanks to you guys”
After an hour of waiting the judges announce “and the winners for this competition are almawakeb
all the team started jumping and screaming and wanted this so bad and finally this worked out and
now they call Yousef and he says “this is what I’m talking about we saw the ups and downs to this
sport now I can sleep at night without overthinking anything” then he follows by saying “thanks to
you guys”
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Why Do People Cyberbully?
Cyberbullying happens for many of the same reasons as any other type of bullying, but it may
be even more appealing because it can be done anonymously. Two kinds of people who are
likely to bully: those who are popular and those who are on the social fringes. Popular kids or
teens may bully because they see it as a way to stay popular and hurting others makes them
feel powerful. Kids or teens who are less socially successful may bully because it helps them
cope with their own low self-esteem or they think it will help them fit in with their peers and
they have trouble empathizing with those they hurt.

Firstly, Chances are that your family has at least one
computer, tablet, or smartphone with Internet access that
your child uses for fun and learning. While you may be
vigilant about monitoring your child's use and restricting
access to inappropriate content, you may not be aware that
Internet bullying, also known as cyberbullying, can occur
through simple emails, instant messages, or posts and
comments created by others.
Like other forms of bullying, serious consequences like
A picture of an overwhelmed child due to
Cyberbullying depression and suicidal thoughts and behavior have been
linked to cyberbullying, Victims of cyberbullying can
Percentage of parents whose experience symptoms of depression including sadness,
kids have been bullied, by age:
loneliness, insecurity, poor self-esteem, academic decline,
feelings of not belonging, and suicidal thoughts and
•47.7% of parents with children behavior. Nancy Willard, author of "Cyberbullying and Cyber
ages 6-10 reported their children Threats Responding to the Challenge of Online Social
were bullied Aggression, Threats, and Distress," writes that the effects of
cyberbullying may be more damaging than in-school
•56.4% of parents with children bullying because cyberbullied children do not have the
ages 11-13 reported their
opportunity to escape the harassment. Due to the
children were bullied
anonymous nature of some Internet harassment, victims
•59.9% of parents with children may not be able to identify their harasser and feel that
ages 14-18 reported their everyone is against them.
children were bullied
Cyberbullying is a growing problem that impacts kids
•54.3% of parents with children all over the world. And, for the first time in years,
ages 19 and older reported their cyberbullying has surpassed bullying as the most
children were bullied common type of harassment that middle school and
high school students experience.
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How does it increase

Secondly, avoid posting explicit photos of

yourself online. Also, never discuss
personal matters on social media. In
other words, keep the information limited
within your group of friends and family.

Most importantly, never ever share your Imitate others!!

internet password and account details (Kids will imitate their peers if
with anyone. Keep all this information to
they bully.)
yourself alone. Be alert and do not click
on mysterious links, they may be scams.
In addition, teach your kids about
cyberbullying and make them aware of
what’s wrong and right. Cyberbullying
To sum up, Cyberbullying is a problem in
can follow someone around through
societies that are advanced enough to have the
things like social media, texts, emails,
technology to connect with other people online
blogs and other digital channels.
and is not easily fixable. Cyberbullying can
Cyberbullying is a serious problem that
affect anyone but is most prominent in today’s
many young people are dealing with. It’s
youth. If we can curve out this awful behavior
likely that you or someone you know has
early in their age, they are unlikely to continue
experienced it.
down that path. Unfortunately, this is not an
easy task. This will require schools, and
Cyberbullying is a type of bullying and
especially parents to be aware of the problem
involves the use of technology to
and act on it. Eliminating cyberbullying will
intimidate, hurt or humiliate someone.
take a combined effort and won’t be eliminated
Cyberbullying can include:
overnight. If the government is willing to accept
• Spreading secrets or rumors about
that cyberbullying is a problem, laws can be put
people online
in place to help discourage this activity. Even
• Harassing other players in online video
still, parents and schools should eliminate and
stop this behavior now, then laws shouldn’t be
• Recording someone secretly and sharing
necessary. So schools and parents, be aware of
it on social media
what kids are doing on the internet and their
phones, and act if they are doing something
that they shouldn’t be. Act now!

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