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Danh từ: Đếm được/ Không đếm

được & Dạng số ít/ nhiều

Danh từ: Đếm được/ Không đếm được
1. Đặc điểm của danh từ đếm được:
Chỉ những gì đếm được, chẳng hạn như.
a sandwich (một cái bánh two sandwiches (hai cái bánh
xăng-uých) xăng-uých)
a dog (một con chó) three dogs (ba con chó)
a friend (một người bạn) ten friends (mười người bạn)
a cup of tea (một tách trà) four cups of tea (bốn tách trà)

Có thể ở số nhiều, chẳng hạn như

a day many days
Có thể theo sau một số đếm, a/an hoặc some (một vài)
Danh từ: Đếm được/ Không đếm được
2. Đặc điểm của danh từ không đếm được:
Chỉ những gì không đếm được hoặc những gì có tính cách
trừu tượng, chẳng hạn như:
Money (tiền bạc),
weather (thời tiết),
nature (thiên nhiên)......
Không thể ở số nhiều. Có thể theo sau some (nào đó), chứ
không thể theo sau a/an hoặc một số đếm
Countable nouns
• Countable nouns are things that we can count.

• We can put an ‘s’ on a countable noun.

a pear 2 pears

an apple 3 apples
Uncountable nouns
• Uncountable nouns are things that we cannot count.

• We cannot put an ‘s’ on an uncountable noun.

sugars salts
Practice 1:

Are the things

countable or

Countable Uncountable

Countable Uncountable
Countable Uncountable

Countable Uncountable
Countable Uncountable

Countable Uncountable
Countable Uncountable
orange juice

Countable Uncountable
Countable Uncountable
an orange

Countable Uncountable
Countable Uncountable

Countable Uncountable
Are there any…? (countable nouns)

Are there any apples?

Yes, there are.

No, there aren’t.

Is there any…? (uncountable nouns)

no ‘s’

Is there any sugar?

Yes, there is.

No, there isn’t.

Practice 2:

Is there any sugar?

Tim: ________
Mum: No, there ________.
Are there any eggs?
Tim: ________
Mum: Yes, there ________.
Are there any tomatoes?
Tim: _______________
Yes, there are.
Mum: _________________
Is there any flour?
Tim: _______________
No, there isn’t.
Mum: _________________
Is there any orange juice?
Tim: _______________
Yes, there is.
Mum: _________________
Are there any
Tim: _______________ apples?
No, there aren’t.
Mum: _________________
Is there any butter?
Tim: _______________
Yes, there is.
Mum: _________________
Singular and Plural
One and More
Shoe Leaf

A noun is a name of a person, place or thing.



Nouns can be more than one.



Balloons Cups
Adding s to make plurals.

Singular Plural Singular Plural

Shoe Shoes Clock Clocks

Ball Balls
Spoon Spoons

Car Cars Cup Cups

Match singulars and plurals.

Cups Ball Spoon Doors


Ball Car Door Spoons

Cars Cup Clock Clocks

Adding es to make plurals.
Singular Plural

Box Boxes
When nouns end with
sh, ch, s or x we add es
to make plurals.

Brush Brushes
Match singulars and plurals.

Brush Bunch Boxes

Brushes Foxes Box Glass

Fox Glasses Bunches

Adding ies to make plurals.
Singular Plural When nouns end with y
we add ies to make

Bunny Bunnies If there is a vowel

before the y then s is

Pony Ponies

Monkey Monkeys
Story Stories
Match singulars and plurals.

Bunny Pony Boy Stories

Toys Toy Monkey Boys

Ponies Bunnies Story Monkeys

Some nouns have different plurals.
Singular Plural Singular Plural

Child Children Foot Feet

Man Men Woman Women

Tooth Teeth Mouse Mice

Match singulars and plurals.

Mouse Foot
Teeth Woman

Women Mice
Tooth Child

Men Man Feet Children

Some singular and plurals are the same.
Singular Plural

Sheep Sheep

Deer Deer

Salmon Salmon
Match singulars and plurals.

Deer Salmon

Sheep Sheep

Salmon Deer
So is it all some how related?

Lets take a look, shall we?

Countable nouns

Things I can count

Two oranges
Three oranges
a + noun
one + noun noun + -s

a potato potatoes
Uncountable nouns

Things I can’t count

We love to read books.
countable Uncountable
7-1 Let’s Practice

Please pass the salt.
countable Uncountable
7-1 Let’s Practice

We need some chairs.
countable Uncountable
There is a mango. Singular countable
I have an egg.

There are some apples.

I have some eggs. Plural countable

There is some sugar. Uncountable

He has some bread.
7-3 Let’s Practice
a an some

a banana in the recipe.

There is _____
singular countable noun
7-3 Let’s Practice
a an some

some ice cream in the fridge.

There is _____

uncountable noun
7-3 Let’s Practice
a an some

I need some
_____ water to wash my

uncountable noun
I’d like some juice.

unspecified quantity

I’d like a glass of juice.

specified quantity
Some: Affirmative sentences:
There is some money

Any: Negative and Interrogative

Is there any money?
No, there isn’t.

There isn’t any money

7-8 Let’s Practice

some any

some time to study.

I need _____
7-8 Let’s Practice

some any

There is some
_____ cheese.
7-8 Let’s Practice

some any

There aren’t _____

any horses in
the field.
7-8 Let’s Practice

Let review
Write P if the noun below is plural.
Write S if the noun below is singular.

1. houses
2. baby
3. church
4. tables
5. books
6. bus
Write P if the noun below is plural.
Write S if the noun below is singular.

1. Houses P
2. baby S
3. church S
4. tables P
5. books P
6. bus S
Add es to make nouns plural that end
• buses
• taxes
• ch
• benches
• sh
• dishes
Add ies to make nouns plural that
end with a consonant and a y:
• lady
• ladies

• fry
• fries
Some nouns that end in f or fe
change to ves when made plural:
• calf
• calves

• knife
• knives
Some nouns that end in o change to es
when made plural. Some change to s:

• kangaroo
• kangaroos

• potato
• potatoes
Some nouns do not change at all
when made plural:

• sheep
• sheep

• deer
• deer
Some nouns become a new word when
made plural:

• Man

• men

• goose
• geese
Some nouns become a new word when
made plural:

• Person

• People
Some nouns become a new word when
made plural:

• tooth

• teeth
Can you make these nouns plural?

1. half
2. foot
3. piano
4. spy
5. brush
Can you make these nouns plural?

1. halves
2. feet
3. pianos
4. spies
5. brushes
Can you make these nouns plural?

1. mouse
2. memo
3. shelf
4. leaf
5. child
Can you make these nouns plural?

1. mice
2. memos
3. shelves
4. leaves
5. children
Can you make these nouns plural?

1. thief
2. woman
3. fish
4. photo
5. die
Can you make these nouns plural?

1. thieves
2. women
3. fish
4. photos
5. dice
Thanks you for listening

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