Introduction To Bioch Mistry

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7-11:30 MW
AY2021-2022 2nd Sem

Prof. Ma. Chona G. Portin

Definition of Biochemistry
deals with the chemistry of living
deals with chemical processes which go
on in living matter
study of the structure, composition, and
chemical reactions of substances in living
DNA molecule Protein structure

Virus pepsin enzyme

Importance of Biochemistry

Biochemistry serves as a central component

of all health sciences including
microbiology, genetics, physiology,
nutrition, and medicine.
Application of Biochemistry to
Prevent and treat health related problems

It will set the pace in the search

for prevention and treatment of heart
disease, cancer, genetic diseases,
peridontal disease, nutritional
deficiencies, infectious diseases and other
health disorders.
Application of Biochemistry to
It explains the mechanisms on how
oncogenes convert normal cells into
tumor cells, how enzymes catalyze
chemical reactions, how cholesterol
contributes to heart disease, and how
aspirin lowers body temperature.
It can manipulate and modify life forms
Attributes of Life
Growth and repair
Complexity and organization
Possess characteristic size and shape
Responsiveness to stimuli or sensitivity
Variation and change
Attributes of Life

Adaptation- presence of body structures

that make living things fit to live in its
Attributes of life

Growth – ability to add new tissue

Repair – ability to replace damaged parts
Attributes of life

Reproduction – ability to beget offsprings,

ensuring propagation and continuance of
Attibutes of life

Metabolism- biological and chemical

activities or functions that provide energy
Attributes of life
Complexity – refers to elaborate structures
needed to carry out laborious functions

Organization – is putting the different body

structures into order so that the organism
can function effectively and efficiently.



Organ System
Attributes of life
Regulation – ability to keep the functions
under control through the use of
hormones and enzymes.

Possess characteristic size and shape

Attributes of life

Responsiveness to stimuli or sensitivity –

ability to respond favorably or unfavorably to
its environment

Attributes of Life
Locomotion – ability to move on its
initiative under its control
Attributes of Life

Variation and change – explain why no two

organisms are exactly alike and no
organism remains unchanged forever
Chemical substances of life
1. Water
2. Organic compounds
a. Nucleic acids
b. Proteins
c. Carbohydrates
d. Fats and lipids
3. Inorganic elements
a. Bulk elements – N, Na, Mg, P, S, Cl, K,
and Ca
b. Trace elements – Fe, Zn, I

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