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Chapter Four

Decision Making
1. Definition of Decision Making

Decision is choice made from available


Decision Making is a process of identifying

problems and opportunities and resolving them.
2. Importance of Decisions
Basically some decisions are more
important than other. The importance of
decisions can be seen from:
The degree of influence the decision has
on the future business activities
The impact of the decision on other
functional areas
Recurrence of the decision
3. Categories of Decision
 Programmed and non programmed
 Major and minor
 Routine and strategic
 Simple and complex
A) Programmed Decisions
 a simple, routine matter for which a manager
has an established decision rule
B) Non-programmed Decisions
 a new, complex decision that requires a
creative solution
Categories of Decision Cont’d
C) Major and Minor
 Categorized based on the importance.

D) Routine and Strategic

Routine decisions are:
 repetitive decisions and are called tactical or
household decisions.
 supportive to the major decisions and have a main
purpose of achieving efficiency.
 Strategic decisions are long range decisions that
have significant impact on the entire organization.
4. Decision Making Conditions
 Virtually all decisions are made in an
environment of at least some uncertainty.
 The degree will vary from relatively certain to
great uncertainty.
The conditions under which decisions are made
includes: Certainty, Risk, Uncertainty, Ambiguity
Decision Making Conditions Cont’d
A) Decision making under Certainty:
 Decision makers are relatively sure about what will happen when they
make decisions.
 Information is available and is considered to be reliable and cause and
effect relationship are known.

B) Decision making under Risk

● decision has clear-cut goals
● good information is available
● future outcomes associated with each alternative are subject to chance
Attitude towards risk
 Decision maker’s aversion to or acceptance of risk depends on:
 Individual difference
 Size of the risk
 Level of management in organization
 Source of funds involved
Decision Making Conditions Cont’d
C) Decision making under uncertainty:
managers know which goals they wish to achieve
 information about alternatives and future events is
 managers may have to come up with creative approaches
to alternatives
D) Decision making Ambiguity
 by far the most difficult decision situation
 goals to be achieved or the problem to be solved is
 alternatives are difficult to define
 information about outcomes is unavailable
5.Decision Making Techniques
1. Group Decision Making
 Group problem solving directs the manager in the role of
facilitators and consultant.
 Compare to individual decision making , group can provide more
input and better decision.
2. Nominal Group Technique (NGT)
 It is eliciting written questions, ideas, and reactions from group
Consists of :
 Silently generating ideas in written.
 Round-robin presentation by group members of their ideas on a flip
 Discussing each recorded idea and evaluate.
 Voting individually on priority ideas, with group solution being
derived mathematically through rank ordering.
Decision making techniques Cont’d
3. Delphi Technique
 It is judgments on a particular topic are systematically gathered
from participants who do not meet face to face.
 Useful when expert opinions are needed .
4. Brainstorming
 The idea generating technique wherein a Group members meet
and generate diverse ideas about the nature, cause , definition, or
solution to a problem without regard to questions of feasibility
or practicality.
 Through this technique, individuals are encouraged to identify a
wide range of ideas. Usually, one individual is assigned to
record the ideas on a chalkboard.
 most effective at the beginning, once a problem has been stated
 most effective for simple, well-defined problems
Decision making techniques Cont’d
5. Fishbone diagram (causes and effect)
 Is drawn after a brainstorming session, the central problem is
visualized as the head of the fish, with the skeleton divided into
branches showing contributing causes of different parts of the
6. Pareto Analysis
 Selecting the Most Important Changes To Make.
 It uses the Pareto principle - the idea that by doing 20% of work
you can generate 80% of the advantage of doing the entire job
 is a formal technique for finding the changes that will give the
biggest benefits.
Decision making techniques Cont’d
7. Paired Comparison Analysis
 Working Out the Relative Importance of Different Options.
 helps you to work out the importance of a number of
options relative to each other.
 particularly useful where you do not have objective data to
base this on.
 easy to choose the most important problem to solve, or
select the solution that will give you the greatest advantage .
Decision making techniques Cont’d
8. Six thinking hats - Looking at a Decision from All Points of
 It is used to look at decisions from a number of
important perspectives.
 This forces you to move outside your habitual
thinking style, and helps you to get a more rounded
view of a situation.
'6 Thinking Hats‘
How to the Tool:
 Each 'Thinking Hat' is a different style of thinking.
Decision making techniques Cont’d
White Hat:
 With this thinking hat you focus on the data
available. Look at the information you have, and see
what you can learn from it.
Red Hat:
 you look at problems using intuition, gut reaction,
and emotion .
 Try to understand the responses of people who do
not fully know your reasoning.
Black Hat:
 look at all the bad points of the decision .
Decision making techniques Cont’d
Yellow Hat:
 The yellow hat helps you to think positively.
 It is the optimistic viewpoint that helps you to see all the
benefits of the decision and the value in it
Green Hat:
 The Green Hat stands for creativity.
 This is where you can develop creative solutions to a problem
Blue Hat:
 The Blue Hat stands for process control.
 This is the hat worn by people chairing meetings.
When running into difficulties because ideas are running dry,
they may direct activity into Green Hat thinking.
 When contingency plans are needed, they will ask for Black Hat
Decision making techniques Cont’d
9. Decision grid:
 is a matrix for comparing multiple options when there are
also several criteria to consider.
 It has many names, including Pugh matrix, solution matrix,
decision making matrix, decision grid, problem selection
 It is a rational model and is also classed as a visual decision
 When the complexity of the decision increases these
decision making tools and techniques can prove useful.
 Especially as the number of options and criteria increase.
6. Decision-Making Process
 
