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Future Contract

Associate Professor
A futures contract is an agreement between two parties – a buyer and a seller –
wherein the former agrees to purchase from the latter, a fixed number of shares or
an index at a specific time in the future for a pre-determined price. These details are
agreed upon when the transaction takes place. As futures contracts are
standardized in terms of expiry dates and contract sizes, they can be freely traded
on exchanges. A buyer may not know the identity of the seller and vice versa.
Further, every contract is guaranteed and honored by the stock exchange, or more
precisely, the clearing house or the clearing corporation of the stock exchange,
which is an agency designated to settle trades of investors on the stock exchanges.
What are Futures Contracts?
Futures contracts are available on different kinds of assets – stocks, indices,
commodities, currency pairs and so on. Here we will look at the two most common

futures contracts – stock futures and index futures.

Future contracts
• t allows hedgers to shift risks to speculators.
• It gives traders an efficient idea of what the futures price of a stock or value of an
index is likely to be.
• Based on the current future price, it helps in determining the future demand
and supply of the shares.
• Since it is based on margin trading, it allows small speculators to participate
and trade in the futures market by paying a small margin instead of the entire
value of physical holdings.
What are the advantages and risks of However, you must be aware of the risks involved too. The main risk stems from the
futures contracts: temptation to speculate excessively due to a high leverage factor, which could
amplify losses in the same way as it multiplies profits. Further, as derivative products
are slightly more complicated than stocks or tracking an index, lack of knowledge
among market participants could lead to losses.
Advantages of Future Contract
How to Buy and Sell Futures Contracts
How to settle futures

What are the payoffs and

charges on futures contracts

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