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UNIT 10: Conservation

Lesson 1: Reading
This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-SA

Forest fires
Forest clear-cutting (deforestation)
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This Photo by Unknown Author is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND

Liquid waste from a factory

Killing elephants (from poachers)
Air pollution from industry
Oil tanker spill
+ conservation (n) [ ,kɔnsə:'vei∫n ] sự bảo tồn
conserve (v) [ kən'sə:v ]
bảo tồn
+ destruction (n) [ dis'trʌk∫n ] sự tàn phá
+ dam (n) [ dæm ]
đập (ngăn nước)
 A hydroelectric dam [ ,haidrou i'lektrik ]
đập thuỷ điện
+ circulation (n) [,sə:kju'lei∫n ] sự lưu thông
[ 'rʌn'ɔ:f ]
+ run-off (n) sự tháo chảy
[ i'rouʒn ]
+ erosion (n) sự xói mòn
[ di'fens ]
+ defence (n) sự bảo vệ

+ to play an important part in sth

II- While you read
Matching the word in A with a suitable
definition in B

1. eliminate. a. the movement of something
[ i'limineit ] around a closed system.
2. circulation
b. concerning or producing
3. run-off electricity by the power of
4. hydroelectric falling water
c. remove or get rid of completely
d. liquid which flows off or from
Choose the most suitable main
idea for each paragraph.

1. We cannot live without water.

2. Let’s do something to save the earth.
3. Forests give us a lot of valuable things.
4. Vegetation can help conserve water.
I. Before you listen:
Forest : rừng
Campfire : lửa trại
Valuable : quý giá
Forester : lính kiểm lâm
Destroy: Phá hủy
Awful : kinh khủng
- forest:
- forester: Cán bộ kiểm lâm
- a forest fire: Vụ cháy rừng

- a heap of leaves:
Một đống lá

- (to) spread: lan rộng

II. While you listen:
Task 1: Listen and number the
events in the order you hear.
3 A campfire near a heap of leaves may
easily cause a forest fire.
2 In late summer, fire is the greatest danger
to forests, and sometimes people are not
allowed to go into them
5 All of us must care for our great forests and
save them from fire.
1 It’s an unpleasant thing to see a great
forest fire.
4 A forest fire destroys valuable wood,
wildlife and good soil.
Task 2: Listen again, and decide
whether the statements are True
(T) or False (F)
1. Once a fire has started, it takes
times to spread. It spreads quickly

2. In late autumn, forest may easily
catch fire. summer

3. Campers must use earth to put
out their campfires completely. 
4. A forest fire may make life more
difficult for all of us.

of us
5. It is the duty of every forester to 
take care not to start a forest fire.
Task 3: Listen again, and tick
() the sentences you hear
a. Have you ever seen a forest destroyed by a
b. Have you ever seen a forest fire?

a. A great forest fire spread quickly.

b. A great forest fire is an awful thing to see.

a. They are very dry then.

b. Woods and forests are really dry then.

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