Evaluation Recognition of
and Decision
Feedback Requirement

Implementation Diagnosis
of Chosen Decision- and Analysis
Alternative Making of Causes

Selection of Development of
Desired Alternatives

7. Decision Making Model
Selecting a Decision Making Model Depends
 the manager’s personal preference
 Whether the decision is programmed or non-
 Extent to which the decision is characterized by
risk, uncertainty, or ambiguity
7.1 Three Decision-Making Models

 Classical model
 Administrative Model
 Political Model
A) Classical Model
Logical decision in the organization’s best economic
 Decision maker operates to accomplish goals that are known
and agreed upon
 Decision maker strives for condition of certainty – gathers
complete information
 Criteria for evaluating alternatives are known
 Decision maker is rational and uses logic
Normative = describes how a manager should make decision
and provides guidelines for reaching an ideal outcome for the
B) Administrative Model - Herbert A. Simon
 Managers actually make decisions in difficult
situations characterized by non-programmed
decisions, uncertainty, and ambiguity
 Two concepts are instrumental in shaping the
administrative model
● Bounded rationality: people have limits or
boundaries on how rational they can be
● Satisficing: means that decision makers choose the
first solution alternative that satisfies minimal
decision criteria
Administrative Model Cont’d
 Decision goals often are vague, conflicting
and lack consensus among managers;
 Rational procedures are not always used
 Managers’ searches for alternatives are limited
 Managers settle for a satisficing rather than a
maximizing solution
 Based on intuition (uncertainty, limited facts
& data, time, less scientific predictability)

Descriptive = how managers actually make

decisions - not how they should
C) Political Model
 Closely resembles the real environment in
which most managers and decision makers
 Useful in making non-programmed decisions
 Decisions are complex
 Disagreement and conflict over problems and
solutions are normal
Coalition = informal alliance among managers
who support a specific goal
7.2 Characteristics of Decision Making Models

Classical Administrative Political

- Clear-cut problem and goal - Vague problem and goals - Pluralistic; conflicting goals

- Condition of certainty - Condition of uncertainty - Condition of uncertainty/ambiguity

- Full information about - Limited information about - Inconsistent viewpoints;

alternatives and their outcomes alternatives and their outcomes ambiguous information

- Rational choice by individual - Satisficing choice for resolving - Bargaining and discussion

for maximizing outcomes problem using intuition among coalition members

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