Ancient Egypt Contributions: Haphsa

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I chose writing to be on the top of my list since writing opened a

lot of paths for us. This was a great way for us to record history. I
will show this piece on the right which’s a picture of the oldest
text from Egyptians. Right under the text will go a golden board
where the information will be written. This would be the basic
pattern for all the artifacts. To keep the artifact safe a glass
container with motion sensors will surround it and it will be
locked. This would be a real artifact, the real first writing piece Writing was introduced to us by
Egyptians, this invention was the biggest
of Egypt. Every piece in the EGYPT section will be numbered
and the most important contributions
from 1 to 5. I would paint the wall behind it with the respective
from Egypt. Long back not everyone
number. And writing will be number 1 on the list.
knew how to write, there were one in a
hundred who knew how to write and
read. Egyptians wrote in hierology.

Written on the board below the artifact


Right after writing comes math. Because if you couldn’t write

math wouldn’t be there. I will pick math to be the second because
one uses math everyday in life. This contribution is also
something we use today, and my picture shows exactly what it is.
The picture is the use of decimal system from the Egyptian times.
We still do have a chart for 1s, 10s, 100s to learn the place Math also comes in from EGYPT.
values. I will paint the wall white and write 2 on top of the Geometry, a major part of math came
picture. The picture will be hung on the wall with a huge glass by making pyramids. In Egypt people
covering it. used math to keep track of their
transactions. They also invented the
decimal system which we use today.
10s, 100s, 1000s.

Written on the board below the artifact


Door locks were a great contribution too. They were the

first signs of security which were not humans. I keep them
3 on my list. A picture of the oldest door lock from a
research scene will be picked up to keep here. This will be
the only picture of the lock taken. The wall behind will say
3 and the picture will be in a glass lock.

The Egyptians were inspired by the

Assyrians to create their door lock.
The lock originated in the Near East;
the oldest known example was found in
the ruins of the palace of Khorsabad
near Nineveh.

Written on the board below the artifact


I choose architecture to be next just because of the

Pyramids. When anyone says “Egypt” the first picture to
come in mind is a Pyramid and mummies. Which’s why I
thought of showing a Pyramid. My piece in the museum
about the pyramids be a model of the Pyramid of Djoser.
Which was the first ever created pyramid in Egypt. This
model will be covered in motion sensing glass for security
This is the model of The Pyramid of
and the wall behind says 4. It will also be made from the Djoser. It is the first pyramid built in
material used in the ancient time that is mud and rocks. So Egypt. Egyptians brought in
we created a smaller version of the Pyramid of Djoser. architecture too. And created beautifully
structured pyramids.

Written on the board below the artifact


The last I have chosen to be medicine. Medicine has

originated from Egypt. The doctors would have different
type of cures for everything. My artifact is a wall piece
from archelogy spots. It shows how medicines were made
in Egypt. I had to put medicine in my list since we had to
acknowledge that even back then people were quite
developed and they cared about their fellow others. This
piece will be secured with the motion sensor glasses and a
huge 5 will be painted up on the wall. With this my Egypt
This is a piece of wall from ancient Egypt archelogy
side will be completed.
spots which shows how medicine was made in Egypt.
The Ancient Egyptians had a wide variety of medicines
and cures. Some of their medicines were quite strange.
For example, they used honey and human brains to cure
eye infections. They also used a whole cooked mouse to
help cure coughs. Many of their medicines were
accompanied by spells to ward off the evil spirits making
the person sick.
Written on the board below the artifact





Made by Haphsa.

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