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Mahatma Education Society’s

Pillai College of Arts, Commerce & Science

New Panvel

Academic Year : 2020-21

Class : F.Y. B.Com

Semester : I
Subject : Environmental Studies

Submitted to : Dr. Rinkoo Shantnu

Name of the Student : Muskan Mohammed Kunbi

Roll Number : 121

Topic : Energy Resources – Problems and Conservation

News Articles related to Energy Conservation
What are Sources of Energy ?

 Renewable Sources –
Renewable energy sources are the natural sources of energy. They come from
natural sources or processes that are constantly replenished.
For example, sunlight or wind keep shining and blowing, even if their availability
depends on time and weather.

Types of Renewable Sources of Energy

Solar Energy, Wind Energy, Tidal Energy, Hydroelectric Power, etc.

 Non-Renewable Sources –
A non-renewable resource is a resource that cannot be readily replaced by natural
means at a quick enough pace to keep up with consumption. Basically, non-renewable
sources of energy are limited in nature and take time for generation.

Types of Non-Renewable Sources of Energy –

Coal, Oil, Natural Gas, Nuclear Energy, etc.
Problems of Energy Resources

 Growing worldwide demand for energy, and problems of scarcity and

environmental impact associated with conventional sources are at the base of a very
probable energy crisis in the next two or three decades.

 At the present time, we cannot abandon any existing energy sources. They must
receive the necessary modifications to eliminate or reduce their environmental
impact, and new sources must be added, especially renewable ones.

 Energy is a fundamental ingredient in human life. There is no industrial,

agricultural, health, domestic, or any other sort of process that doesn’t require a
degree of external energy. However, the sources of energy are limited and hence
there is a scarcity of energy in almost every sector.

 The primary energy sources are identified and it seems unlikely

that any will be added in the foreseeable future. Hence, there is
a need to protect the sources of energy.
Conservation of Energy

 It is a basic law of energy that energy cannot be created, it can just be transformed
from one form to another. Therefore, it is a major role for everyone in this world to
take steps to conserve this scarce resource.

 Energy conservation can be done by using the energy in a more efficient and
effective manner and trying to limit and reduce the usage of energy to the least
level possible and thus saving it for future generations.

 Less consumption benefits the environment and protects wildlife. It decreases

direct air pollution from machinery, vehicles and power stations.

 If the public conserves electricity, utilities will not have to build as

many power plants. These facilities are often unsightly, generate
considerable amounts of noise and create safety hazards for nearby residents.
Even wind turbines produce noise and kill birds that inadvertently fly into
How to Conserve Energy ?

 Use LEDs
LED lights are 80% more efficient than other lighting options. Why? Only 5% of the light
energy is made into heat - which means 95% of the energy is used for lighting. It also uses less
energy - reducing power demands

 Carpooling
Carpooling is the sharing of car journeys so that more than one person travels in a car, and
prevents the need for others to have to drive to a location themselves. This is very effective in
saving fuels, especially the non renewable ones.

 Use Bucket Baths instead of Showers

Showers use much more water than what is used in a bucket bath. We should try reduce the
usage of water by not using showers.

 Turn off your Lights

This one is simple and completely. If you aren’t in a room,
turn off the lights. Additionally, try using minimal lighting by
adding LED fairy lights or lamps into your rooms - or replace
your light bulbs for more energy-efficient options.

 Wikipedia
 Google Photos

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