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Fabric Quality Analysis &


By sourabh sashwat
 To apply definition of quality to product
development, product evaluation and customer
 To develop specifications for durability, comfort
safety and health that describes material
performance requirements.
 To integrate the properties of Textile materials with
end uses and market needs.
 To understand the versatility of textile materials for
apparel and furnishing products.
 Understanding the quality parameters
from fibre to product stage.
 Importance of textile testing and analysis.
 Testing and evaluation of the
performance of textile materials and
 Basic concept of statistics.
 Total quality management.
Constructional details of the fabric
 Type of fabric

 Commercial name (if any)

 Weave

 Particulars

Materials used for warp

Ends/Picks per inch
Count of warp & weft
Warp & weft cover factor
Warp & weft crimp percentage
 Warp & weft twist
 Weight per square yard
 Fabric cover factor
 Special finish
 Price per metre
 Source
 Colour Fastness washing/rubbing
 Calculation: Mean value, Standard
deviation co-efficient of variation of
each sample.
Objective of fabric testing
 Research
 Selection of raw material
 Process control
 Process development
 Product testing
 Research: The results of testing helps
the scientist/designer/Inspector to
decide which route to be followed next:
 Selection of raw material

Raw materials is relative term:

Spinner----------------- Fibre
Weaver----------------- Yarn
Textile Designer-------Fabric
 Process control
When fabric processing goes out of
control the amount of waste and
number of seconds increase, costs go
up and very often tempers too. A plan
of production requires certain standard
levels to which materials in process
must conform.
Process development
Process development may be
considered as a form of applied
research for development of new
Product testing
The object of product test is to assess
or find out the performance quality of a
finished article in actual service.
Aesthetics describes how a textile
product satisfies the customers needs in
terms of appearance, fashion
preference, fit and styling.
 Conformance describes the degree to
which a product’s design and function
match standards and specifications.
Reliability and conformance are related
to manufacturing based approaches to
 Durability refers to how long a textile
product will be usable for its intended
purpose. Durability incorporates an
element of time into the assessment.
Durability can be influenced to
substantial degree by how the items is
used cleaned, and stored.
Cost refers to the amount of money
exchanged for a textile product. Cost or
price is used to categorized many textile
products. mass merchandise price lines of
better, bridge, moderate and budget for
many apparel and furnishing products
suggest to customer that the cost of a
product and its quality are directly related.
Comfort describes how the textile
product interacts with the body. items
that are comfortable allow consumers
to use or wear them without thinking
about them or being annoyed or made
comfortable by them.
 Care describes how the product
responds to the procedure
recommended for returning a soiled
items to its clean and as near to new
condition as possible. The effect of
cleaning a product is evaluated from
many perspectives
Consumer satisfaction
Consumer satisfaction is an attempt at
assessing how well a product or service
meets customer expectation. In TQM
consumer satisfaction is top priority. the
company needs to know who its
consumers are in order to satisfy needs.
Textile fibre is affected to many
physical properties by the amount of
water absorbed as these are
hygroscopic fibre
Dimensions, tensile strength, elastic
recovery, electrical resistance, rigidity,
and so on.
Testing atmosphere
An atmosphere for testing is specified
as one with a relative humidity of 65%
+2% and temp of 20o + 2o C
In tropical and subtropical regions the
difficulties of achieving a temperature
of 20o C are understood and so a higher
standard temperature used. 27o C + 2 C

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